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Regex to set variable
nembosec created
I’m trying to use regex in nxlog.
My current configuration is to save firewall logs to a file .txt using the $Sender value to create the file name.
<Input *****>
Module im_tcp
Port 1001
if $raw_event =~ /LEEF/
<Output >
define OUT_DIR %LOGDIR2%/
Module om_file
File "%OUT_DIR%/" + $Sender + ".txt"
Every 3600 sec
if ->file_size() > 0M
set_var('newfile', file_name() + strftime(now(), '_%Y%m%d%H%M%S') + '.log');
exec_async('C:/Program Files/GnuWin32/bin/bzip2.exe', 'E:// *.log');
This is the Log:
<13>Sep 4 16:07:23 Firewall: LEEF:1.0|FORCEPOINT|Firewall|1.1.1|Connection_Discarded|src= EventReceivedTime=2019-09-04 16:07:23 SourceModuleName=****** SourceModuleType=im_tcp LEEFVersion=<1> LEEF:0.0 Vendor=FORCEPOINT vSrcName=Firewall Version=1.1.1 EventID=Connection_Discarded devTimeFormat=MMM dd yyyy HH:mm:ss devTime=2019-09-04 16:07:23 proto=1 dstPort=80 srcPort=53438 dst= node 1 action=Discard
the system sets the value of $Sender like this:
$Sender = node 1 action=Discard.txt
but I need instead the system to set $Sender this way, only up to "node 1":
$Sender = node 1.txt
I thought about using a regex to extrapolate the value I need, but it doesn’t work.
this one:
if $Sender =~ /(?<=sender=).[^\t]+/g;
$Sender = $1
Can I do this thing?
If so, what should I do?
Thank you
nembosec created
Issues reconnecting after UDP fails to send to logging server.
jmflood created
I'm experiencing an issues with the community edition. Once you power off the log collection server, the nxlog client agent (for windows) will drop the connection, and stop sending UDP packets after the log collection server is back online. Restarting the windows agent starts resolves the issue.
Is there a solution for this besides restarting the windows service every so often to ensure the agent is always sending logs?
jmflood created
NXLog Enrichment
JacobY created
I'm attempting to enrich some Windows event logs with "ClientMachine" which needs to equal the hostname. I'm having issues with only some logs coming through with this enriched fields, and others do not contain the ClientMachine enrichment. My config is below. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Panic Soft
define ROOT C:\Program Files\nxlog
#ModuleDir %ROOT%\modules
#CacheDir %ROOT%\data
#SpoolDir %ROOT%\data
#define CERTDIR %ROOT%\cert
define CONFDIR %ROOT%\conf
Note that these two lines define constants only; the log file location
is ultimately set by the LogFile directive (see below). The
MYLOGFILE define is also used to rotate the log file automatically
(see the _fileop block).
define LOGDIR %ROOT%\data
define MYLOGFILE %LOGDIR%\nxlog.log
By default, LogFile %MYLOGFILE% is set in log4ensics.conf. This
allows the log file location to be modified via NXLog Manager. If you
are not using NXLog Manager, you can instead set LogFile below and
disable the include line.
<Extension _syslog>
Module xm_syslog
<Input in>
Module im_msvistalog
<Output out>
Exec $ClientMachine = hostname_fqdn();
Module om_tcp
Port 11105
Exec to_syslog_snare();
<Route 1>
Path in => out
JacobY created
Nxlog Multiline Input to 1 Syslog Message
dnhphuc created
Hi all,
I'm using nxlog to send CAS audit log to our syslog server. Each entry in the text file looks similar to this as below:
2019-08-28 14:33:58,959 INFO [] - Audit trail record BEGIN
WHO: user1
WHAT: ST-65-eMcuA7IeZWYUYPldhgaT-11 for
WHEN: Wed Aug 28 14:33:58 ICT 2019
I want to combine these multiple lines to 1 line and I've read some of the documentation on nxlog's website regarding multiline but haven't found a specific config to put them all in 1 entry with a syslog header. Is there any solution for nxlog conf to work with this kind of multiline message? Thanks
dnhphuc created
NxLog wseventing windows event forwarding with http
reevo created
I’m trying to configure the windows event forwarding from a Windows machine to the nxlog machine using the wseventing module and we want to use the http protocol on port 80.
