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Multiple logs with one file directive
bigfoot created
If wildcards are not enough, can I specify multiple files like
File "/var/log/messages;/var/log/otherlog;/var/log/something"
Or are regular expressions allowed here?
bigfoot created
JohnBrenner created
I am a bit confused by the documentation on nxlogce. Below is my sample config. It collects some of the logs just fine but does not collect the logs that I want. Security comes through just fine, application not so much, and system is spotty. I would like to explictyly define Microsoft-Windows-TerminalServices-LocalSessionManager/Operational. If that is not possible I would like to get the forwarded logs from a logcollector and index them. I have tried the documented query statements
Query <QueryList>\
<Query Id="0">\
# <Select Path="Security">*</Select>\
<Select Path="System">*</Select>\
<Select Path="Application">*</Select>\
<Select Path="Setup">*</Select>\
<Select Path='Microsoft-Windows-TerminalServices-LocalSessionManager/Operational'>*</Select>\
and this does not seem to work. If I just leave the sataement as below I do get some messages back but not all, Do I need to buffer my messages to get everything flowing through?
## This is a sample configuration file. See the nxlog reference manual about the
## configuration options. It should be installed locally and is also available
## online at
## Please set the ROOT to the folder your nxlog was installed into,
## otherwise it will not start.
#define ROOT C:\Program Files\nxlog
define ROOT C:\Program Files (x86)\nxlog
Moduledir %ROOT%\modules
CacheDir %ROOT%\data
Pidfile %ROOT%\data\
SpoolDir %ROOT%\data
LogFile %ROOT%\data\nxlog.log
<Extension gelf>
Module xm_gelf
<Input Eventlog>
# Use 'im_mseventlog' for Windows XP and 2003
Module im_msvistalog
<Output outevt>
Module om_tcp
Host myhost.mycomany.local
Port 1338
OutputType GELF
<Route Eventlog>
Path Eventlog => outevt
JohnBrenner created
Epoch time conversion
bigfoot created
I need to convert epoch time in seconds but get year 1970.
I have 1421079464 and epochconverter tells me it is
GMT: Mon, 12 Jan 2015 16:17:44 GMTYour time zone: 12. jaanuar 2015 18:17:44 GMT+2:00
but when I use
Exec if $raw_event =~ /\<TimeStamp\>(.+)\</ {$epochtimetmp = $1; $epochtime=integer($epochtimetmp)*1000; $EventTime = datetime($epochtime);}
I get: EventTime: 1970-01-17 12:44:39
Can somebody please tell me what is wrong here?
bigfoot created
How can I extend a JSON document with an extra field?
object created
Our application writes logs in JSON format so it's quite straightforward to send them to Elasticsearch using om_http module. However we need to enrich JSON logs with additional information like application name. I was searching for the solution and found that I could do the following:
<Output elasticsearch>
Module om_http
URL (server_url)
ContentType application/json
Exec set_http_request_path(strftime(now(), "/test-%Y.%m/log/"));
Exec parse_json(); $Application="MyApp"; to_json();
The last line in the output specification make sure the json payload is first parsed and then generated again, enriched with a new field "Application". I wonder if this is a right approach or there are other alternatives.
Thanks in advance
object created
Download url for nxlog-ce-2.9.1347.tar.gz
mrdavidlaing-labs created
I'm struggling to find the download location for the source version of nxlog-ce-2.9.1347 at
There seem to be links to binary versions for various platforms, and the source of the previous version (nxlog-ce-2.8.1248.tar.gz), but not source for the latest version.
