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nxlog in Windows server 2000
BibekShrestha created
I am trying to install nxlog on Windows server 2000. However, I get the error "Installation directory must be on a local hard drive."
I have tried using administrative command prompt, Same Error.
Can anyone help me out here?
BibekShrestha created
Set default interface to send.
_omar_ created
I have a server that send logs (with nxlog-ce), that has 3 network interface (3 differents IPs). So any time that reboot server, I see (on my SIEM) incoming logs from a different IP. Is there a way to set on nxlog the default interface?
_omar_ created
SCCM remember last id
alain112 created
Hi how can I modify my query to remember the last recordid? Right now im using the timestamp and its working but I want to use the recordid as the timestamp is causing another issue.
<Input in>
Module im_odbc
IdType integer
ConnectionString DSN=SMS SQL;database=CM_IMG;encrypt=true;trustServerCertificate=true;
SQL SELECT RecordID as id,'Microsoft_SCEP' as Name, MAL.DetectionTime as SCEPMalDetectTime, SY.Name0 as TargetHost,SY.Resource_Domain_OR_Workgr0 as NTdomain, U.UserName,MAL.Process,MAL.Path,MAL.ThreatID, MAL.ThreatName,MAL.SeverityID,TR.Category,CA.DefaultAction as CleanAction, PA.DefaultAction as PendingAction,MAL.ExecutionStatus,MAL.ActionSuccess,MAL.ErrorCode, CASE WHEN (LEN(MAL.Path) - LEN(REPLACE(MAL.Path, ';file:', ''))) = 0 THEN 1 ELSE (LEN(MAL.Path) - LEN(REPLACE(MAL.Path, ';file:', '')))/6 END AS MaliciousFileCt FROM CM_IMG.SCCM_Ext.vex_EP_Malware MAL LEFT JOIN CM_IMG.dbo.v_R_System SY on SY.ResourceID = MAL.ResourceID LEFT JOIN CM_IMG.dbo.v_Users U on U.UserID = MAL.UserID LEFT JOIN CM_IMG.dbo.EP_ThreatCategories TR on TR.CategoryID = MAL.CategoryID LEFT JOIN CM_IMG.dbo.EP_ThreatDefaultActions CA on CA.DefaultActionID = MAL.CleaningAction LEFT JOIN CM_IMG.dbo.EP_ThreatDefaultActions PA on PA.DefaultActionID = MAL.PendingActions where MAL.DetectionTime >= dateadd(minute, -5, GetDate())
SavePos TRUE
alain112 created
imfile config keyword Exclude unknown
MikaAleksandroff created
I'm testing out the nxlog-ce-2.10.2150 and am trying to do simple exclusion of log files, as explained should be possible here:
However, no matter how I try, I get this:
2019-01-09 13:31:19 ERROR invalid keyword: Exclude at /etc/nxlog/nxlog.conf:109
Is this something that simply is not included in the community edition or what gives?
Thanks for any help,
MikaAleksandroff created
Unable to Install Nxlog on Centos 7 commandline
malwaresecninja created
I've been unable to install Nxlog on Centos7 command line. I've researched the documentation and have used
yum install nxlog-ce-2.10.2150-1_rhel7.x86_64.rpm
at the command prompt and getting
No package nxlog-ce-2.10.2150-1_rhel7.x86_64.rpm available
Error: nothing to do
Can you please assist? Thank you.
malwaresecninja created
CentOS 7 installation problems
finkle created
Fresh install of CentOS 7. Downloaded nxlog-ce-2.10.2150-1_rhel7.x86_64.rpm Ran yum install on file, it installed all the dependencies and finished successfully, no errors.
Next step in the guide says to edit /opt/nxlog/etc/nxlog.conf -this file doesn't exist. the only nxlog.conf I could find is in /etc/.
