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using nxlog regex_replace
Hello, im trying to use this function to hide filenames for windows event 4663 and attempt was made to access an object: <Processor replace_files> Exec if $raw_event =~ /Object Name.*\.[a-zA-Z0-9]+$/ { # Replace file name with 'xxxxx' and keep the file extension intact $raw_event = regex_replace($raw_event, '(Object Name.*\\)[^\\]+(\.[a-zA-Z0-9]+)', '\1xxxxx\2'); } </Processor>nxlog logs keeps telling im missing a module, is this function locked to the enterprise version ? is there another way around it ? thanks in advance 

Asaf Sobol created
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NxLog CE version 2.X statement of Supporting windows server 2022
Hi,We are using NXLog-CE version 2.10.2150 and we prepare to deploy NX log agent in Windows server 2022.Is Nxlog 2.10.2150 supporting log collection for Windows server 2022?If the version is not supported, what is the minimum NX log agent to support Windows server 2022?Thanks.

Ken1 created
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route to local file.
Hi there,  I have the following log server setup which recevice log from various servers and route to another server as well as written to a local file.<router>path from_other_servers => output_another_server, local_zip_encrypted_file<\route>it seems for smaller log size, I have to restarts the nxlog before the file can be written locally.    (the file is empty when I tried to decrypt and uncompress the file)(1) is it possible to force flush into local file in regular basis?(2) though I don't see the log written to local file, can I check if the log is forwarded to another server in this case?Thanks in advanceBest regards,Loh

kjloh created
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pm_null Deprecation Alternative
With pm_null being marked for deprecation, does anyone know what the suggested alternative would be for creating modular configurations that use multiple processors?e.ginput => p1 => p2 => outputWhere p1 and p2 are pm_null modules that contain execs to perform some transformation on the event?

George1 created
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NXLog Platform API key is invalid
Hi something wrong with my API key? copy and paste to the config.  run the command below and get this error. Please help Thankserror:source ./ && CALLED_FROM_MAKEFILE=1 ./scripts/[2024-11-17 17:39:21] [ERROR] Your NXLog Platform API key is invalid: MDE5MzI2MjktZGJmMy03ZmY2LThiZTMtM2Q3MDkxZjBmOTQzOm5ISlJCSVdpR1orR1RnZEUzaHUzenJHUVd2T2xBYlpHQTVGUUhLcVBuQmM9. Please double check your input.[2024-11-17 17:39:21] [ERROR] Status code returned by cloud 401[2024-11-17 17:39:21] [INFO] You have 2 attempt(s) left to input a valid NXLog PLatform API keyEnter your NXLog PLatform API key: make: *** [Makefile:209: check-api-key] Error 1root@nxlog:/home/ubuntu# sudo wizard  

MICHAEL123 created
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Enabling HTTPS for NXLog Manager - using custom certificate
Hello! I’m looking through the steps to “Enabling HTTPS for NXLog Manager” using a CA signed cert. The documentation provided is rather limited ( additional information you can share would be appreciated.Thanks!

nervevector created
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OM_AZURE problem with CA
I've been testing sending logs directly to Sentinel and am having a problem with NXLOG not liking the CA. The error is not one I'm finding a lot of online help with.“no certificate or crl found” appears in the the log file, repeatedly.Maybe an issue with the CA I'm pointing to? Is there a specific one for Azure Sentinel that I'm overlooking, and if so, where is that obtained?Thanks in advance.--B

Brad created
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nxlog platform start up issue
Have installed nx onprem on ubuntu 22.04.5 LTS and cant login after the install finishes. Not sure how many pods are suppose to run but I see a postgress and vault 1c9df1fc6f5d                                3 hours ago  Up 2 hours ago (healthy)              nxlog-1_2_2-vault-1eef5bec91376  -c config_file=/e...  3 hours ago  Up 2 hours ago (healthy)              nxlog-1_2_2-postgres-1 Below is what shows listening and I don't see any web services. dp    UNCONN  0       0                            *      users:(("dnsmasq",pid=1291,fd=4))          udp    UNCONN  0       0                        *      users:(("systemd-resolve",pid=627,fd=13))  udp    UNCONN  0       0        [fe80::d433:a2ff:fe02:9e0d]%cni-podman1:53             [::]:*      users:(("dnsmasq",pid=1291,fd=10))         tcp    LISTEN  0       32                           *      users:(("dnsmasq",pid=1291,fd=5))          tcp    LISTEN  0       4096                     *      users:(("systemd-resolve",pid=627,fd=14))  tcp    LISTEN  0       128                            *      users:(("sshd",pid=750,fd=3))              tcp    LISTEN  0       32       [fe80::d433:a2ff:fe02:9e0d]%cni-podman1:53             [::]:*      users:(("dnsmasq",pid=1291,fd=11))         tcp    LISTEN  0       128                                         [::]:22             [::]:*      users:(("sshd"I see the following error in nxp.logHA Mode                 standbyActive Node Address     <none>Raft Committed Index    31Raft Applied Index      31Error authenticating: error looking up token: Error making API request.URL: GET 500. Errors:I got the following during the install[2024-09-25 00:28:55] [INFO] Vault container ID: 62f8bd5e1e00[2024-09-25 00:28:55] [INFO] Executing command (/init/ in container 62f8bd5e1e00...make: *** [Makefile:231: seed-vault] Error 2

