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pm_pattern - matchfield
tiparker created
I'm trying to figure out a good way of only forwarding along events of significance and to filter out the rest - but without having hundreds of lines of XPath queries in nxlog.conf file. I understand that multiple blocks are AND'd together and that 'type' may only be "exact or regexp", but there doesn't appear to be any negation logic (e.g. NOT item or OR item).
Is the 'pm_pattern' module the best approach for trying to accomplish this? Can pattern matches in the patterndb.xml file be defined to drop matching messages? Would a viable approach be to define capture groups to set a variable, then just have something like 'Exec if defined $unwantedMatch { drop();}?
XPath Query:
<Suppress Path="Security">
and (Level=4 or Level=0) and (EventID=4624 or EventID=4625 or EventID=4634)]]
(Data[@Name='LogonType']='5' or Data[@Name='LogonType']='0')
Data[@Name='TargetUserName']='ANONYMOUS LOGON'
patterndb.xml attempt:
Suppress Service Logons
if (
$LogonType =~ /0|5/
or $TargetUserName == 'ANONYMOUS LOGON'
or $TargetUserSID == 'S-1-5-18'
) drop();
XPath Query:
and (Level=4 or Level=0) and EventID=4624]]
*[EventData[Data[@Name='TargetUserName']!='ANONYMOUS LOGON']]
patterndb.xml attempt:
Pass the Hash Success Detection
Thank you for any wisdom/assisstance.
tiparker created
Pattern DB appears to drop fields
progssilb created
I'm trying to get a PatternDB working correctly, and it looks like I'm getting some fields but not all of them. There's only one pattern that's actually generating extra fields, and even it is dropping the first field (ParsedDate). Not sure what's going on here...
Config file (via file inclusion):
<Extension json>
Module xm_json
<Extension syslog>
Module xm_syslog
<Input vg_tsw_client>
Module im_file
File "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\The Secret World\ClientLog.txt"
Exec if not ($raw_event =~ /Scaleform\.TSWACT/) drop();
Exec parse_syslog();
<Input vg_tsw_combat>
Module im_file
File "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\The Secret World\CombatLog-*.txt"
Exec if ($raw_event =~ /Sprinting [VI]+/) drop();
Exec parse_syslog();
<Processor vg_tsw_pattern>
Module pm_pattern
PatternFile %ROOT%\conf\SecretWorld\patterndb.xml
<Output vg_tsw_testfile>
Module om_file
File "C:\\ProgramData\\nxlogs\\vg-tsw-logs.log"
Exec to_json();
<Route vg_tsw_route>
Path vg_tsw_client, vg_tsw_combat => vg_tsw_pattern => vg_tsw_testfile
Pattern DB:
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<created>2010-01-01 01:02:03</created>
<name>basic combat swing</name>
<!-- [00:00:28] (Critical) Solomon County Cop's Spray and Pray hits (Normal) Ravenous Horde for 522 physical damage. (Normal) -->
<value>^\[([^\]]+)\] ((?:\(Critical\) |\(Normal\) )?)(.+?'s|Your) (.+?) hits \((Normal|Glancing)\) (.*?) for (\d+) (physical|magical) damage. \((Normal|Penetrated|Blocked)\)</value>
<name>tswact load plugin</name>
<!-- [2017-02-10 05:47:07Z #3886] [ID:0] ERROR: Scaleform.TSWACT - TSWACT Loaded for |Sheriban| -->
<value>^\[([0-9-:]+)Z #\d+\] \[ID:\d+\] ERROR: Scaleform.TSWACT - TSWACT Loaded for - \|(\w+)\|</value>
<name>tswact load playfield</name>
<!-- [2017-02-10 05:47:07Z #3886] [ID:0] ERROR: Scaleform.TSWACT - Playfield - |Kingsmouth Town| -->
<value>^\[([0-9-:]+)Z #\d+\] \[ID:\d+\] ERROR: Scaleform.TSWACT - Playfield - \|(\w+)\|</value>
<name>tswact enter combat</name>
<!-- [2017-02-10 05:00:22Z #10910] [ID:0] ERROR: Scaleform.TSWACT - Enter combat - |Sheriban|Buffs:Sprinting VI:Elemental Force:Third Degree :World Domination| -->
<value>^\[([0-9-:]+)Z #\d+\] \[ID:\d+\] ERROR: Scaleform.TSWACT - Enter combat - \|(\w+)\|</value>
$TestField = 'testValue';
Some of the output I'm getting:
{"EventReceivedTime":"2017-02-10 11:45:00","SourceModuleName":"vg_tsw_combat","SourceModuleType":"im_file","SyslogFacilityValue":1,"SyslogFacility":"USER","SyslogSeverityValue":5,"SyslogSeverity":"NOTICE","SeverityValue":2,"Severity":"INFO","EventTime":"2017-02-10 11:45:00","Hostname":"shepard","Message":"[11:45:00] Your Pop Shot hits (Normal) Undead Islander for 1437 physical damage. (Normal)","CriticalHit":"","AttackerName":"Your","AttackName":"Pop Shot","Glancing":"Normal","VictimName":"Undead Islander","Damage":1437,"DamageType":"physical","BlockOrPen":"Normal","PatternID":1000,"PatternName":"basic combat swing","type":"Swing"}
