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Issues developing Regex Patterns
pabloe2021 created
Hi, I am trying to create a regex for parsing log lines from an application. The issue is that the regex works fine in other applications, regex makers, etc. But when used by NXLog it won't find any matches, so I'm afraid there may be some NXLog specific regex syntax. Before I deconstruct this large regex and restart my service repeatedly, I wanted to ask if there is anything immediately obvious that is wrong... or is there a way to create these patterns in a reliable way? I saw some documentation about NXLog manager being able to create patterns, but I don't have access to this tool at the moment.
/\[.*?\] (\d+\s\w+\s\d+\s\d+\:\d+\:\d+\,\d+)\s(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+\W+BusinessApplication:(.+?(?=\|))\|Component:(.+?(?=\|))\|Service:(.+?(?=\|))\|Operation:(.+?(?=\|))\|HttpMethod:(.+?(?=\|))\|Version:(.+?(?=\|))\|Client:(.+?(?=\|))\|ResponseTime:(.+?(?=\|))\|HttpStatus:(.+?(?=\|))\|Status:(.+?(?=\|))\|Severity:(.+?(?=\|))\|StatusDescription:(.+?(?=\|))\|MessageID:(.+?(?=\|))\|PE:(.+?(?=\|))\|CorrelationID:(.+?(?=\|))\|RelativeURI:(.+?(?=\|))\|Region:(.+?(?=\\n))\\n","stream":"(.+?(?="))","time":"(.+?(?="))\"}/
sample log line
{"log":"[http-nio-8080-exec-5] 10 Sep 2021 22:59:16,420 INFO PerfLog [{}]: BusinessApplication:NA|Component:NA|Service:Account Search|Operation:NA|HttpMethod:POST|Version:1|Client:enterpriseapi-2e900c67f3b948a09b0209306c64aa47|ResponseTime:1132|HttpStatus:200|Status:0|Severity:INFO|StatusDescription:SUCCESS|MessageID:MONARCH-afbd568f-e4b7-4a52-9150-26c730077c8e|PE:2718deb1806c4d6fa54efd4bf10a1abf|CorrelationID:MONARCH-2e387962-ec0c-4a11-90b3-7ea834dda252|RelativeURI:/yyyyyy-44444-333/private/25886/auto/accounts/search|Region:prod-west\n","stream":"stdout","time":"2021-09-10T22:59:16.421453207Z"}
Thank you
pabloe2021 created
Regex to set variable
nembosec created
I’m trying to use regex in nxlog.
My current configuration is to save firewall logs to a file .txt using the $Sender value to create the file name.
<Input *****>
Module im_tcp
Port 1001
if $raw_event =~ /LEEF/
<Output >
define OUT_DIR %LOGDIR2%/
Module om_file
File "%OUT_DIR%/" + $Sender + ".txt"
Every 3600 sec
if ->file_size() > 0M
set_var('newfile', file_name() + strftime(now(), '_%Y%m%d%H%M%S') + '.log');
exec_async('C:/Program Files/GnuWin32/bin/bzip2.exe', 'E:// *.log');
This is the Log:
<13>Sep 4 16:07:23 Firewall: LEEF:1.0|FORCEPOINT|Firewall|1.1.1|Connection_Discarded|src= EventReceivedTime=2019-09-04 16:07:23 SourceModuleName=****** SourceModuleType=im_tcp LEEFVersion=<1> LEEF:0.0 Vendor=FORCEPOINT vSrcName=Firewall Version=1.1.1 EventID=Connection_Discarded devTimeFormat=MMM dd yyyy HH:mm:ss devTime=2019-09-04 16:07:23 proto=1 dstPort=80 srcPort=53438 dst= node 1 action=Discard
the system sets the value of $Sender like this:
$Sender = node 1 action=Discard.txt
but I need instead the system to set $Sender this way, only up to "node 1":
$Sender = node 1.txt
I thought about using a regex to extrapolate the value I need, but it doesn’t work.
this one:
if $Sender =~ /(?<=sender=).[^\t]+/g;
$Sender = $1
Can I do this thing?
If so, what should I do?