Is this an error, or will the source for nxlog-ce-2.9.1347 not be published?
mrdavidlaing-labs created
Getting duplicate messages from nxlog on Windows
tesseract451 created
The following config is working for me to send windows event logs only for a specific Event Log source application, but it is sending duplicate messages for every Event Viewer event/entry. Can anybody see what the problem is with my config (below)? Running nxlog-ce-2.8.1248
define ROOT C:\Program Files (x86)\nxlog
Moduledir %ROOT%\modules
CacheDir %ROOT%\data
Pidfile %ROOT%\data\
SpoolDir %ROOT%\data
LogFile %ROOT%\data\nxlog.log
<Extension syslog>
Module xm_syslog
<Input eventlog1>
Module im_msvistalog
ReadFromLast TRUE
Exec if (($Channel =~ /Application/) AND ($SourceName =~ /My app name/));
<Input otherapp_log1>
Module im_file
File 'D:\Path\to\my\log\output.log'
SavePos TRUE
ReadFromLast TRUE
PollInterval 1
Exec $Message = $raw_event; $SyslogFacilityValue = 22;
<Output graylog2>
Module om_tcp
Host 10.x.x.x
Port 514
Exec to_syslog_bsd();
<Route 1>
Path eventlog1, otherapp_log1 => graylog2
tesseract451 created
Dynamic filename in log collector
ttyserial created
When using NXLog as syslog collector, it's a good idea filter messages by hostname and to construct file name/path based on it and info in the message (facility and/or program name). What I thought about is something like this:
<Input tcp_in>
Module im_tcp
Port 514
Exec parse_syslog_ietf();
Exec if $SyslogFacility == 'MAIL' { \
$Filetype = 'mail'; \
} else if $SyslogFacility == 'FTP' { \
$Filetype = 'ftp'; \
} else { \
$Filetype = 'messages'; \
<Output remotelog_out>
Module om_file
CreateDir TRUE
File "/var/log/" + $Hostname + "/" + $Filetype + ".log"
tcp_in => remotelog_out
It works, but performance is ... The problem seems to be that om_file can keep only one file open and for every new message if filename doesn't match already open one, the old one is closed and the new one is opened. This isn't of course optimal - in case of many hosts and log types significant amount of time is spent in closing/opening.
Is there a better way? I'm holding it wrong? :)
ttyserial created
Syslog facility lost while sending long messages
antiBILLotic created
I'n using nxlog to send logs from Windows Event Log to rsyslogd.
To identify my Windows hosts, i use local6 facility. So they are logged to a separate folder based on IP and facility: local6 messages are logged to /var/log/hosts/windows/SERVER_IP/remote.log, all other facilities (non-local6) are logged to /var/hosts/linux/SERVER_IP/remote.log
The thing is, i sometimes find new messages in /var/log/hosts/linux/WINSERVER_IP/remote.log, which are (mostly) a part of other windows Event Log messages. Looks like big messages from Event Log are split into fragments, the first one gets the local6 facility (via SyslogFacilityValue) and is logged to windows-log folder (correct behavior), the rest get another facility value (which is unknown for me) and are logged to linux-log folder (incorrect behavior).
My nxlog config (part of it):
<Extension syslog>
Module xm_syslog
<Input in>
Module im_msvistalog
Exec $SyslogFacilityValue = 22;
<Processor eventlog_transformer>
Module pm_transformer
Exec $Hostname = hostname();
OutputFormat syslog_rfc5424
<Output out>
Module om_tcp
Port 514
Exec $raw_event = replace($raw_event, "\r\n", " ");
Exec $raw_event = replace($raw_event, "\t", " ");
<Route 1>
Path in => eventlog_transformer => out
Is there a way to strictly specify local6 facility to all outgoing syslog-type messages and their parts, if they get split?
antiBILLotic created
Is it possible to use nxlog to send syslog/text-logs to Apache Flume?
sutanu.das created
How can we use nxlog to send syslog or text-logs (/var/log/somelog.log) to Apache Flume?
sutanu.das created
nxlog with gelf option and graylog 1.0.0 gelf input error
Andrea.Consadori created
hi, i configure nxlog as describe in documentation and i configure graylog gelf input.
i open a ticket to graylog ( and they say maybe is a nxlog missconfig
this is myconfig, how can i diagnose the issue from your side?
define ROOT C:\Program Files (x86)\nxlog
Moduledir %ROOT%\modules
CacheDir %ROOT%\data
Pidfile %ROOT%\data\
SpoolDir %ROOT%\data
LogFile %ROOT%\data\nxlog.log
<Extension gelf>
Module xm_gelf
<Input in>
# Use 'im_mseventlog' for Windows XP, 2000 and 2003
Module im_msvistalog
# Uncomment the following to collect specific event logs only
#Query <QueryList>\
#<Query Id="0">\
#<Select Path="Application">*</Select>\
#<Select Path="System">*</Select>\
#<Select Path="Security">*</Select>\
<Output out>
Module om_tcp
Port 12201
OutputType GELF
<Route r>
Path in => out
Andrea.Consadori created
bklier created
Since om_ssl has an option 'OutputType' to send GELF logs over ssl connections this seems to be missing in om_http.