{"EventReceivedTime":"2017-02-10 11:45:00","SourceModuleName":"vg_tsw_combat","SourceModuleType":"im_file","SyslogFacilityValue":1,"SyslogFacility":"USER","SyslogSeverityValue":5,"SyslogSeverity":"NOTICE","SeverityValue":2,"Severity":"INFO","EventTime":"2017-02-10 11:45:00","Hostname":"shepard","Message":"[11:45:00] (Critical) Your Pop Shot hits (Normal) Undead Islander for 2965 physical damage. (Penetrated)","CriticalHit":"(Critical) ","AttackerName":"Your","AttackName":"Pop Shot","Glancing":"Normal","VictimName":"Undead Islander","Damage":2965,"DamageType":"physical","BlockOrPen":"Penetrated","PatternID":1000,"PatternName":"basic combat swing","type":"Swing"}
{"EventReceivedTime":"2017-02-10 11:45:00","SourceModuleName":"vg_tsw_combat","SourceModuleType":"im_file","SyslogFacilityValue":1,"SyslogFacility":"USER","SyslogSeverityValue":5,"SyslogSeverity":"NOTICE","SeverityValue":2,"Severity":"INFO","EventTime":"2017-02-10 11:45:00","Hostname":"shepard","Message":"[11:45:00] You gain buff Live Wire"}
{"EventReceivedTime":"2017-02-10 11:45:01","SourceModuleName":"vg_tsw_client","SourceModuleType":"im_file","SyslogFacilityValue":1,"SyslogFacility":"USER","SyslogSeverityValue":5,"SyslogSeverity":"NOTICE","SeverityValue":2,"Severity":"INFO","EventTime":"2017-02-10 11:45:01","Hostname":"shepard","Message":"[2017-02-10 16:45:01Z #18498] [ID:0] ERROR: Scaleform.TSWACT - Out of combat - |Sheriban|"}
{"EventReceivedTime":"2017-02-10 11:45:10","SourceModuleName":"vg_tsw_combat","SourceModuleType":"im_file","SyslogFacilityValue":1,"SyslogFacility":"USER","SyslogSeverityValue":5,"SyslogSeverity":"NOTICE","SeverityValue":2,"Severity":"INFO","EventTime":"2017-02-10 11:45:10","Hostname":"shepard","Message":"[11:45:10] Buff Live Wire terminated."}
Some of the vg_tsw_combat input file:
[11:45:00] Your One in the Chamber hits (Normal) Undead Islander for 231 physical damage. (Normal)
[11:45:00] Buff Sudden Return terminated on Undead Islander.
[11:45:00] Buff One in the Chamber terminated on Undead Islander.
[11:45:00] You gained 146 XP.
[11:45:00] Undead Islander died.
[11:45:00] Your Sudden Return hits (Normal) Undead Islander for 259 physical damage. (Normal)
[11:45:00] Your Pop Shot hits (Normal) Undead Islander for 2045 physical damage. (Penetrated)
[11:45:00] Your Pop Shot hits (Normal) Undead Islander for 2175 physical damage. (Penetrated)
[11:45:00] Your Pop Shot hits (Normal) Undead Islander for 1437 physical damage. (Normal)
[11:45:00] (Critical) Your Pop Shot hits (Normal) Undead Islander for 2965 physical damage. (Penetrated)
[11:45:00] You gain buff Live Wire
[11:45:02] You start using Sprinting VI.
[11:45:03] You gain buff Sprinting VI
[11:45:03] You successfully used Sprinting VI.
[11:45:10] Buff Live Wire terminated.
Some of the vg_tsw_client input:
[2017-02-10 16:33:43Z #6790] [ID:0] ERROR: Scaleform.TSWACT - TSWACT Loaded for |Sheriban|
[2017-02-10 16:33:43Z #6790] [ID:0] ERROR: Scaleform.TSWACT - Playfield - |The Savage Coast|
[2017-02-10 16:34:12Z #7313] [ID:0] ERROR: Scaleform.TSWACT - Enter combat - |Sheriban|Buffs:World Domination|
[2017-02-10 16:34:14Z #7373] [ID:0] ERROR: Scaleform.TSWACT - Out of combat - |Sheriban|
[2017-02-10 16:39:06Z #10609] [ID:0] ERROR: MagicCommand - Trying to prepone the execute timeline to the pass. Spell:7760057
[2017-02-10 16:39:06Z #10624] [ID:0] ERROR: Scaleform.TSWACT - Enter combat - |Sheriban|Buffs:Elemental Force:World Domination|
[2017-02-10 16:39:08Z #10655] [ID:0] ERROR: Scaleform.TSWACT - Out of combat - |Sheriban|
[2017-02-10 16:44:58Z #18330] [ID:0] ERROR: MagicCommand - Trying to prepone the execute timeline to the pass. Spell:7760057
[2017-02-10 16:44:59Z #18388] [ID:0] ERROR: Scaleform.TSWACT - Enter combat - |Sheriban|Buffs:Elemental Force:World Domination|
[2017-02-10 16:45:01Z #18498] [ID:0] ERROR: Scaleform.TSWACT - Out of combat - |Sheriban|
Any ideas?
progssilb created
Regular expression issue within pm_pattern
PlkMarudny created
I have the following regexp:
and a line from the log that I am trying to parse (there are some spaces at the beginning of the line):
13:33:00.1205 [-] Persisting VDOM path /
trying to process a file using pm_pattern module with LogLevel DEBUG this is what I get:
2016-11-16 13:38:00 DEBUG regexp '^\s*(\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}\.\d{4})\s+(\[S+\])s+([\s\S]*)$' did not match against ' 13:38:00.1857 [-] Persisting VDOM path /'
Part of the xml file used to process the input:
<description>Regular log line</description>
What is wrong with my expression?
PlkMarudny created