Thank you
nembosec created
Pattern DB appears to drop fields
progssilb created
I'm trying to get a PatternDB working correctly, and it looks like I'm getting some fields but not all of them. There's only one pattern that's actually generating extra fields, and even it is dropping the first field (ParsedDate). Not sure what's going on here...
Config file (via file inclusion):
<Extension json>
Module xm_json
<Extension syslog>
Module xm_syslog
<Input vg_tsw_client>
Module im_file
File "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\The Secret World\ClientLog.txt"
Exec if not ($raw_event =~ /Scaleform\.TSWACT/) drop();
Exec parse_syslog();
<Input vg_tsw_combat>
Module im_file
File "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\The Secret World\CombatLog-*.txt"
Exec if ($raw_event =~ /Sprinting [VI]+/) drop();
Exec parse_syslog();
<Processor vg_tsw_pattern>
Module pm_pattern
PatternFile %ROOT%\conf\SecretWorld\patterndb.xml
<Output vg_tsw_testfile>
Module om_file
File "C:\\ProgramData\\nxlogs\\vg-tsw-logs.log"
Exec to_json();
<Route vg_tsw_route>
Path vg_tsw_client, vg_tsw_combat => vg_tsw_pattern => vg_tsw_testfile
Pattern DB:
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<created>2010-01-01 01:02:03</created>
<name>basic combat swing</name>
<!-- [00:00:28] (Critical) Solomon County Cop's Spray and Pray hits (Normal) Ravenous Horde for 522 physical damage. (Normal) -->
<value>^\[([^\]]+)\] ((?:\(Critical\) |\(Normal\) )?)(.+?'s|Your) (.+?) hits \((Normal|Glancing)\) (.*?) for (\d+) (physical|magical) damage. \((Normal|Penetrated|Blocked)\)</value>
<name>tswact load plugin</name>
<!-- [2017-02-10 05:47:07Z #3886] [ID:0] ERROR: Scaleform.TSWACT - TSWACT Loaded for |Sheriban| -->
<value>^\[([0-9-:]+)Z #\d+\] \[ID:\d+\] ERROR: Scaleform.TSWACT - TSWACT Loaded for - \|(\w+)\|</value>
<name>tswact load playfield</name>
<!-- [2017-02-10 05:47:07Z #3886] [ID:0] ERROR: Scaleform.TSWACT - Playfield - |Kingsmouth Town| -->
<value>^\[([0-9-:]+)Z #\d+\] \[ID:\d+\] ERROR: Scaleform.TSWACT - Playfield - \|(\w+)\|</value>
<name>tswact enter combat</name>
<!-- [2017-02-10 05:00:22Z #10910] [ID:0] ERROR: Scaleform.TSWACT - Enter combat - |Sheriban|Buffs:Sprinting VI:Elemental Force:Third Degree :World Domination| -->
<value>^\[([0-9-:]+)Z #\d+\] \[ID:\d+\] ERROR: Scaleform.TSWACT - Enter combat - \|(\w+)\|</value>
$TestField = 'testValue';
Some of the output I'm getting:
{"EventReceivedTime":"2017-02-10 11:45:00","SourceModuleName":"vg_tsw_combat","SourceModuleType":"im_file","SyslogFacilityValue":1,"SyslogFacility":"USER","SyslogSeverityValue":5,"SyslogSeverity":"NOTICE","SeverityValue":2,"Severity":"INFO","EventTime":"2017-02-10 11:45:00","Hostname":"shepard","Message":"[11:45:00] Your Pop Shot hits (Normal) Undead Islander for 1437 physical damage. (Normal)","CriticalHit":"","AttackerName":"Your","AttackName":"Pop Shot","Glancing":"Normal","VictimName":"Undead Islander","Damage":1437,"DamageType":"physical","BlockOrPen":"Normal","PatternID":1000,"PatternName":"basic combat swing","type":"Swing"}
{"EventReceivedTime":"2017-02-10 11:45:00","SourceModuleName":"vg_tsw_combat","SourceModuleType":"im_file","SyslogFacilityValue":1,"SyslogFacility":"USER","SyslogSeverityValue":5,"SyslogSeverity":"NOTICE","SeverityValue":2,"Severity":"INFO","EventTime":"2017-02-10 11:45:00","Hostname":"shepard","Message":"[11:45:00] (Critical) Your Pop Shot hits (Normal) Undead Islander for 2965 physical damage. (Penetrated)","CriticalHit":"(Critical) ","AttackerName":"Your","AttackName":"Pop Shot","Glancing":"Normal","VictimName":"Undead Islander","Damage":2965,"DamageType":"physical","BlockOrPen":"Penetrated","PatternID":1000,"PatternName":"basic combat swing","type":"Swing"}
