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frequency of evaluation of functions
marko created
if we setup a function to identify the IP of the client server and based on that answer, to then forward logs based on that IP info
how many times would this logic be evaluated?
does it evaluate each time a log is processed? or just upon application start?
marko created
community edition msi silent install
reason created
Two questions, I am attempting to install the nxlog-ce via powershell and the process hangs at the accept eula screen and also it seems the way to install requires copying over the default configuration file after install.
- Is there a flag I can pass to accept the eula?
- Is there a way to pass the path to the config file at install to automatically overwrite the config at installation time without stop/starting the process?
i.e. nxlog.msi /accepteula /install /quiet/ /conf=\\path\to\conf
So to add, if I do:
msiexec /i nxlog.msi /quiet
It will install quietly, but if I launch it with Start-Process msiexec -ArguementList "/i nxlog.msi /quiet", it will still launch the EULA splash again. So, not sure if that is a bug in PowerShell, but would still like to pass the config file at installation without having to overwrite it.
reason created
Having issues with mysql
jkrautter created
I'm trying to get nxlog to read from a mysql table and output any changes from the last table read to a text file in csv tab delineated format. Right now all it's doing is injecting multiple carriage returns into the text file with no text. Am I heading in the right direction or have I totally borked the config? I'm working with the following config:
<Extension csv>
Module xm_csv
Fields $facility, $severity, $hostname, $timestamp, $application, $message
FieldTypes string, string, string, string, string, string
Delimiter \t
<Input dbiin>
Module im_dbi
SavePos TRUE
Driver mysql
Option host localhost
Option username USERNAME
Option dbname DBNAME
Option password PASSWORD
SQL SELECT facility, severity, hostname, timestamp, application, message FROM table
<Output out>
Module om_file
File "/var/log/test.txt"
<Route 1>
Path dbiin => out
jkrautter created
multiline message
toreno93 created
Hello. I have a question.
I get multiline messages
how can I combine into a single line, multiline message ??
for example this message, In this message 4 lines
Jul 21 17:59:10 <14> 1 2016-07-04T00: 53: 02.000000 + 03: 00 node = sec-sflow type = SYSCALL msg = audit (1467579182.055: 3248181): arch = 111
2 syscall = success = yes exit = 4 a0 = 7fc7783127a8 a1 = 2 a2 = a3 = 0 8 items = 1 ppid = 11013 pid = 30363 auid = 0 0 uid = gid = 0 = 0 euid
suid = 0 fsuid = 0 = 0 egid sgid = 0 = 0 fsgid tty = (none) ses = 28 comm = "sshd"
exe = "/ usr / sbin / sshd" key = "root_action"
toreno93 created
im_msvistalog EventData Fields are overwritten
pscookiemonster created
It appears that any nested data - e.g. from EventData - will be overwritten if the field exists on the event itself.
For example, please see your documentation on sysmon. Notice that ProcessID is a field on the event, and is also a field under EventData, albeit with different data.
The resulting JSON output includes only the ProcessID from the event itself, not from the eventdata. In the example at the link, notice that the Event.ProcessID is 1680. The Event.EventID.ProcessID is 25848. Notice that the data from the latter (generally more specific to this type of event, and thus generally more important) is not available as structured data anywhere.
Personally I'm not using this at the moment, but, I could see many situations where the generic Event fields overwrite valuable information from Event Data.
pscookiemonster created
Cut out some output fields
yuriishatylo created
Could you please clarify how can I cut out some fields from forwarded event?
My situation is the following;
I have a local log file on the server where installed nxlog agent. Using im_file module I have defined path to file and filename. After that I configured to forward this log to remote syslog server. When I opened forwarded log on the romete syslog server and find out that my log line was changed. It was added time and server name wehere original log file is stored. I have posted a line from the remote server and marked columns which were added during the forwarding.
Jan 12 13:16:28 siem-vm Jan 12 00:01:37 mail2-vm-srv postfix/cleanup[7412]: 6EC1E2A23F9: message-id=<20170111220136.5AE682A23F6>
Can you help me?
