release  |  Raijin database

Raijin announces release of version 2.1

Raijin has announced the release of version 2.1 of its powerful, schemaless SQL-like database engine. This focuses on performance improvements. Read on for the highlights and check out the Raijin release notes for a complete list of the features and improvements. Performance improvements As mentioned, this release focused on optimizing the performance of partitioned database tables. Partitioned tables store data in separate locations with their own set of metadata based on the values present in the data.

release  |  Raijin database

Raijin announces release of version 2.0

Raijin has announced the release of version 2.0 of its powerful, schemaless SQL-like database engine. This version introduces several performance improvements. Read on for the highlights and check out the Raijin release notes for a complete list of the features and improvements. Enhanced table partitioning Table partitioning is a key factor in database management, improving query performance by only searching through relevant information and optimizing storage by efficiently pruning irrelevant content.

release  |  Raijin database

Raijin announces release of version 1.5

Raijin has announced the release of version 1.5 of its powerful, schemaless SQL-like database engine. This version introduces several performance improvements. Read on for the highlights and check out the Raijin release notes for a complete list of the features and improvements. Centralized storage for simpler management Until now, Raijin stored various stateful files in different locations across the system, requiring additional effort to keep track of that content. Raijin has now been refactored to use /data as the base directory.

release  |  Raijin database

Raijin announces release of version 1.4

Raijin has announced the release of version 1.4 of its powerful, schemaless SQL-like database engine. This version introduces new functionality for managing users and views, among several fixes and performance improvements. Read on for the highlights and check out the Raijin release notes for a complete list of the features and improvements. Improved user management This release builds on the previous one to provide better user management and auditing. With the SHOW USERS command, you can now retrieve a list of your Raijin users and their authentication type.

release  |  Raijin database

Raijin announces release of version 1.3

Raijin has announced the release of version 1.3 of its powerful, schemaless SQL-like database engine. This version implements user authentication and permissions and focuses on enhancing performance and robustness. New user authentication and permissions This release introduces certificate and password-based user authentication and granular user permissions. You can grant permissions at the database or table level with support for the following privileges: ALL PRIVILEGE (superuser) CREATE SELECT INSERT DROP

release  |  Raijin database

Raijin announces release of version 1.2

Raijin has announced the release of version 1.2 of its powerful, schemaless SQL-like database engine. This version introduces significant performance improvements and usability enhancements. Faster data ingestion and query performance This release optimizes data ingestion by introducing partial parallelization. Raijin Database now parses and inserts batches of data simultaneously, resulting in up to 15% faster ingestion. The team also addressed bottlenecks in the SELECT and COPY statements and implemented several optimizations to improve overall query performance.

release  |  Raijin database

Raijin announces release of version 1.1

Raijin has announced the release of version 1.1 of its powerful, schemaless SQL-like database engine. Many new features have been added to version 1.1. Let’s take a look at the highlights. Prometheus exporter improvements Introduced disk usage statistics - Disk usage statistics about free space availability and file system size were introduced. Introduced query statistics - Event and query statistics were introduced in the Prometheus exporter. The following statistics can be queried:

release  |  Raijin database

Raijin announces release of version 1.0

Raijin has announced the release of version 1.0 of its powerful schemaless SQL database engine, furthering its goal of "solving schema rigidity" in modern databases. Many new features have been added to this version 1.0 milestone release. Let’s take a look at some of the headline features. The power of SQL without the drawbacks SQL has been the titan of database query languages for decades, and it is still ubiquitous the world over.