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Interesting behavior in development env.
frerange created
This is a very interesting issue and I was wondering if anyone has encountered it before. I have ~200 development systems that I wish to gather windows event information from however, there are toolsets within this environment that are interrupted by NXLog.
NXLog is connecting to eventlog API and polls (pause/resume) the API every second (configurable) for new events within the various subscribed to channels. My issue is with reference information loaded by the event log API due to the active connection from NXLog. The reference dll is loaded into the eventlog service but is not released because NXLog does not release the call, it pauses and resumes. This in turn causes our development automation to fail since the automation tools are looking to replace this dll once a dev pass is complete.
Is there an exec example to reconnect so that the eventlog service will release these dlls? Something like:
<Input eventlog>
Module im_msvistalog
<Query Id="0">\
<Select Path="Application">*</Select>\
Exec $EventReceivedTime = integer($EventReceivedTime) / 1000000;
Exec $raw_event='{"jsonEvent":"Windows","Event":' + to_json() + '}';
Every 30 sec
Exec eventlog->reopen();
frerange created
nxlog high-precision timestamps with timezone UTC offset information created
How can nxlog for windows be configured to send timestamp in high-precision forwarding format?
Similar to the RSYSLOG_ForwardFormat high-precision timestamps including year with timezone UTC offset information.
For example:
It is currently just being sent with ONLY Mon day hour:min:sec
<14>Aug 22 15:16:46 Win7Prox64 MSWinEventLog 1 System 2 Tue Aug 22 15:16:46 2017 7036 Service Control Manager N/A N/A Information Win7Prox64 N/A The nxlog service entered the running state. 170362
p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 11.0px Menlo; background-color: #fef49c}
span.s1 {font-variant-ligatures: no-common-ligatures} created
Windows Event Log Output to CSV
2WheelAddict created
We are using nxlog to write all our event logs to syslog, but have a need for them to be formatted as CSV instead of the tab delimited it appears to be currently. Is anyone doing this currently and mind sharing their config, or know if a way to process this correctly?
2WheelAddict created
"Exec convert_fields("AUTO", "utf-8");" not working.
hack3rcon created
I like to collect Windows Event ID and send it to Linux Box. I installed "Syslog-NG" on Linux and it collect Windows Event Log very good but I have a problem about "Exec convert_fields("AUTO", "utf-8");". When I enable it in my config file then my "nxlog" can't send log!!!
My "nxlog" config is:
## This is a sample configuration file. See the nxlog reference manual about the
## configuration options. It should be installed locally and is also available
## online at
## Please set the ROOT to the folder your nxlog was installed into,
## otherwise it will not start.
#define ROOT C:\Program Files\nxlog
define ROOT C:\Program Files (x86)\nxlog
Moduledir %ROOT%\modules
CacheDir %ROOT%\data
Pidfile %ROOT%\data\
SpoolDir %ROOT%\data
LogFile %ROOT%\data\nxlog.log
<Extension _syslog>
Module xm_syslog
AutodetectCharsets utf-8
<Input in>
Module im_msvistalog
# For windows 2003 and earlier use the following:
# Module im_mseventlog
Exec if $EventID NOT IN (4660, 4663) drop();
Exec convert_fields("AUTO", "utf-8");
<Output out>
Module om_udp
Port 514
Exec to_syslog_snare();
<Route 1>
Path in => out
Any idea?
Thank you.
hack3rcon created
NXlog Input to Track Rotated Log Files
George.Townson created
I have an input for some log files, however each restart of the machine the log file is rotated to a new file.
I'm trying to create an input that is able to track the rotated log file. I presume a wildcard can be used in the File: string and that the save position and read from last wouldnt cause NXlog to re read old files?
Below you can see the example file path with the 'X' representing a number that changes each time the active log is rotated.
George.Townson created
Windows Collector GPO
bwink created
Has anyone gotten nxlog running on linux to receive windows logs through Windows Log Collector initiated by a GPO? In simple terms, using nxlog to receive Windows logs without a nxlog agent running on Windows? If so, any documentation on how to make that happen?
Thank you in advance, Bruce M. Wink
bwink created
Updated source package of Community Edition (2.9 instead of 2.8)
mleu created
I have noticed the on the download page of NXLog Community Edition the versions of the Windows and Linux packages are 2.9 while the source code (.tar.gz) is of the lower version 2.8.
Could the source code package please be updated?
We are missing the GELF_TCP feature which appeared in 2.9.1347.
Thank you
mleu created
Rotate log based on size and schedule using variables in path and filename
Paul_Thomas created
Hi all,
I can...
- rotate log files based on size.
- rotate log files based on size using event fields- such as $Hostname from Syslog
- rotate log files based on size and schedule.
I CANNOT rotate log files based on size and schedule using event fields ! It seems that the Schedule component does not like references to fields.