The two machines are on the same domain, so with the kerberos already configured, but Nxlog gives me the following error:
2019-08-28 09:30:45 ERROR https is required for im_wseventing without kerberos support at C:\Program Files\nxlog\conf\nxlog.conf:156
this is the configuration of nxlog entered as described on the documentation:
<Input wseventing>
Module im_wseventing
Port 80
SubscriptionName test
Exec log_info(to_json());
<Query Id="0" Path="Application">
<Select Path="Application"></Select>
<Select Path="Security"></Select>
<Select Path="Setup"></Select>
<Select Path="System"></Select>
<Select Path="ForwardedEvents"></Select>
<Select Path="Windows PowerShell"></Select>
Being both machines on the same domain, seems a strange mistake, do you have any ideas?
Thank you
reevo created
ProxyAddress directive in om_http module
Hoenle created
Hello! First time nxlog user here.
Looking at the docs:
It would seem to indicate the availability of a ProxyAddress directive but when I populate the nxlog.conf file with one, I receive an error that the ProxyAddress keyword is invalid:
2019-08-27 17:34:40 ERROR invalid keyword: ProxyAddress at C:\Program Files (x86)\nxlog\conf\nxlog.conf:91
2019-08-27 17:34:40 ERROR module 'http' has configuration errors, not adding to route '1' at C:\Program Files (x86)\nxlog\conf\nxlog.conf:96
2019-08-27 17:34:40 WARNING not starting unused module http
2019-08-27 17:34:40 INFO nxlog-ce-2.10.2150 started
Can anyone point me in the right direction on this one?
Much appreciated!!!
Hoenle created
Trying to create a custom log that contains a JSON object
jonwalz created
The endpoint I will be sending logs to expects this format:
"body":"This is a sample body",
"token":"some token value",
"(extensible keys)":"(string value)"
I need to convert Windows eventlogs to the target format and I'm having an issue creating "attributes." Here's my latest attempt, but "attributes" is getting converted to JSON twice which is messing up the format.
Here's my .conf:
Panic Soft
#NoFreeOnExit TRUE
define ROOT C:\Program Files (x86)\nxlog
define CERTDIR %ROOT%\cert
define CONFDIR %ROOT%\conf
define LOGDIR %ROOT%\data
define LOGFILE %LOGDIR%\nxlog.log
Moduledir %ROOT%\modules
CacheDir %ROOT%\data
Pidfile %ROOT%\data\
SpoolDir %ROOT%\data
<Extension json>
Module xm_json
<Extension _exec>
Module xm_exec
<Input in>
Module im_msvistalog
<Query Id='1'>
<Select Path='Application'></Select>
<Select Path='Security'></Select>
#$attributes = $raw_event;
$log_type = $EventType;
$token = 'token goes here';
$raw_event = $raw_event + $log_type + $token;
$attributes = to_json();
rename_field("EventTime", "timestamp");
$body = $message;
<Output file>
Module om_file
file "c:\temp\logdata.log"
<Route 2>
Path in => file
My results end up looking like this:
"timestamp": "2019-08-27 15:45:39",
"attributes": "{"EventTime":"2019-08-27 15:45:39","Hostname":"fakehost","Keywords":-9214364837600034816,"EventType":"AUDIT_SUCCESS","SeverityValue":2,"Severity":"INFO","EventID":4688,"SourceName":"Microsoft-Windows-Security-Auditing","ProviderGuid":"{guid}","Version":2,"Task":13312,"OpcodeValue":0,"RecordNumber":30506980,"ProcessID":4,"ThreadID":19308,"Channel":"Security","Message":"A new process has been created.\r\n\r\nCreator Subject:\r\n\tSecurity ID:\t\tS-1-5-18\r\n\tAccount Name:\t\fake$\r\n\tAccount Domain:\t\tFake\r\n\tLogon ID:\t\FakeID\r\n\r\nTarget Subject:\r\n\tSecurity ID:\t\tS-1-0-0\r\n\tAccount Name:\t\t-\r\n\tAccount Domain:\t\t-\r\n\tLogon ID:\t\t0x0\r\n\r\nProcess Information:\r\n\tNew Process ID:\t\t0xc0c\r\n\tNew Process Name:\tC:\\Windows\\SysWOW64\\cmd.exe\r\n\tToken Elevation Type:\t%%1936\r\n\tMandatory Label:\t\tS-1-16-16384\r\n\tCreator Process ID:\t0x30f8\r\n\tCreator Process Name:\tC:\\Program Files (x86)\\Stackdriver\\LoggingAgent\\Main\\bin\\ruby.exe\r\n\tProcess Command Line:\t\r\n\r\nToken Elevation Type indicates the type of token that was assigned to the new process in accordance with User Account Control policy.