EH_272573 created
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NXLog Platform - vault container stuck in bootloop
Hello,I'm attempting to install the NXLog Platform on-prem on a Ubuntu 24.04 LTS VM, but I am running into the following error on the nxlog-1_2_2-vault-1 container:fetch fetch WARNING: updating and opening temporary error (try again later) WARNING: updating and opening temporary error (try again later) ERROR: unable to select packages: supervisor (no such package): required by: world[supervisor] fetch fetch WARNING: updating and opening temporary error (try again later) WARNING: updating and opening temporary error (try again later) ERROR: unable to select packages: supervisor (no such package): required by: world[supervisor] fetch When accessing this link from my host machine, I am able to download the .tar.gz, so it does not seem to be a network issue. Additionally, from the VM I am able to reach the internet perfectly fine to, e.g., run updates and I can cURL the URL from the VM as well.Any assistance on this would be appreciated!Thanks

nervevector created
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Replace function to remove a string
HiHere is my configuration. However, only Sysmon events are not working because they contain "/operational: " at the beginning of the message, which causes the events to be parsed incorrectlySo I want to know how to remove "/operational:  "<Extension syslog>   Module          xm_syslog</Extension><Input in>   Module          im_msvistalog   ReadFromLast True    <QueryXML>            <QueryList>  <Query Id="0">   <Select Path="Application">*</Select>   <Select Path="System">*</Select>   <Select Path="Security">*</Select>   <Select Path="Windows PowerShell">*</Select>   <Select Path="Microsoft-Windows-Sysmon/Operational">*</Select>  </Query> </QueryList> </QueryXML>   Exec          $UnixTime = integer($EventTime)/1000; </Input><Output devo_relay> Module        om_tcp Host          13000 I tried Exec if ($SourceName =~ /Microsoft-Windows-Sysmon\/Operational/) { $Message = replace($Message, "/operational: ", ""); }and Exec    if ($Message =~ /\/operational: /) {                     $Message = replace($Message, "/operational: ", "");                 }But all did not work

Jay1 created
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Read a log with yesterdays date in the filename
I'm successfully using this config format with im_file to read logs with todays date in the filename:'\\server.domain\Logs\IN' + strftime(now(), "%y%m%d") + '.log'One of our services writes its log for the previous day at 3am on the next day. The filename has yesterdays date. What's the easiest/neatest/most efficient way of reading this log please?

James created
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Is it possible to "reset the baseline" for the File Integrity module?
We currently have NXLog running on Windows 2019 with the file integrity module that monitors files in sub directories under a main directly.  I.E.  Say we have about 20 subdirectories for files under a directory called c:\code. If any file is changed/deleted/added under that directory, an alert message is sent out via the OM_UDP module to our siem. The problem I am looking to resolve, is that I will be copying over about 10 new directories with hundreds of files in each directory, and I don't want NXLog to generate hundreds of alerts because it found new files and directories.  Is there a way to “reset” or “refresh” the baseline after the new files/folders are copied over so it will know those files should be there? created
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NXLog Manager 5.7.5
Hi,Could you please advise on how to replace the NXLog-Manager's self-signed certificate for the HTTPS console?The steps in the following article do not apply to version 5.7.5: help. Thanks.Regards, Billy

billychua created
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Nxlog Manager integrate with LDAPS
I'm trying to integrate with LDAPS and do have some issue. I'm using the below document and below is the command to import LDAPS certificate into the cacerts keystore. keytool -keystore <PATH_TO_JRE>/lib/security/cacerts -import -alias \ certificate -file <PATH_TO_CERTIFICATE>/certificate.cerWhen i try to import the certificate and they are asking for the keystore password. I assume this keystore was created during installation not sure what is the password.Need to check whether anyone know what is the keystore password?