At end of tether, please help.
ERROR invalid om_file keyword: $newfilepath
<Extension syslog>
Module xm_syslog
<Input in>
Module im_udp
Port 514
Exec parse_syslog();
<Output out>
Module om_file
$newfilepath = "D:/Test/" + $Hostname + "/" + $SourceName + "/"
$currfilename = strftime(now(), "%Y%m%d") + ".current"
File $newfilepath + $currfilename
# Check the size of our log file every minute and rotate if it is larger than 1Mb
Every 60 sec
Exec if (out->file_size() >= 1M) \
{ \
$newfilename = $newfilepath + strftime(now(), "%Y%m%dT%H%M%S") + ".s"); \
out->rotate_to($newfilename); \
CreateDir TRUE
<Route 1>
Path in => out
Thanks in advance. Paul
Paul_Thomas created
256 sources limit
serge created
Back to conversation about current workaround... Windows Server 2016 has more than 256 channels. Is it possible to create a second thread/instance to subscribe for the remaining channels? I can try to guess and create XML filter to exclude some unneeded for now but tomorrow MS can create more channels with some update and would be nice if it handled automatically.
serge created
SSLv3 Handshake error using om_http to POST events to AWS API Gateway
concanno created
I am trying to use the om_http module to POST events to an AWS API Gateway (which won't allow SSLv3 connections). Looking at this forum and the documentation, it seems like the latest version of the community edition, nxlog-ce-2.9.1716, should support TLSv1.2, but I keep getting the following error when it attempts to connect to my API:
ERROR SSL error, SSL_ERROR_SSL: retval -1, sslv3 alert handshake failure
Below is my config for the output:
<Output out>
Module om_http
URL https://<my api endpoint>
ContentType "application/json"
I have also tried using HTTPSAllowUntrusted TRUE, which doesn't change anything. Also, I tested the API endpoint with curl and it works fine.
Thanks in advance for any help!
UPDATE: It looks like nxlog is negotiating using TLSv1.2 (discovered with wireshark). I also discovered that AWS API Gateway requires the SNI extension to TLS. This is likely the problem if nxlog-ce doesn't support SNI. Any idea if/when that will be supported in the community edition?
concanno created
Elasticsearch with Community Edition
akumar created
Is the Output module to ElasticSearch available/will be available in the community edition?
When I last checked it was a feature of the commerical edition only.
I have been a nxlog champion for years now and have been forwarding to logstash. However with Elasticsearch ingest nodes, there is one extra redundent step now.
This will tip the scale to moving off into native beats/rsyslog if there are no plans to make this available.
Ash Kumar
akumar created
Question: Input vs. Processor Module
micsnare created
Hi there,
this might be a strange question but I'm new nxlog and was wondering what the difference between an input module and a processor module is.
the background to my question is:
I want to collect logs centrally on an nxlog server, and have configured all my clients to send their logs in a nxlog-binary format. at the moment I'm testing this with Windows IIS webserver logs.
on the nxlog server i want to read the binary logs and process them. Based on the processor I'd like to forward them to two separate destinations, outputting the logs in GELF and CSV format.
Now my question:
While this codeblock in the Input module works fine:
<Input in_syslog_tcp>
Module im_tcp
Port 80
$Hostname = hostname();
$EventTime = parsedate($date + " " + $time);
$raw_event = $Hostname + ' IIS-NXLOG ' + $raw_event;
$SourceName = "IIS";
InputType Binary
This codeblock doesn't work:
<Processor transform_iis>
Module pm_null
$Hostname = hostname();
$EventTime = parsedate($date + " " + $time);
$raw_event = $Hostname + ' IIS-NXLOG ' + $raw_event;
$SourceName = "IIS";
Is there any reason why this has to go into the input module? The disadvantage would be that I would have to have several input modules for all kinds of different data sources....currently I have only one input module that receives all the logs in binary format from lots of different hosts..
Is there maybe a better solution for this?
micsnare created
NXLog time configurations
ilya created
My scenario is: (Windows server + nxlog configured for Windows events) => Logstash => Elasticsearch
I am wondering where nxlog stores current informations about sent Windows Events (for every category).
If i need to resend a few Windows events from past, how i can do it?
Is there any way to select last X hours (example: last 48 hours from Security category, from the starting nxlog service moment).
SavePos and ReadFromLast are helpful, but if both are false, event logs are sent from the first one stored on Windows server.
Also, where nxlog save all events in case of temporary lost tcp connection? This is probably SavePos location.
ilya created
Multiple use of the same execution block
tr0x created
I've to use the same exec block multiple times in different paths. I've already tried it with a processor module, but unfortunately a processor module could only be used once. A possible solution is to implement them in the input modules, but I've more than one input module (syslog tcp/udp alone are already two) which ends in multiple code in different modules. But I want them once and want to use them multiple times.