Is there any chance to add this in the future, since sending logs over http adds an extra layer of safety because of the acknowledgement after receiving a log entry.
bklier created
High precision timestamps
ttyserial created
I'm looking at ways to get high precision (with fractions of seconds) timestamps out of nxlog. If application provides these, it's of course easy to get this data into nxlog, but it's not easy to get it out - strftime function you can format timestamps with doesn't support fractions of seconds. Am I right?
It's even more problematic if application doesn't provide high precision timestamps - which is the case with most of unix programs using im_uds or all data from im_kernel for example. Even EventReceivedTime timestamp used in case of IETF syslog format isn't high precision.
Now, before anyone says that these wouldn't very precise timestamps anyway - that's not what I really care about. But as in the path to the log analysis events can be reordered (with redundant message brokers and stuff), it is critical to have high precision timestamps so correct order of the messages can be restored.
Ideally I'd like to use BSD syslog with high precision timestamps, but in any way it seems to be impossible at the moment. Or am I overlooking something?
ttyserial created
IIS logs sent via NXlog not showing up in Graylog
Nathan.Reid created
I'm having trouble getting my IIS logs into Graylog.
My Windows event logs show up just fine, but the IIS logs never show up.
I'm using NXlog per the Graylog docs. I've verified that the logs are getting sent (I have them also writing to a file, and I've checked with Wireshark to make sure the packets are being sent).
At one point I changed from using a GELF input to a raw input, and then the messages showed up but of course were unreadable as they were still in the compressed GELF format, like so:
x����n�0E��*���Í�r� �$���#�m"�����$ȿ��h9q\����J�g43�zA;h9a5J��xh�V��b���@Z��Ƕ�^���A�z:t����[Vv$��:�S��j�&�[b�>��)�������M�a�����+��vb�Ji̦�����\@%E���f��b����W��`�X��`:)���hX+P��Si�V�ɡ�'9�ݲgB)vcdz.��.ٞ[w��8�ky�L�Kk�4��pC��c'L�����폑E�#X3(٥�m۲ �H� ?r�|k�%��lkh����C������3��É�'ua~<l�l��z!SmWM�g��"�̦�j�o�DVp�7*�%G��Q��c"G��B���̼�(��� �`*�z�GN(�N�k]e xZU�iu�A�|ړ��Z�[���A+���C����&����}�&���'����d�Б��̻_��m�0�������]��9<ޭ������Ub�,�U�n�Q��8��F��(J�%.U?��^��wJ�a
I can send the messages in completely raw, but then all the data is stuck in one field.
Why would Graylog accept my GELF-formatted Windows event logs, but not my GELF-formatted IIS logs?
I'm running the latest Graylog VMware OVA, and the only changes I've made were changing the password and timezone, enforcing HTTPS, and setting up LDAP and my inputs.
Here's my NXlog config file:
define ROOT C:\Program Files (x86)\nxlog
Moduledir %ROOT%\modules
CacheDir %ROOT%\data
Pidfile %ROOT%\data\
SpoolDir %ROOT%\data
LogFile %ROOT%\data\nxlog.log
<Extension gelf>
Module xm_gelf
<Extension fileop>
Module xm_fileop
<Extension json>
Module xm_json
# Create the parse rule for IIS logs. You can copy these from the header of the IIS log file.
<Extension w3c>
Module xm_csv
Fields $date, $time, $s-ip, $cs-method, $cs-uri-stem, $cs-uri-query, $s-port, $cs-username, $c-ip, $csUser-Agent, $cs-Referer, $sc-status, $sc-substatus, $sc-win32-status, $time-taken
FieldTypes string, string, string, string, string, string, integer, string, string, string, string, integer, integer, integer, integer
Delimiter ' '
QuoteChar '"'
EscapeControl FALSE
UndefValue -
<Input iis>
Module im_file
File "C:\\inetpub\\logs\\LogFiles\\W3SVC12\\u_ex*"
SavePos TRUE
Exec if $raw_event =~ /^#/ drop(); \
else \
{ \
w3c->parse_csv(); \
$EventTime = parsedate($date + " " + $time); \
$SourceName = "IIS"; \
$Message = to_json(); \
<Input eventlog>
Module im_msvistalog
<Output graylog>
Module om_udp
Host graylog
Port 12201
OutputType GELF
#Use the following line for debugging (uncomment the fileop extension above as well)
Exec file_write("C:\\Program Files (x86)\\nxlog\\data\\nxlog_output.log", $raw_event);
#<Route eventlog>
# Path eventlog => graylog
<Route iis-to-graylog>
Path iis => graylog
Any assistance will be greatly appreciated.
Nathan.Reid created
if-else failed, not enough fields
cwigley created
Having a reoccurring problem where I get the following error and my output file quits updating for a few minutes then picks back up again. As a side note, I was having a problem with the eventlog because of an entry that was being written that had an object serialized as xml in the message. That is the exclusion in my application log. Since then, the event log has been working flawlessly.
I found a similar post except that in my instance I have already use a more specific filter.
Log 2015-03-06 13:10:32 INFO nxlog-ce-2.8.1248 started 2015-03-06 13:14:07 ERROR if-else failed at line 70, character 336 in C:\Program Files (x86)\nxlog\conf\nxlog.conf. statement execution has been aborted; procedure 'parse_csv' failed at line 70, character 226 in C:\Program Files (x86)\nxlog\conf\nxlog.conf. statement execution has been aborted; Not enough fields in CSV input, expected 17, got 0 in input ''
2015-03-06 13:28:30 ERROR if-else failed at line 70, character 336 in C:\Program Files (x86)\nxlog\conf\nxlog.conf. statement execution has been aborted; procedure 'parse_csv' failed at line 70, character 226 in C:\Program Files (x86)\nxlog\conf\nxlog.conf. statement execution has been aborted; Not enough fields in CSV input, expected 17, got 0 in input ''
2015-03-06 13:50:07 ERROR if-else failed at line 70, character 336 in C:\Program Files (x86)\nxlog\conf\nxlog.conf. statement execution has been aborted; procedure 'parse_csv' failed at line 70, character 226 in C:\Program Files (x86)\nxlog\conf\nxlog.conf. statement execution has been aborted; Not enough fields in CSV input, expected 17, got 0 in input ''
2015-03-06 14:07:39 ERROR if-else failed at line 70, character 336 in C:\Program Files (x86)\nxlog\conf\nxlog.conf. statement execution has been aborted; procedure 'parse_csv' failed at line 70, character 226 in C:\Program Files (x86)\nxlog\conf\nxlog.conf. statement execution has been aborted; Not enough fields in CSV input, expected 17, got 0 in input ''
Line 70 refers to the closing bracket in
<Input default_iis_in>
Module im_file
File "D:\inetpub\logs\LogFiles\W3SVC1\u_ex*.log"