\r\n\r\nType 1 is a full token with no privileges removed or groups disabled. A full token is only used if User Account Control is disabled or if the user is the built-in Administrator account or a service account.\r\n\r\nType 2 is an elevated token with no privileges removed or groups disabled. An elevated token is used when User Account Control is enabled and the user chooses to start the program using Run as administrator. An elevated token is also used when an application is configured to always require administrative privilege or to always require maximum privilege, and the user is a member of the Administrators group.\r\n\r\nType 3 is a limited token with administrative privileges removed and administrative groups disabled. The limited token is used when User Account Control is enabled, the application does not require administrative privilege, and the user does not choose to start the program using Run as administrator.","Category":"Process Creation","Opcode":"Info","SubjectUserSid":"S-1-5-18","SubjectUserName":"FakeUser$","SubjectDomainName":"FakeDomain","SubjectLogonId":"0x3e7","NewProcessId":"0xc0c","NewProcessName":"C:\\Windows\\SysWOW64\\cmd.exe","TokenElevationType":"%%1936","TargetUserSid":"S-1-0-0","TargetUserName":"-","TargetDomainName":"-","TargetLogonId":"0x0","ParentProcessName":"C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Stackdriver\\LoggingAgent\\Main\\bin\\ruby.exe","MandatoryLabel":"S-1-16-16384","EventReceivedTime":"2019-08-27 15:45:41","SourceModuleName":"in","SourceModuleType":"im_msvistalog","log_type":"AUDIT_SUCCESS","token":"token goes here"}",
"body": "A new process has been created.\r\n\r\nCreator Subject:\r\n\tSecurity ID:\t\tS-1-5-18\r\n\tAccount Name:\t\Fake$\r\n\tAccount Domain:\t\tFake\r\n\tLogon ID:\t\t0x3E7\r\n\r\nTarget Subject:\r\n\tSecurity ID:\t\tS-1-0-0\r\n\tAccount Name:\t\t-\r\n\tAccount Domain:\t\t-\r\n\tLogon ID:\t\t0x0\r\n\r\nProcess Information:\r\n\tNew Process ID:\t\t0xc0c\r\n\tNew Process Name:\tC:\Windows\SysWOW64\cmd.exe\r\n\tToken Elevation Type:\t%%1936\r\n\tMandatory Label:\t\tS-1-16-16384\r\n\tCreator Process ID:\t0x30f8\r\n\tCreator Process Name:\tC:\Program Files (x86)\Stackdriver\LoggingAgent\Main\bin\ruby.exe\r\n\tProcess Command Line:\t\r\n\r\nToken Elevation Type indicates the type of token that was assigned to the new process in accordance with User Account Control policy.\r\n\r\nType 1 is a full token with no privileges removed or groups disabled. A full token is only used if User Account Control is disabled or if the user is the built-in Administrator account or a service account.\r\n\r\nType 2 is an elevated token with no privileges removed or groups disabled. An elevated token is used when User Account Control is enabled and the user chooses to start the program using Run as administrator. An elevated token is also used when an application is configured to always require administrative privilege or to always require maximum privilege, and the user is a member of the Administrators group.\r\n\r\nType 3 is a limited token with administrative privileges removed and administrative groups disabled. The limited token is used when User Account Control is enabled, the application does not require administrative privilege, and the user does not choose to start the program using Run as administrator."