billychua created
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Parse log with unicode characters hanging out
I'm attempting to parse a Cerberus FTP log file. What I wind up with:{ "EventReceivedTime": "2024-08-01 16:11:37", "SourceModuleName": "cerberus_log", "SourceModuleType": "im_file", "message": "[\u00002\u00000\u00002\u00004\u0000-\u00000\u00008\u0000-\u00000\u00001\u0000 \u00001\u00006\u0000:\u00001\u00001\u0000:\u00003\u00006\u0000]\u0000:\u0000C\u0000O\u0000N\u0000N\u0000E\u0000C\u0000T\u0000 \u0000[\u00001\u00005\u00002\u00004\u00009\u00002\u0000]\u0000 \u0000-\u0000 \u0000C\u0000o\u0000n\u0000n\u0000e\u0000c\u0000t\u0000i\u0000o\u0000n\u0000 \u0000t\u0000e\u0000r\u0000m\u0000i\u0000n\u0000a\u0000t\u0000e\u0000d\u0000" }I've tried this, to no avail:<Input cerberus_log> Module im_file File "C:\ProgramData\Cerberus LLC\Cerberus FTP Server\log\server.1.log" <Exec> $message = convert($raw_event, "utf-8", "iso8859-2"); if $message =~ s/(.)\\u0000// $message = $1; to_json(); </Exec> </Input>How can I properly parse the log to remove the \u0000 characters before it goes out?

cschelin created
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Logs from centralised solution does not pass host field in some instances
We have a distributed solution and a centralised solutionBoth send events to Splunk (I'm the Splunk Admin)100% of the distributed events have the host field present.About 50% of the centralised events have the host field missing and show :Hostname: ?Any idea why this would be? is this a misconfiguration on the centralised host somewhere?  or on the agentless side?Module:SourceModuleName: in_audit_pipe   SourceModuleType: im_pipeThanks.

esky created
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im_msvistalog --> Exec if or drop statement understanding problem
Hi,I am using this code snipping<Input EventLOG>Module im_msvistalogExec if ($TargetUserName == 'SYSTEM') OR ($EventType == 'VERBOSE') drop();</Input>This is working fine with my nx-Client at Windows 11. It push notification at my debian server with installed rsyslog server.But I want to have some specific ID´s from Windows Eventlog.( e.g. 5013, 10016, 4616, 6869)Can anybody point me to the right way? Thanks in Advance for every help. Heinz  

hkrischeu created
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im_azure using proxy to connect to Azure environment
Hello,We are setting up log collection from Azure Log Analytics workspace but the connection is not possible without B2B proxy. I see that Proxy setup is possible only with om_azure module. We need to read and collect the logs from the Azure environment and not to send it there. What should we do to make it happen? Without proxy the connection is not possible and we can't use nxlog for our new service. Is there any other module which could set the proxy by default etc. ? Thank you,Martin W.

mwaszut created
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One Input Multiple Outputs (AlienVault/Nxlog)
We currently have a central logging server for our Windows Servers collecting and forwarding with NXLog to AlienVault.  We have a working config file currently that I would like to modify to be able to send two of the Windows Event ID's that are being collected to our NDR (Vectra).  What is the best route to be able to configure multiple sources and/or outputs? Currently we have two working configs, one for Vectra and one for AlienVault, but I'd like to “combine” them in a way that allows us to be able to send relevant data to their needed sources.AlienVault uses a patterndb.xml file for what events it wants to collect, Vectra just needs two specific event ID's that it calls out in the log file with the below line. It then outputs to an IP.  This seems like it should be pretty straight forward but I'd like to have it sort of configured/figured out before I bring down my AlienVault feed.We are also currently using the Nxlog community edition if that matters.<Input eventlog>   Module im_msvistalog<QueryXML> <QueryList>  <Query Id="0" Path="ForwardedEvents">  <Select Path="ForwardedEvents">*[System[(EventID=4768 or EventID=4769)]]</Select> </Query></QueryList></QueryXML></Input>

seppic created
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Windows Event Log - Drop/Filter
All,Hopefully an easy question.I am currently collecting Windows event logs on a dedicated forwarding server (using native WEF) in a dedicated event log (named “Forwarded Events”).  I have NxLog installed on this server and logs are being sent properly to my SIEM.Currently I am having difficulties filtering events where the SubjectUserName field ends with “$” symbol (logs are still reaching my SIEM). Below is a snippet of my configuration.  I am running NXLog Enterprise version 6.2.Please advise.<Extension json> Module xm_json </Extension> <Input windows_security_eventlog> Module im_msvistalog ReadFromLast True SavePos True <QueryXML> <QueryList> <Query Id="0"> <Select Path="ForwardedEvents">*</Select> </Query> </QueryList> </QueryXML> <Exec> ################################################### # Drop noisy machine object access (4662) events.# ################################################### if $EventID == 4662 AND ($SubjectUserName =~ /(.)$/) drop(); </Exec> </Input> created
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