Thank you in advance.
yuriishatylo created
Help for epoch time conversion
absolis created
Hi, can anyone help me with the output of my nxlog.conf
I want to convert epoch time from my Bro logs;
Part of the logs:
1482865199.693051 FSYupp4bmRs8tT5Jyg 3 5A00020E4289E78C695848......
1482865200.300809 FmXyl22Uxsq1cudDd8 3 5A00020E4289E78C695848......
1482865200.203542 FAuSUU3X9pgdSJ2D2g 3 5A00020E4289E78C695848.......
1482865201.043722 F0KUdW3Nm5edyqPXLl 3 0CEAC9CAD430F24F334575.......
My current settings are
Module om_tcp
Port xxxx
OutputType LineBased
absolis created
im_msvistalog EventTime being sent as String to ElasticSearch
chris.bowen created
I'm attempting to demo xnlog and running into a problem where the Windows Server 2016 event logs are being sent to AWS ElasticSearch Service with the EventTime being a string. This basically renders it impossible to index the logs, as the Kibana board requires a time-field name and is not recongizing the string as a datetime. Any suggestions on this, or is this a potential bug with Server 2016?
chris.bowen created
NXlog Exec $Hostname = hostname_fqdn(); not working
tobias42 created
Hi everybody,
stumbled over a problem that sometimes I get hostnames from nxlog other times it's fqdns. Happens only with internal nxlog messages.I tired to fix this by using the Exec $Hostname = hostname_fqdn(); statement.
# Nxlog internal logs
<Input internal>
Module im_internal
Exec $EventReceivedTime = integer($EventReceivedTime) / 1000000; to_json();
Exec $Hostname = hostname_fqdn();
Still get messages with designation nxlog: internal that have a source_host with hostname only and not fqdn.
Either I am missing something really obvious or something is broken. Any guidance to troubleshoot or figure out what is going on much appreciated
Best regards
tobias42 created
NXLog behavior when one route/output fails
dbinoj created
I have a NXLog service running in Windows Server shipping event logs. It has 2 destinations, 1 is TCP sending logs to syslog_ng and another is GLEF UDP.
When my syslog_ng server goes offline, the logs I'm receiving at the GLEF UDP output also stops. Is there any way to make NXlog send the logs to the other output/route even if one output/route fails?
Module om_tcp
Port 25002
Exec to_syslog_snare();
Module om_udp
Port 51416
OutputType GELF
Path in => out
Path in => analyze
dbinoj created
im_msevent keywords datatype wrong
tobias42 created
Hi everybody,
while experimenting with nxlog and relaying windows event logs I stumbled over the issue that even in the latest versions the
field Keywords from the Window log is defined in ms_msevent as integer which doesn't fit the values stored in the field in windows.
Are there any plans to fix this?
best regards
tobias42 created
xm_multiline, EndLine, and wildcarded input files
rochbu created
Given a number of application logs sharing the same HeaderLine and EndLine regular expressions we are trying out a xm_multiline with im_file config using wild cards.
<Extension multi>
Module xm_multiline
HeaderLine /^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2} \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2},\d{3} @ batch_task\._init_logger : \[INFO\]\+ /
EndLine /^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2} \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2},\d{3} @ run_batch\.<module> : \[INFO\]- /
<Input inPython>
Module im_file
File "C:\\data\\server1\\*.log"
InputType multi
Exec $FileName = file_name();
It works consistently without wildcards pointed at one file.
It works intermittently with wildcards pointed at multiple files being written to concurrenlty.
I'm wondering if this is a supported use case. i.e. multiline events from wildcarded files being written to concurrenlty. Or should we be specifiying each input file individually?
rochbu created
version of LibExpat and LibPCRE
magesh041985 created
does nxlog-2.9.1716 still uses LibExpat v2.0.1 and LibPCRE v8.02?
LibPCRE v8.02 is vulnerable to DoS and code overflow.
LibExpat v2.0.1 has 4 publicly identified vulnerabilities.
is it possible to update LibExpat to v2.1.0 and LibPCRE to v8.39?
magesh041985 created
compile nxlog on windows
shangshuhao created
I want to compile nxlog and package it on windows, but I can't find any material to refer to. Who can help me, give me some advice. Thank you!
shangshuhao created
Centralized config management & deployment
jdenis created
Hi everyone !