After much googling I figured I'd move forward, next step is to verify conf file "/etc/nxlog.conf -v" - here's the output:
[root@LS-PHL-NXL001 opt]# su root /etc/nxlog.conf
/etc/nxlog.conf: line 9: User: command not found
/etc/nxlog.conf: line 10: Group: command not found
/etc/nxlog.conf: line 12: LogFile: command not found
/etc/nxlog.conf: line 13: LogLevel: command not found
/etc/nxlog.conf: line 18: syntax error near unexpected token `newline'
/etc/nxlog.conf: line 18: `<Extension _syslog>'
I'm not sure what to do next. What did I do wrong and how do I fix it?
finkle created
Nxlog: im_wmi
yajitux created
I'm trying to configure Windows Management Instrumentation (im_wmi) for a host on a different subnet. I'm getting an error:
chown: cannot access ‘wmiusername:nxlog’: No such file or directory. where am I going wrong? My config is as below:
<br/>######################################## <br/>User nxlog <br/>Group nxlog <br/> <br/>LogFile /opt/nxlog/var/log/nxlog/nxlog.log <br/>LogLevel DEBUG <br/> <br/> <br/>######################################## <br/># Inputs # <br/>######################################## <br/> <br/><Input wmi> <br/> Module im_wmi <br/> Host 10.x.x.x <br/> Username wmiusername <br/> Password SomePassword <br/> Domain <br/> ReadFromLast True <br/></Input> <br/> <br/><Output file> <br/> Module om_file <br/> File "/opt/nxlog/var/windows/" + $AccountName + ".log" <br/></Output> <br/> <br/><Route wmi_to_file> <br/> Path wmi => file <br/></Route> <br/>
yajitux created
nxlog syslog configuration
infogatherer created
I have installed the nxlog package on Linux. I am trying to use nxlog as syslog with SSL support. Following is the configuration file:
## This is a sample configuration file. See the nxlog reference manual about the
## configuration options. It should be installed locally under
## /usr/share/doc/nxlog-ce/ and is also available online at
# Global directives #
User nxlog
Group nxlog
LogFile /var/log/nxlog/nxlog.log
LogLevel INFO
# Modules #
<Extension _syslog>
Module xm_syslog
<Input ssl>
Module im_ssl
Host localhost
Port 6292
CertFile /var/lib/nxlog/cert/certificate.pem
CertKeyFile /var/lib/nxlog/cert/key.pem
InputType Syslog_TLS
Exec parse_syslog_ietf();
<Input in1>
Module im_udp
Port 514
Exec parse_syslog_bsd();
<Input in2>
Module im_tcp
Port 514
<Output fileout1>
Module om_file
File "/var/log/logmsg.txt"
Exec if $Message =~ /error/ $SeverityValue = syslog_severity_value("error");
Exec to_syslog_bsd();
<Output fileout2>
Module om_file
File "/var/log/logmsg2.txt"
# Routes #
<Route 1>
Path in1 => fileout1
<Route tcproute>
Path in2 => fileout2
Itry to run this in foreground using nxlog -f. nxLog starts but it shows the warning - "WARNING not starting unused module ssl ". Does this mean SSL is not being used by nxLog? Why it says unused and how to correct it.
infogatherer created
NXLog and MS Exchange Server Transport Logs
michaelb created
I'm trying to use the NXLog to Transfer my MS Exchange Server Transport Logs to an Elastic Search Server.
I added the follwing config to the nxlog.conf File:
define BASEDIR C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\TransportRoles\Logs\MessageTracking
<Input in_exchange>
Module im_file
File '%BASEDIR%\MSGTRK????????-.LOG' # Exports all logs in Directory
SavePos TRUE
Exec if $raw_event =~ /HealthMailbox/ drop();
Exec if $raw_event =~ /^#/ drop();
<Output out_exchange>
Module om_udp
Host <IP of Elastic Search Server>
Port <Port of the Elasioc Search Server>
Exec $SyslogFacilityValue = 2;
Exec $SourceName = 'exchange_msgtrk_log';
Exec to_syslog_bsd();
<Route exchange>
Path in_exchange => out_exchange
When I start the nxlog Service it states in the log:
INFO nxlog-ce-2.10.2150 started
I don't get any information on the ElasticSearch Server.