{"EventReceivedTime":"2017-02-10 11:45:00","SourceModuleName":"vg_tsw_combat","SourceModuleType":"im_file","SyslogFacilityValue":1,"SyslogFacility":"USER","SyslogSeverityValue":5,"SyslogSeverity":"NOTICE","SeverityValue":2,"Severity":"INFO","EventTime":"2017-02-10 11:45:00","Hostname":"shepard","Message":"[11:45:00] You gain buff Live Wire"}
{"EventReceivedTime":"2017-02-10 11:45:01","SourceModuleName":"vg_tsw_client","SourceModuleType":"im_file","SyslogFacilityValue":1,"SyslogFacility":"USER","SyslogSeverityValue":5,"SyslogSeverity":"NOTICE","SeverityValue":2,"Severity":"INFO","EventTime":"2017-02-10 11:45:01","Hostname":"shepard","Message":"[2017-02-10 16:45:01Z #18498] [ID:0] ERROR: Scaleform.TSWACT - Out of combat - |Sheriban|"}
{"EventReceivedTime":"2017-02-10 11:45:10","SourceModuleName":"vg_tsw_combat","SourceModuleType":"im_file","SyslogFacilityValue":1,"SyslogFacility":"USER","SyslogSeverityValue":5,"SyslogSeverity":"NOTICE","SeverityValue":2,"Severity":"INFO","EventTime":"2017-02-10 11:45:10","Hostname":"shepard","Message":"[11:45:10] Buff Live Wire terminated."}
Some of the vg_tsw_combat input file:
[11:45:00] Your One in the Chamber hits (Normal) Undead Islander for 231 physical damage. (Normal)
[11:45:00] Buff Sudden Return terminated on Undead Islander.
[11:45:00] Buff One in the Chamber terminated on Undead Islander.
[11:45:00] You gained 146 XP.
[11:45:00] Undead Islander died.
[11:45:00] Your Sudden Return hits (Normal) Undead Islander for 259 physical damage. (Normal)
[11:45:00] Your Pop Shot hits (Normal) Undead Islander for 2045 physical damage. (Penetrated)
[11:45:00] Your Pop Shot hits (Normal) Undead Islander for 2175 physical damage. (Penetrated)
[11:45:00] Your Pop Shot hits (Normal) Undead Islander for 1437 physical damage. (Normal)
[11:45:00] (Critical) Your Pop Shot hits (Normal) Undead Islander for 2965 physical damage. (Penetrated)
[11:45:00] You gain buff Live Wire
[11:45:02] You start using Sprinting VI.
[11:45:03] You gain buff Sprinting VI
[11:45:03] You successfully used Sprinting VI.
[11:45:10] Buff Live Wire terminated.
Some of the vg_tsw_client input:
[2017-02-10 16:33:43Z #6790] [ID:0] ERROR: Scaleform.TSWACT - TSWACT Loaded for |Sheriban|
[2017-02-10 16:33:43Z #6790] [ID:0] ERROR: Scaleform.TSWACT - Playfield - |The Savage Coast|
[2017-02-10 16:34:12Z #7313] [ID:0] ERROR: Scaleform.TSWACT - Enter combat - |Sheriban|Buffs:World Domination|
[2017-02-10 16:34:14Z #7373] [ID:0] ERROR: Scaleform.TSWACT - Out of combat - |Sheriban|
[2017-02-10 16:39:06Z #10609] [ID:0] ERROR: MagicCommand - Trying to prepone the execute timeline to the pass. Spell:7760057
[2017-02-10 16:39:06Z #10624] [ID:0] ERROR: Scaleform.TSWACT - Enter combat - |Sheriban|Buffs:Elemental Force:World Domination|
[2017-02-10 16:39:08Z #10655] [ID:0] ERROR: Scaleform.TSWACT - Out of combat - |Sheriban|
[2017-02-10 16:44:58Z #18330] [ID:0] ERROR: MagicCommand - Trying to prepone the execute timeline to the pass. Spell:7760057
[2017-02-10 16:44:59Z #18388] [ID:0] ERROR: Scaleform.TSWACT - Enter combat - |Sheriban|Buffs:Elemental Force:World Domination|
[2017-02-10 16:45:01Z #18498] [ID:0] ERROR: Scaleform.TSWACT - Out of combat - |Sheriban|
Any ideas?