In our implementation of NxLog on our systems we are looking at some ways to centralize config management & deployement on all agents. As nxLog is integrated with some other software, we are looking at some automatic features like scripts or so to deploy new config on the agents all in a secure way.
If anyone has any tips on how to do so, help would be greatly appraciated. We first thought to use NxLog manager but it doesn't really fit our need as it requires the administrator to actually do some handy work and they are really lazy to be honest ;-)
Thank you guys in advance if you can give us some tips :)
J. Denis
jdenis created
Schedule log collection.
fbrollo created
Hi everyone,
Do you know if it is possible to schedule a module execution ?
Or does the Schedule function only takes Exec commands ?
Here is the solution I've come up with to schedule log sending:
<Input im_file_test>
Module im_file
File '/mnt/test/scheduler/*log'
InputType LineBased
SavePos TRUE
When 0 12 * * *
Exec fileop->file_copy("/mnt/test/test.log", "/mnt/scheduler/test.log");
<Output om_tcp_siem>
Module om_tcp
Port 514
OutputType LineBased
<Route RouteTestB>
Path im_file_test => om_tcp_siem
Here is what I would like to do (getting rid of xm_fileop for access privilege reasons:)
<Input im_file_test>
When 0 12 * * *
Module im_file
File '/mnt/test/test.log'
InputType LineBased
SavePos TRUE
Thank you for your time :)
fbrollo created
MySql module
V_Vorobey created
Question is simple.
Have nxlog some module for working with mysql database?
V_Vorobey created
nxlog does not seem to send Microsoft DNS logs properly to syslog
hybrid created
Does anyone have nxlog usefully sending Microsoft DNS logs?
I have logging turned on, and I have tried with and without the details option checked.
Using it without the details is probably enough for us right now, as it shows the source and the requested URL.
However, when sent to syslog, only a blank line is sent.
The file output looks like below. The issue may be the space between each line?
8/12/2016 12:58:43 PM 0AE0 PACKET 000000F7524D7120 UDP Rcv x.x.x.x 5a68 Q [0001 D NOERROR] A (5)ctldl(13)windowsupdate(3)com(0)
8/12/2016 12:58:47 PM 0AE0 PACKET 000000F75221C070 UDP Rcv x.x.x.x 5a68 Q [0001 D NOERROR] A (5)ctldl(13)windowsupdate(3)com(0)
Any ideas?
hybrid created
2 messages sent by NXLog instead of 1
StanJames created
Hello Guys,
I have a problem, that NXLog community edition sometimes sends 2 messages to GrayLog instead of 1, from a log file.
These are the messages, that came through together for example:
08 2016/12/02 13:13:28.581 Response: << MerchantId^XXXXXX~TransactionType^XX~OrderNumber^XXXXXXXX~StrId^XXXXXXXXXX~PTTID^XXXXXXXXXXX~MOP^XX~CurrencyId^XXX~Amount^XX.XX~AuthCode^XXXXXX~RequestType^X~MessageCode^XXXX~Message^XXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX~CVNMessageCode^X~CVNMessage^XXXXXXXX/XXXXXX XXXXXXX >>
08 2016/12/02 13:13:28.581 ReportResult: (IDMMSITransaction = XXXXXXXX, Result = , MessageCode = XXXX)
This is the nxlog.conf part for this log:
<Extension exlogs>
Module xm_multiline
HeaderLine /^.. \d{4}\/\d{2}\/\d{2} \d{2}\:\d{2}\:\d{2}\.\d{3}/
<Input Logs>
Module im_file
File "D:\\path\\to\\logs\\log_*"
SavePos TRUE
InputType exlogs
<Route logs-graylog>
Path Logs => graylog
The problem doesn't happen with all the messages, but quite often and prevents me to create proper extractors.
Do you have any idea what could cause this?
Tamas Juhasz
StanJames created
NXLOG for hpux servers
~~Please confirm about HPUX server how to install NXLOG server or client.