How can I get "attributes" to be a regular JSON object?
jonwalz created
Not getting parse multi-line XML file
pradumn created
Below is my NXLOG configuration file to parse
define ROOT C:\Program Files (x86)\nxlog
<Extension gelf>
Module xm_gelf
Moduledir %ROOT%\modules
CacheDir %ROOT%\data
Pidfile %ROOT%\data\
SpoolDir %ROOT%\data
LogFile %ROOT%\data\nxlog.log
<Extension multiline>
Module xm_multiline
HeaderLine /^<event>/
EndLine /^</event>/
<Extension xmlparser>
Module xm_xml
<Extension json>
Module xm_json
<Input filein>
Module im_file
File "C:\\test\\server\\Azurion\\SoftwarePackage\\test.xml"
InputType multiline
# Discard everything that doesn't seem to be an xml event
if $raw_event !~ /^<event>/ drop();
# Parse the xml event
#Rewrite some fields
$EventTime = parsedate($timestamp);
# Convert to JSON
<Output fileout>
Module om_file
File "C:\\Users\\320005935\\Desktop\\new.txt"
<Route parse_xml>
Path filein => fileout
This is my XML file
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<timestamp>2012-11-23 23:00:00</timestamp>
Something bad happened.
Please check the system.
<timestamp>2012-11-23 23:00:12</timestamp>
System state is now back to normal.
pradumn created
Setting up NXlog
jpederson created
Hello everyone an old employee setup nxlog with server 2008 R2. Since that is coming to an end or the support is I am trying to setup nxlog on a 2016 server. I went ahead and downloaded the client and copied the conf file over from the old server. I then looked for how it was deployed. From what I can see it was deployed using a gpo under the event forwarding section and Configure target subscription manager. I went into this location and changed the information from the old server to the new so instead of log2 it is now log3 with all the same parameters. I then waited for a couple of hours since it takes around an hour for the machine to check the gpo's. I even restarted some machines. After this was done I caused some Software restriction Policy alerts that will email us when on the old server. When doing this on the new nothing happens. I also log into the server and start an instance of wireshark. There are some logs coming into the server but not the amount that was coming into the old server in the same time. I then swith the name back in the gpo from log3 to log2. After this is done in about an hour time all the Software restriction Policy alerts start coming in to our email. I then check wireshark. In a minutes time with the new (relog3) server I will get around 200 logs. With the old now (relog2) I am over 1000 in the same time. For some reason when making the change in the gpo it seems like the computers are holding the logs and don't want to send to the new location, then when changing it back it send the logs that were held. Any idea on what is going on here?
jpederson created
Split message, each new line '\n' with syslog header
RAZR created
Hello guys, please help to split MESSAGE to seperate events with syslog_bsd headers.