ReadFromLast TRUE
Exec if $raw_event=~/^#/ drop(); \
else \
{ \
w3c->parse_csv(); \
$EventTime = parsedate($date + " " + $time); \
Full config
## This is a sample configuration file. See the nxlog reference manual about the
## configuration options. It should be installed locally and is also available
## online at
## Please set the ROOT to the folder your nxlog was installed into,
## otherwise it will not start.
#define ROOT C:\Program Files\nxlog
define ROOT C:\Program Files (x86)\nxlog
Moduledir %ROOT%\modules
CacheDir %ROOT%\data
Pidfile %ROOT%data\
SpoolDir %ROOT%\data
LogFile %ROOT%\data\nxlog.log
<Extension w3c>
Module xm_csv
Fields $date, $time, $s-ip, $cs-method, $cs-uri-stem, $cs-uri-query, $s-port, $cs-username, $c-ip, $cs(User-Agent), $cs(Referer), $sc-status, $sc-substatus, $sc-win32-status, $sc-bytes, $cs-bytes, $time-taken
FieldTypes string, string, string, string, string, string, string, string, string, string, string, string, string, string, string, string, string
Delimiter ' '
QuoteChar '"'
EscapeControl FALSE
UndefValue -
<Extension json>
Module xm_json
<Extension fileop>
Module xm_fileop
Every 10 min
Exec file_truncate("evt.json");
Every 10 min
Exec file_truncate("iis-default.json");
<Input evt_in>
Module im_msvistalog
Query <QueryList>\
<Query Id="0">\
<Select Path="Application">*</Select> \
ReadFromLast TRUE
Exec if $SourceName=~/TfsDeployer/ drop(); \
else \
{ \
to_json(); \
<Input default_iis_in>
Module im_file
File "D:\inetpub\logs\LogFiles\W3SVC1\u_ex*.log"
ReadFromLast TRUE
Exec if $raw_event=~/^#/ drop(); \
else \
{ \
w3c->parse_csv(); \
$EventTime = parsedate($date + " " + $time); \
<Output evt_out>
Module om_file
File "evt.json"
<Output default_iis_out>
Module om_file
Exec $raw_event = to_json();
File "iis-default.json"
<Route 1>
Path evt_in => evt_out
<Route 2>
Path default_iis_in => default_iis_out
Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.
cwigley created
need explanations about the log message "non-active modification on..."
pleroch created
I'm finding sometimes the message "non-active modification on ....<input_filename>".
Could anyone give us explanations about it ?
My nxlog is v2.8.1248 on Windows Server 2008 R2.
pleroch created
NXlog cannot verify self-signed CA certificate
goerlitz created
I'm trying to foward log events with NXlog to logstash over a SSL connection. Therefore, I generated my own CA certificate and a certificate to be used by logstash for the SSL connection. NXlog is installed on a Ubuntu 14.04 (virtual) machine with the CA certificate added as '/etc/ssl/certs/logstash-ca.crt'.
I tested the connection with
openssl s_client -CAfile /etc/ssl/certs/logstash-ca.cert -connect localhost:5000
and everything works fine (all entered text lines are received by logstash).
However, when I start NXlog with the appropriate om_ssl output configuration it fails with
ERROR SSL certificate verification failed: unable to get local issuer certificate (err: 20)
My NXlog configuration looks like this:
User nxlog
Group nxlog
LogFile /var/log/nxlog/nxlog.log
LogLevel DEBUG
# Modules
<Extension _syslog>
Module xm_syslog
<Extension json>
Module xm_json
# Nxlog internal logs
<Input internal>
Module im_internal
Exec $EventReceivedTime = integer($EventReceivedTime) / 1000000; to_json();
<Output sslout>
Module om_ssl
Host localhost
Port 5000
CertFile "/etc/ssl/certs/logstash-ca.crt"
OutputType LineBased
<Route logstash>
Path internal => sslout
When I start NXlog with
sudo nxlog -f -c nxlog.conf
the debug output looks like this:
2015-03-05 20:37:05 DEBUG module sslout got 1 poll events
2015-03-05 20:37:05 DEBUG Module sslout can read
2015-03-05 20:37:05 DEBUG [...]
2015-03-05 20:37:05 DEBUG PROCESS_EVENT: READ (sslout)
2015-03-05 20:37:05 DEBUG om_ssl read
2015-03-05 20:37:05 DEBUG doing handshake
2015-03-05 20:37:05 DEBUG verify callback (ok: 0)
2015-03-05 20:37:05 DEBUG preverification returned non-OK: unable to get local issuer certificate
2015-03-05 20:37:05 DEBUG STOP: sslout
2015-03-05 20:37:05 DEBUG remove socket [21]
2015-03-05 20:37:05 DEBUG executing statements
2015-03-05 20:37:05 DEBUG [...]
