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Multiple hostnames for single IP address
I have installed NX Log agent on a windows machine, but NX Log Manager is showing multiple hostnames for a single IP address, and because of this there are multiple Agents showing now, and none of them is working.

soc.techdlabs created
Parsing an appplication text log in windows box,
My applications are running in windows server, one of the app log i wanted to parse to an another format, when i check nxlog has the feature. I am new to nxlog, so thought to understand the working flow of nxlog. I didnt get any. I am getting the articles for windows event log parsing, Can someone help me how to parse that or can share any article regarding. Thanks in advance. Regards, Dhamodharan.

Dhamodharan.Deivasigamani created
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$raw_event from input im_file module not sent when output module uses om_tcp module with snare or bsd format
Hi, I'm trying to send a raw event in our specific logfile to another server via tcp using NXlog CE. The receiving end requires snare or bsd format. I already used the to_syslog_snare() and to_syslog_bsd() in the om_tcp module but it didn't work. I also tried to parse input module by adding empty condition to check raw event but it didn't work too. If I hardcode the raw event using exec then convert to snare or bsd in the output module, I'm receiving the hardcoded and formatted event in my server. Have I missed any configurations? Below is mysample config. Thanks a lot! <Extension _syslog> Module xm_syslog </Extension> <Input in> Module im_file File "C:/test.txt" ReadFromLast TRUE SavePos TRUE # if empty line then do not send if $raw_event !~ /^.*$/ { drop(); } else { $raw_event = to_syslog_bsd(); } </Input> <Output out> Module om_tcp Host myserver Port 8888 # to_syslog_snare(); # not receiving raw event in myserver # to_syslog_bsd(); # not receiving raw event in myserver # Exec $raw_event = "Hello there!"; to_syslog_bsd(); # this works; hardcoded one and formatted to syslog_bsd </Output> <Route testroute> Path in => out </Route> C:/test.txt Hello This is a test! 3rd line Bye

emyatsuna created
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