config example:
<Extension csv_parser>
Module xm_csv
Fields DisplayName, EmailAddress, Department, Title, Description, SamAccountName,EmployeeNumber,PasswordLastSet,LastLogonDate,enabled
FieldTypes string,string,string,string,string,string,string,string,string,string
Exec $msg1 = ($SamAccountName + " | -DisplayName | " + $DisplayName);
Exec $msg2 = ($SamAccountName + " | -EmailAddress | " + $EmailAddress);
Exec $msg3 = ($SamAccountName + " | -Department | " + $Department);
Exec $msg4 = ($SamAccountName + " | -Title | " + $Title);
Exec $msg5 = ($SamAccountName + " | -Description | " + $Description);
Exec $msg6 = ($SamAccountName + " | -SamAccountName | " + $SamAccountName);
Exec $msg7 = ($SamAccountName + " | -EmployeeNumber | " + $EmployeeNumber);
Exec $msg8 = ($SamAccountName + " | -PasswordLastSet | " + $PasswordLastSet);
Exec $msg9 = ($SamAccountName + " | -LastLogonDate | " + $LastLogonDate);
Exec $msg10 = ($SamAccountName + " | -enabled | " + $enabled);
Exec $raw_event = $msg1 + "\n" + $msg2 + "\n" + $msg3 + "\n" + $msg4 + "\n" + $msg5 + "\n" + $msg6 + "\n" + $msg7 + "\n" + $msg8 + "\n" + $msg9 + "\n" + $msg10 + "\n";
So the ouput like:
Administrator | -DisplayName |
Administrator | -EmailAddress |
Administrator | -Department |
Administrator | -Title |
Administrator | -Description | Built-in account for administering the computer/domain
Administrator | -SamAccountName | Administrator
Administrator | -EmployeeNumber |
Administrator | -PasswordLastSet | 2/21/2019 1:57:37 PM
Administrator | -LastLogonDate | 2/21/2019 2:08:51 PM
Administrator | -enabled | True
How to add syslog header <PRI>TIMESTAMP HOSTNAME TAG[PID]: before each line and send to syslog as seperate messages?
If I use to_syslog_bsd(); lines merges into one event
RAZR created
NXLog 4.3.4308 Crashed after logrotate
hatula created
Hi everyone!
The new version NXLog works well. But recently, I again saw an error during the rotation of log.
Service does not work. I reinstalled it and everything is ok.
Thanks everyone!
2019-08-18 00:00:00 ERROR failed to check whether file 'C:\nxlog\data\nxlog.log.2' exists; Access is denied.
2019-08-19 00:00:00 ERROR Scheduled execution failed; procedure 'file_cycle' failed at line 27, character 57 in C:\nxlog\conf\nxlog.conf. statement execution has been aborted; ### ASSERTION FAILED at line 76 in filepath.c/nx_filepath_find_all_paths(): "path_decomposed->nelts > 0" ###
2019-08-20 00:00:00 ERROR Scheduled execution failed; procedure 'file_cycle' failed at line 27, character 57 in C:\nxlog\conf\nxlog.conf. statement execution has been aborted; ### ASSERTION FAILED at line 76 in filepath.c/nx_filepath_find_all_paths(): "path_decomposed->nelts > 0" ###
2019-08-21 00:00:00 ERROR Scheduled execution failed; procedure 'file_cycle' failed at line 27, character 57 in C:\nxlog\conf\nxlog.conf. statement execution has been aborted; ### ASSERTION FAILED at line 76 in filepath.c/nx_filepath_find_all_paths(): "path_decomposed->nelts > 0" ###
hatula created
Need help in writing input module
abasha created
Hi, I am trying to read logs (csv format) from Service Now and send it to ELK stack. I need some help in writing the input module, so that I can properly send the logs to ELK stack.
My input file contains 5 fields, but field3 has multiline input. I tried many methods and it doesnot work as per expectations. Can someone please help in writing proper input/output module to my stack.
Input file sample as follows:
Created,Level,Message,Source,Created by
7/22/2019 3:00,Warning,"org.mozilla.javascript.EcmaError: Cannot convert null to an object.