2015-03-05 20:37:05 INFO reconnecting in 1 seconds
2015-03-05 20:37:05 ERROR [om_ssl.c:532/io_err_handler()] -;[ssl.c:168/nx_ssl_check_io_error()] SSL certificate verification failed: unable to get local issuer certificate (err: 20)
I have no idea why the verification work with OpenSSL but fails with NXlog (I'm using nxlog-ce-2.8.1248 and OpenSSL version is 1.0.1f).
Any help is highly appreciated.
goerlitz created
$raw_event contains no data created
define ROOT C:\Program Files (x86)\nxlog
Moduledir %ROOT%\modules
CacheDir %ROOT%\data
Pidfile %ROOT%\data\
SpoolDir %ROOT%\data
LogFile %ROOT%\data\nxlog.log
#### Extensions - load and configure global extendsions
<Extension eW3c>
Module xm_csv
Fields $date, $time, $s-ip, $cs-method, $cs-uri-stem, $cs-uri-query, $s-port, $cs-username, $c-ip, $csUser-Agent, $sc-status, $sc-substatus, $sc-win32-status, $time-taken
FieldTypes string, string, string, string, string, string, integer, string, string, string, integer, integer, integer, integer
Delimiter ' '
QuoteChar '"'
EscapeControl FALSE
UndefValue -
<Extension eFileOp>
Module xm_fileop
#### Inputs
<Input iIIS-fulfillment.Api.1>
Module im_file
File "D:\\APShared\\Log\\W3SVC1\\\\*"
SavePos TRUE
# Exec if $raw_event =~ /^#/ drop();
Exec file_write("C:\\temp\\nxlog_RawIIS.log", $raw_event+"some text man"); \
eW3c->parse_csv(); \
$SourceName = "IIS-fulfillment.Api"; \
file_write("C:\\temp\\nxlog_IIS-csv.log", $raw_event);
#### Processor
#### Outputs
<Output oIISFile>
module om_file
File "c:\\temp\\nx_iis.out"
#### Routes
<Route rIISFile>
path iIIS-fulfillment.Api.1 => oIISFile
2015-03-04 12:13:45 INFO nxlog-ce-2.8.1248 started
2015-03-04 12:14:11 ERROR procedure 'parse_csv' failed at line 40, character 94 in C:\Program Files (x86)\nxlog\conf\nxlog.conf. statement execution has been aborted; Not enough fields in CSV input, expected 14, got 0 in input ''
contains: some text man
C:\\temp\\nxlog_IIS-csv.log - File not created.
Help. Where's my $raw_event data? created
Can I cut out part of the message
bigfoot created
I have xml style messages that can have thousands of <CUID>xxx</CUID> statements in them so I need to cut out from the middle of the message: from the first string of <CUID> to the last </CUID>. Is this possible?
bigfoot created
Can't start nxlog service
durden81 created
I have followed instructions to install nxlog in a Windows Server Core 2012 machine (no UI only command prompt).
However, when I try to run the service I get: service could not be started
Do you know what I could try to fix this?
This Windows is the instance created automatically by Amazon Beanstalk and without a UI I find this difficult to debug.. so any suggestion is appreciated
durden81 created
Change AccountName field
pk21 created
Dear NXlog community,
I am using nxlog on a windows 2003 environment and i am having some problems with windows failed authentication events. All entry's with EventID 675 contain the AccountName "SYSTEM" in stead of the username that the failed authentication is for. I couldnt get it to work with pattern matching in nxlog but as i have never used this before i am probably doing something wrong. I would really like to get some statistics of this and get the user name in the AccountName field.
For example kibana is reporting:
AccountName SYSTEM
AccountType User
Category Account Logon
CategoryNumber 9
EventID 675
FileName Security
Hostname SomeHostName
Severity ERROR
SeverityValue 4
SourceModuleName eventlog
SourceModuleType im_mseventlog
SourceName Security
host SomeHostName.SomeDomain
message Pre-authentication failed:
User Name: [username]
User ID: %{some user id}
Service Name: krbtgt/office Pre-Authentication
Type: 0x0 Failure Code: 0x19
Client Address: [ip address]
Any help is appreciated!
pk21 created