In the Wireshark I don't see any UDP packet and so I guess the NXLOg Service don't do anything.
Are there any more inormation or debugging logs to use?
Thanks for any hint
michaelb created
Trying to delete IIS logs older than X days
stephen created
Hello All
Happy New Year!!!
I am trying to delete IIS logs older than 7 days.
I tried using the following:
<Extension _fileop>
Module xm_fileop
Every 1 day
Exec file_remove('E:\IIS Logs\W3SVC1\*.log', (now() - 6048000 ));
But the above did not work - the file(s) were not deleted and no entries in the nxlog logfile.
Note: the nxlog-ce documentation states the following regarding wildcard usage:
file_remove(string file);
Remove file. It is possible to specify a wildcard in the filename (but not in the path). The backslash () must be escaped if used as the directory separator with wildcards (for example, C:\test\*.log). This procedure will reopen the LogFile if it is removed. An error is logged if the operation fails.
For Debugging purposes, I tried using the following:
<Extension _fileop>
Module xm_fileop
Every 1 day
Exec if (file_ctime("E:\IIS Logs\W3SVC1\*.log") <= now()) log_info("File is older");
The following entry is in the nxlog logfile:
2019-01-02 18:10:19 ERROR failed to read file creation time on 'E:\IIS Logs\W3SVC1*.log': The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.
Note: Maybe file_cname cannot except wildcards in the filename because if I use the following:
Every 10 sec
Exec if (file_ctime("E:\IIS Logs\W3SVC1\u_ex181224.log") <= now()) log_info("File is older");
Then I receive the following in the nxlog logfile:
2019-01-02 18:23:08 INFO File is older
If I try the following:
Every 10 sec
Exec if (file_ctime("E:\IIS Logs\W3SVC1\u_ex181224.log") <= now()) log_info("File is older");
Exec file_remove("E:\IIS Logs\W3SVC1\u_ex181224.log", (now() - 6048000 ));
The following appears in nxlog logfile:
2019-01-02 18:26:26 INFO File is older
2019-01-02 18:26:28 WARNING input file was deleted: E:\IIS Logs\W3SVC1\u_ex181224.log
All of the above is leading me to believe the file_remove procedure does not support wildcards in the name.
Does anyone have any experience with this?
Anyone have a suggestion on how I can implement the above? Ideally, I would like to pass in the IIS Logs parent folder and recursively delete files older than 7 days in all sub-folders.
Using nxlog-ce-2.10.2150
Many thanks
stephen created
xcc not found
squigley created
I am having this issue on both Ubuntu and FreeBSD. While trying to compile the pattern parser, it is failing because xcc doesn't exist:
xcc -b -i patterndb_parser.xcc -o patterndb_parser.c
/bin/bash: xcc: command not found
make[5]: [Makefile:738: patterndb_parser.c] Error 127 (ignored)
Making all in pattern
xcc -b -i patterndb_parser.xcc -o patterndb_parser.c
make[4]: exec(xcc) failed (No such file or directory)
*** Error code 1 (ignored)
Both of these lead to the build failing because patterndb_parser.c was not generated:
gcc: error: patterndb_parser.c: No such file or directory
gcc: fatal error: no input files
compilation terminated.
make[5]: *** [Makefile:480: patterndb_parser.lo] Error 1
cc: error: no such file or directory: 'patterndb_parser.c'
cc: error: no input files
*** Error code 1
Where does xcc come from? Google is not helping me at all, nor find, nor looking though the git repository.
squigley created
ERROR remote ssl socket was reset
hatula created
Hi everybody,
I use nxlog with module om_batchcompress + SSL (self-signed certificates).