Caused by error in sys_script.914d69890a0a3c1101310dab6c2ebf01.script at line 1
==> 1: geamBlockCI();
2: function geamBlockCI() {
3: var user = gs.getUser();
4: //gs.log('**** 1 User'+ user,'Test');
7/22/2019 3:00,Warning,"org.mozilla.javascript.EcmaError: Cannot convert null to an object.
Caused by error in sys_script.914d69890a0a3c1101310dab6c2ebf01.script at line 1
==> 1: geamBlockCI();
2: function geamBlockCI() {
3: var user = gs.getUser();
4: //gs.log('**** 1 User'+ user,'Test');
abasha created
alerting on mail when regex string matches
Sajeshvv23 created
I am trying to get an alert on mail when someone changes the syslog IP, i am using below config,
<Input file>
Module im_file
File "/opt/nxlog/var/log/*.log"
if $raw_event =~ /Syslog Server IP was changed from/
exec_async("/bin/sh", "-c", 'echo "' + $Hostname +
$raw_event +
'"|/usr/bin/mailx -a "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8" -s "ALERT" ' +
everytime when i see "Syslog Server IP was changed from" on log file i am getting "RROR subprocess 'xxxxx' returned a non-zero exit value of 1" on nxlog log file.
i am on CentOS 7 .... can anyone help..
Sajeshvv23 created
Windows 2012 R2 Having issues, while Windows 2008 works seamless
paulhurst created
Trying to implement nxlog on a Windows 2012 R2 server and the log data appears to forward to Graylog3, however in a review of the data no messages are recieved.
Using the same nxlog.conf file from a working 2008 server we get the same result.
paulhurst created
Bypassing 'File' When Configuring im_file Module with NXLog Manager for IIS Log Ingestion
marktroy created
Hello. We plan on using the im_file module to ingest W3C IIS logs. We will use the command script provided in the user manual in section 69.7 as we have many IIS servers and the logs are not all in the same place. We use NXLog Manager to manage all of our agents. When attempting to create the module for the agent within NXLog Manager, we are being forced to input something for the 'File' parameter. Yet when we do the 'include_stdout' directive as shown in the manual, that creates the 'File' parameter based on what the script finds so we don't want the NXLog Manager defining that parameter. How do we tell NXLog Manager to skip that parameter? We don't want to have to manually update log4ensics.conf on each of these servers.
Thank you.
marktroy created
netflow to syslog to file or siem
joshik created
Hi All,
Is there a way to collect Netflow logs to a file and export them in Syslog format.
Trying to get a working solution to collect logs from the sd-wan device(ipfix/netflow) and forward them to our SIEM which only accepts Syslog format.
here is the conf file ..let me know what im doing wrong ?
<Extension netflow>
Module xm_netflow
<Extension json>
Module xm_json
<Input netflowIn1>
Module im_udp
Port 2055
InputType netflow
<Output Out>
Module om_file
File "c:\temp\syslog.txt"
Exec to_json();
<Route nf>
Path netflowIn1 => Out
joshik created
forwarded events
USRJJAAG3643H5DQ created
Hello, I have a WEC server receiving the logs form my network computers, in this server I have the NXLog community edition to forward this logs, but in the exabeam analytics does not see logs from the machines the login and log out, I feel that the nxlogs does not forward all events, Do I need to use other version of client or what else should I do to verify if is send the full log?
USRJJAAG3643H5DQ created
Support tickets
user created
I'd like to know if i can open tickets support using the nxlog community edition or it's just for the enterprise edition users.
user created
nxlog - tls renegotation
Mareknejedly created
I would like to ask you if there is option for nxlog community edition to disable TLS (module im_ssl) renegotiation for nxlog community edition or if the renegotiations are compliant with RFC 5746?
Thanks for letting me know.
Kind regards,
Mareknejedly created
Event Log Types
JacobY created
I an having trouble finding documentation on how/where I would alter the config files to forward all windows logs. I can setup the config to forward logs, which was simple, but specifying which logs to forward is where I am stuck
JacobY created