Have someone an idea how to implement this?
Thanks in advance.
tr0x created
Read current log file named as <date>.log with nxlog
a.zaman created
My Server's TimeZone is EST(UTC-5) but the application running in the server has EET(UTC+2). The log file generated is names as <Application Date> ie todays log file is named as 20170717.log. Today's log will be truncated at 00:00 (UTC+2) and new log file 20170718.log will be created and old log file will remain in the same directory.
How can I configure NxLog to read the current log only
a.zaman created
Help me to create processor
k_s created
hi all!
im first time meet nxlog. it looks very simple and powerfull, but i need help!
i have cisco which can send syslog to my nxlog service. logs looks like
2017-06-21T07:19:49.214Z,"","Jun 21 2017 10:19:55: %ASA-4-722051: Group <GroupPolicy_domain> User <> IP <> IPv4 Address <> IPv6 address <fc00::59> assigned to session"
please, help me write processor, which parse this string and get date (Jun 21 2017 10:19:55)? login ( and external ip adress ( and put them to text log file.
k_s created
use NXLOG on files mounted on file system NFS
bertrand created
I need to parse logs mounted on file system NFS on centos.
Is NXLog reliable with NFS ?
bertrand created
How To Execute Modification File
lucas created
I hava some data like this
a 9650 mktd 07:30 [OK ] a
b 9650 mktd 07:30 [OK ] b
c 9650 mktd 07:30 [OK ] c
d 9650 mktd 07:30 [OK ] d
if data have change to this
a 9650 mktd 07:30 [OK ] a
b 9650 mktd 07:30 [OK ] b
c 0 [FAILED] c
d 0 [FAILED] d
how could I reload the file to nxlog
I have been to tried to use PollInterval ,but it seem to use for new file and new log entries
I also try to use file_touch,but both of them doesn't useful for me.
my scripts below
#define ROOT C:\Program Files\nxlog
define ROOT C:\Program Files (x86)\nxlog
Moduledir %ROOT%\modules
CacheDir %ROOT%\data
Pidfile %ROOT%\data\
SpoolDir %ROOT%\data
LogFile %ROOT%\data\nxlog.log
<Extension json>
Module xm_json
<Extension fileop>
Module xm_fileop
<Extension exec>
Module xm_exec
<Extension kvp>
Module xm_kvp
KVPDelimiter ,
KVDelimiter =
EscapeChar \\
<Input test>
Module im_file
File 'D:\winapp\log\chk2.txt'
ReadFromLast FALSE
<Processor pro>
Module pm_null
Exec delete($SourceModuleName); \
delete($SourceModuleType); \
if ($raw_event =~ /^(\w+)\s+(\d+)(.*)/)
$app_name = $1;
$pid = integer($2);
$msg = $3;
if ($pid == 0)
if($msg =~ / \s+\[(\w+)\] (.*)/)
$status = $1;
$event_time = integer(now())/1000;
if($pid != 0)
if($msg =~ / (\w+)\s+(\d\d:\d\d)\s+\[(\w+)\s+\] (.*)/)
$account = $1;
$start_time = $2;
$status = $3;
$event_time = integer(now())/1000;
<Output out>
Module om_file
File 'D:\winapp\log\pchk_test.txt'
<Route 1>
Path test => pro => out
Thank you for help
lucas created
Can't get Windows Event logs to send to Syslog server with new lines intact
tdavis created
I have to retain the new lines in a syslog. I'm using NXLog to send logs from my laptop to a test syslog server. I'm currently using the following:
<Extension _syslog>
Module xm_syslog
<Input in>
Module im_msvistalog
Exec to_syslog_ietf();
<Processor rewrite>
Module pm_null
Exec $Message = $EventID + "|" + $EventType + "|" + $Hostname + "|" + $SourceName + "|" + $AccountName + "|" + $AccountType + "|" + $Domain + "|" + $UserID + "|" + $raw_event;
<Output out>
Module om_udp
Port 514
#Exec to_syslog_bsd();
<Route 1>
Path in => rewrite => out
I can get the logs to send with the \r\n intact is to remove the Exec to_syslog_snare(), then I loose all the other details about the log such as event id etc. So I thought ok I'll construct my own by using Exec $Message = all the data fields I want....this doesn't then I started playing with to_syslog_ieft and to_syslog_bsd() and they both strip out new lines.
What am I doing wrong?
tdavis created
Send JSON file over syslog connection and rebild JSON file
Dima.Tatur created
I need some help with nxlog.conf (Client side + Server side).
I need to send JSON file over syslog udp connection from a client to server and rebild JSON in server side.
I know that with nxlog it's posible to perform this but i don't know the correct configuration.
can you help me with this issue ?
Dima.Tatur created