SCADA  |  critical infrastructure

Digital substations and log collection

European electric power system operators supply around 2800 TWh of electricity per year and manage around 10 million kilometers of power lines - more than ten round trips to the Moon. Such electric travel is impossible without electric substations, an essential component of a power grid. Its automation becomes ultimately digitalized, so requires proper monitoring both for operational and security purposes. Let’s take a look at how a unified log collection pipeline embeds into power automation systems and helps make sure the lights stay on.

Cybersecurity  |  SCADA  |  OT  |  IIoT

Industrial cybersecurity - The facts

In Feb 2021, a major cybersecurity incident was declared when a hacker gained malicious access to the water treatment system of Oldsmar, Florida. Officials said the hacker tried to increase the level of sodium hydroxide in the city’s water supply, putting thousands at risk of being poisoned. Fortunately, it was quickly confirmed that this potential terroristic act did not come to fruition. Two years later, we still have no details on the malicious actor.