progssilb created
Multiline Headerline Regex Error
chris.ried created
I am trying to use the multlog module in order to start ingesting a custom log:
I have the following regex: \^(\d{2}|\d).(\d{2}|\d).(\d{4})\s(\d\d|\d):(\d\d|\d):(\d\d|\d)\s(AM|PM).\[(.*)\](.*)
This works in a regex test; however I cannot get it to work with the log file that looks something like this
9/10/2015 11:29:16 AM [0-3-1-SecondaryPortStatus.cs-17] GetStatus for IP: on port: 5016
9/10/2015 11:29:16 AM [0-3-1-SecondaryPortStatus.cs-47] <TRANSACTION>
9/10/2015 11:29:16 AM [0-3-1-SecondaryPortStatus.cs-57] <RESPONSE>
9/10/2015 11:29:16 AM [0-1-1-LandingPage.xaml.cs-49] POS opened
However when running the nxlog.conf for this I am getting the following error
2015-09-15 08:00:43 ERROR couldn't parse expression at line 12, character 13 in C:\Program Files (x86)\nxlog\conf\nxlog.conf; invalid character: '\'
I am unsure what i need to do in order to get this correct; does anyone have any insight or resources I should further explore. Is there a REGEX specific doc for NXLOG?
chris.ried created
how to get values extracted using regex?
mark created
I'm quite new to nxlog, so forgive me if my question is trivial but I'm having hard time to get the values I extract from my logs using exec and a regex. I have a very large stash of old windows logs in text file (in multiline format), what I want to do is use nxlog to load them in graylog, but I want to format the log in a different way.
It works perfectly when I do not use the the exec and the regexp, but it fails with the message:
2015-08-31 12:12:42 ERROR invalid keyword: $timestamp at C:\Program Files (x86)\nxlog\conf\nxlog.conf:36
The regex works when I test it using
The error seems in the way I'm trying to assign/write the variables matched by the regex
My nxlog.conf is like the below:
## This is a sample configuration file. See the nxlog reference manual about the
## configuration options. It should be installed locally and is also available
## online at
## Please set the ROOT to the folder your nxlog was installed into,
## otherwise it will not start.
#define ROOT C:\Program Files\nxlog
define ROOT C:\Program Files (x86)\nxlog
Moduledir %ROOT%\modules
CacheDir %ROOT%\data
Pidfile %ROOT%\data\
SpoolDir %ROOT%\data
LogFile %ROOT%\data\nxlog.log
<Extension gelf>
Module xm_gelf
<Extension multiline>
Module xm_multiline
HeaderLine /^{/
EndLine /^}/
<Input in>
Module im_file
File "C:\\tmp\\\\example-log.txt"
SavePos TRUE
Recursive TRUE
InputType multiline
exec if $raw_event =~ /(?:\{"([0-9]+?), ([0-9]+?), "(.+?)", "(.+?)", "(?:.+?)","(.+?)\n(?:[a-zA-Z0-9:,"\n\r\s\f\t\-\{\}\.\(\)]+?)New\sLogon:\s*(?:.+?)\n\s*Account\sName:\s*(.+?)\n(?:[a-zA-Z0-9:,"\n\r\s\f\t\-\{\}\.\(\)]+?)Source\sNetwork\sAddress:\s*([0-9\.]{7,15})\n(?:[a-zA-Z0-9:,"\n\r\s\f\t\-\{\}\.\(\)]+?)"\})/g;
$timestamp = $1;
$event = $2;
$status = $3;
$type = $4;
$short = $5;
$user = $6;
$source = $7;
#<Output out>
# Module om_tcp
# Host
# Port 12201
# OutputType GELF_TCP
<Output out>
Module om_file
File 'C:\\tmp\\output'
<Route 1>
Path in => out
Could someone kindly help me out on this? I tried to read the nxlog manual but I need to confess that I could not understand what I'm doing wrong
Basically I just would the output to be composed by the raw message and the few fields I match with the regex
Thanks very much!
mark created
multiline extension not getting the endline regex condition
mvf.right created
I am trying to parse a log4net file into json.