In nxlog client's log many errors sometimes:
ERROR remote ssl socket was reset? (SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL with errno=9); End of file found
What is means?
Thank you so much.
client nxlog-3.2.2002
server nxlog-4.1.4046
hatula created
NXLog client failed to read config cache
hatula created
This error is found in the logs nxlog client enterprise from time to time:
2018-12-26 00:00:00 INFO LogFile C:\nxlog\data\nxlog.log reopened
2018-12-26 00:00:00 INFO inode changed for 'C:\nxlog\data\nxlog.log' (79652->79655): reopening possibly rotated file
2018-12-26 00:00:11 ERROR failed to read config cache; string expected for config cache version
2018-12-26 00:00:11 ERROR exiting...
I use recommended configuration for nxlog client:
PersistLogqueue TRUE
SyncLogqueue TRUE
CacheFlushInterval always
CacheSync TRUE
<Input in>
Module im_file
File 'C:\logs\????-??-??.log'
BufferSize 2500000
SavePos TRUE
<Output out>
BufferSize 9500000
Module om_batchcompress
Port 1514
Why is this happening?
Thanks for any ideas!
I use
client nxlog-3.2.2002
server nxlog-4.1.4046
hatula created
Help! Nxlog handling big number of files
kullboys created
I have an application that logs some API requests and responses. Each request is logged in a different file, as a single line. In the system there are thousands of files, and Nxlog seems to have issues sending the logs to Elasticsearch. It reads the file, I can see im_file_add_file command in logs, but it takes a long time to actually send the message.
How does Nxlog process multiple files in a single directory?
kullboys created
Configuring nxLog as syslog server
infogatherer created
I am very new to this and trying to configure the nxLog as a syslog server on windows 2012. I added the following to the default config file:
<Extension _syslog>
Module xm_syslog
<Input ssl>
Module im_ssl
Host localhost
Port 6393
CertFile %CERTDIR%/ukfff6292.pem
CertKeyFile %CERTDIR%/private.pfx
InputType Syslog_TLS
Exec parse_syslog_ietf();
Then on cmd, I start the nxLog with -f option. I get the following error
2018-12-24 11:32:55 ERROR SSL error, couldn't read cert, no start line,
2018-12-24 11:32:55 WARNING no functional input modules!
2018-12-24 11:32:55 INFO nxlog-ce-2.10.2150 started
2018-12-24 11:32:55 ERROR SSL error, couldn't read cert, no start line,
Please help me regarding this.
infogatherer created
Install/compile on Free BSD 11
squigley created
I'm trying to install/compile the Community Edition on FreeBSD 11. I'm having the same issues as were addressed in here:
ie "The port currently needs a little bit more work since it does not properly pick up PCRE from when not in /usr (as on FreeBSD) and I don't really like to hack use to work around that ;-)."
and also here:
"checking pcre.h usability... no
checking pcre.h presence... no
checking for pcre.h... no
configure: error: please install pcre-dev
***@logger:~/nxlog-ce-2.7.1191 #
pcre.h is installed from ports:
***@logger:~/nxlog-ce-2.7.1191 # find / -name pcre.h
I have a similar configuration and error:
checking pcre.h usability... no
checking pcre.h presence... no
checking for pcre.h... no
configure: error: please install pcre-dev
[simonq@freebsd11 /usr/local]$ find . -name pcre.h
I tried the same fix from there, modifying the script to set CFLAGS="-I/usr/local/include", and even adding --includedir=/usr/local/include to the ./configure line, and oldincludedir, since that is apparently used by clang, vs gcc/includedir, but with no change.