Here's my sample log4net:
2015-01-27 01:06:18,859 [7] ERROR Web.Cms.Content.Base.Taxonomy.TaxonomyDetectionProvider [(null)] - Get taxonomy Type Failed for Tools
2015-01-27 06:34:31,051 [26] ERROR www.Status404 [(null)] - ErrorId: 20150127_102b01c6-3208-48c5-8c8b-ae4f92cf2b20
UserAgent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/39.0.2171.99 Safari/537.36
RequestUrl: /ErrorPages/404.aspx
MachineName: QA01
Raw Url:/undefined/
2015-01-27 06:34:33,270 [26] DEBUG Web.Caching.Core.CacheManagerBase [(null)] - Custom CacheProvider:Web.Caching.Core.AppFabricCacheManager,Web.Caching.Core Disabled
Now I am using xm_multiline to capture each log entries.
<Extension multiline>
Module xm_multiline
HeaderLine /^\d{4}\-\d{2}\-\d{2} \d{2}\:\d{2}\:\d{2},\d{3}/
EndLine /\r?\n\r?\n^\d{4}\-\d{2}\-\d{2} \d{2}\:\d{2}\:\d{2},\d{3}/
I use a regex to capture the timestamp as the header then I use a regex to capture twice newline then the next timestamp as endline. However it still treat the second and last entry as ONE log entry.
Here's the output:
{ "EventReceivedTime":"2015-01-27 01:06:35", "SourceModuleName":"log4net", "SourceModuleType":"im_file", "time":"2015-01-27 01:06:18,859", "thread":"7", "level":"ERROR", "logger":"Web.Cms.Content.Base.Taxonomy.TaxonomyDetectionProvider", "ndc":"(null)", "message":"Get taxonomy Type Failed for Tools"}{ "EventReceivedTime":"2015-01-27 06:34:35", "SourceModuleName":"log4net", "SourceModuleType":"im_file", "time":"2015-01-27 06:34:31,051", "thread":"26", "level":"ERROR", "logger":"www.Status404", "ndc":"(null)", "message":" ErrorId: 20150127_102b01c6-3208-48c5-8c8b-ae4f92cf2b20\r\n UserAgent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/39.0.2171.99
Safari/537.36\r\n HostAddress:\r\n RequestUrl: /ErrorPages/404.aspx\r\n MachineName: QA01\r\n
Raw Url:/undefined/\r\n Referrer:\r\n\r\n2015-01-27 06:34:33,270 [26] DEBUG Web.Caching.Core.CacheManagerBase [(null)] - Custom CacheProvider:Web.Caching.Core.AppFabricCacheManager,Web.Caching.Core Disabled"}
I used this to produce that output:
Exec if $raw_event =~ /^(\d{4}\-\d{2}\-\d{2} \d{2}\:\d{2}\:\d{2},\d{3}) \[(\S+)\] (\S+) (\S+) \[(\S+)\] \- (.*)/s \
{ \
$time = $1; \
$thread = $2; \
$level = $3; \
$logger = $4; \
$ndc = $5; \
$message = $6; \
to_json(); \
} \
else \
{ \
drop(); \
I've also tried to tweak it by using this to avoid the combining the last two entries as one. However I am not able to get the last entry anymore.
Exec if $raw_event =~ /^(\d{4}\-\d{2}\-\d{2} \d{2}\:\d{2}\:\d{2},\d{3}) \[(\S+)\] (\S+) (\S+) \[(\S+)\] \- ([\s\S]*?)(\r?\n\r?\n|$)/ \
{ \
$time = $1; \
$thread = $2; \
$level = $3; \
$logger = $4; \
$ndc = $5; \
$message = $6; \
to_json(); \
} \
else \
{ \
drop(); \
mvf.right created