The config.log looks like it should be looking in the right place:
Invocation command line was $ ./configure --libexecdir=/usr/local/lib --bindir=/usr/local/bin --sysconfdir=/usr/local/etc --libdir=/usr/local/lib --localstatedir=/var --includedir=/usr/local/include --oldincludedir=/usr/local/include
PCRE_LIBS='-L/usr/local/lib -Wl,-R/usr/local/lib -lpcre'
configure:13250: checking pcre.h usability
configure:13250: cc -c conftest.c >&5
conftest.c:64:10: fatal error: 'pcre.h' file not found
#include <pcre.h>
1 error generated.
| #include <pcre.h>
configure:13250: result: no
configure:13250: checking pcre.h presence
configure:13250: cc -E conftest.c
conftest.c:31:10: fatal error: 'pcre.h' file not found
#include <pcre.h>
1 error generated.
| #include <pcre.h>
configure:13250: result: no
configure:13250: checking for pcre.h
configure:13250: result: no
configure:13257: error: please install pcre-dev
I'm just wondering if anyone else has worked this out? There is a package for the Enterprise Edition for FreeBSD, so there must be a way to get it to compile..
squigley created
No TCP Keep-Alive?
JaVa created
We are facing these error messages in NXLog log files:
2018-12-09 23:45:16 ERROR om_tcp detected a connection error;Connection timed out
2018-12-09 23:45:16 INFO reconnecting in 2 seconds
2018-12-09 23:45:17 INFO connecting to
2018-12-10 01:56:53 INFO reconnecting in 1 seconds
2018-12-10 01:56:53 ERROR om_tcp detected a connection error;Connection timed out
2018-12-10 01:56:53 INFO reconnecting in 2 seconds
2018-12-10 01:56:54 INFO connecting to
2018-12-10 04:08:30 INFO reconnecting in 1 seconds
2018-12-10 04:08:30 ERROR om_tcp detected a connection error;Connection timed out
2018-12-10 04:08:30 INFO reconnecting in 2 seconds
2018-12-10 04:08:31 INFO connecting to
I suspect that our firewall is blocking those connections eventually as i can't see any TCP Keep-Alive packets in tcpdump from the server where the NXLog agent is installed. On 2015-04-01 2.9.1361 changelog is this line:
All tcp based network modules are now using TCP_KEEPALIVE to detect dead peers.
Any ideas on how to fix this?
JaVa created
NXlog crashes on service start
sinisa created
We have had few instances on several servers in the past few weeks, where the NXlog application crashes when starting the service. Commonality so far is Windows Server 2012 Standard. Reinstall of the application corrects the problem, but doesn't sound like a solution. Anyone else experiencing this issue? Any fixes?
Following is the error from the Application Log:
Faulting application name: nxlog.exe, version: 4.1.4016.0, time stamp: 0x00000000
Faulting module name: ntdll.dll, version: 6.2.9200.22376, time stamp: 0x5a90c271
Exception code: 0xc0000374
Fault offset: 0x00000000000da535
Faulting process id: 0x18a4
Faulting application start time: 0x01d490bb5247014e
Faulting application path: C:\Program Files\nxlog\nxlog.exe
Faulting module path: C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll
Report Id: 8ffb8b3b-fcae-11e8-944f-005056856b7b
Faulting package full name:
Faulting package-relative application ID:
sinisa created
Latest nxlog-ce formally supports Windows Server 2016 ? / solved 256 sources limitation?
Deleted user created
I have two questions.
First, a latest nxlog-ce formally supports Windows Server 2016 ?
I saw the following url, and now it seems to support the Windows Server 2016.
Second, the eventlog source limitation on Windows Server 2016 (the OS have over 256 sources, but the nxlog could treat up to 256 sources) is solved ?
I saw the following forum questions.
Deleted user created
Have NXLog always forward file on disk (even if it hasn't changed)
demetri created
I have the following NXLog config below that reads a file from disk and forwards it to another host (syslog). By default, it appears NXLog only forwards the data in the log file if it has changed.
How can you configure 'nxlog.conf' so that it always forwards the file, even if the data hasn't changed?
<Input in>
Module im_file
File "C:\myfile.txt"
<Output out>
Module om_tcp
Port 12345
<Route 1>
Path in => out
demetri created