NXLog Legal

NXLog General Terms of Business

Effective date: 03.01.2024

NXLog Cloud and On-Premise Software Terms of Service for using NXLog Platform Products

Thank you for using NXLog Platform and other NXLog services!


These "NXLog Cloud and On-Premise Software Terms of Service" (the “Terms”) describe your rights and responsibilities as a customer of our NXLog Cloud Platform (the "Cloud Platform") and the NXLog On-Premise Software Products (the "On-Premise Platform", and both products together the "NXLog Platform"). These Terms are between you and the NXLog entity, NXLog FZE., a company with corporate address at The Office 3, One Central, Dubai World Trade Center, United Arab Emirates, TIN: 104087066700001, Licence Number: L-1825, that owns or operates the NXLog Platform Product and the On-Premise Software that you are using or accessing listed here ("NXLog" or "Supplier" or “We” or “Us”). “You” or "Customer" or "the Customer" or "Licensee" means the entity you represent in accepting these Terms or, if that does not apply, you individually. If you are accepting on behalf of your employer or another entity, you represent and warrant that: (i) you have full legal authority to bind your employer or such entity to these Terms; (ii) you have read and understand these Terms; and (iii) you agree to these Terms on behalf of the party that you represent. If you don’t have the legal authority to bind your employer or the applicable entity please do not click “I agree” (or similar button or checkbox) that is presented to you. PLEASE NOTE THAT IF YOU SIGN UP FOR A NXLOG PLATFORM PRODUCT USING AN EMAIL ADDRESS FROM YOUR EMPLOYER OR ANOTHER ENTITY, THEN (A) YOU WILL BE DEEMED TO REPRESENT SUCH PARTY, (B) YOUR CLICK TO ACCEPT WILL BIND YOUR EMPLOYER OR THAT ENTITY TO THESE TERMS, AND THE WORD “YOU” IN THESE TERMS WILL REFER TO YOUR EMPLOYER OR THAT ENTITY.

These Terms are effective as of the date you first click “I agree” (or similar button or checkbox) or use or access the Cloud Platform or the On-Premise Platform, whichever is earlier (the “Effective Date”). These Terms do not have to be signed in order to be binding. You indicate your assent to these Terms by clicking “I agree” (or similar button or checkbox) at the time you register for the Cloud Platform or the On-Premise Platform, or create a Cloud Platform account, or place an Order. For Free-of-Charge Products, you also indicate your assent to these Terms by accessing or using the applicable Free-of-Charge Product.

1.1. What these Terms cover

1.1.1. Cloud Platform

These Terms govern our Cloud Platform, add-on products, related Support, and Additional Services, as well as any future subscription renewal made by you that reference these Terms. These Terms include our Policies (including our Privacy Policy), the Product-Specific Terms, and your Orders.

1.1.2. On-Premise Software Products

These Terms govern your initial purchase of NXLog On-Premise Platform, Support and Maintenance for the Software, add-on products, and any Additional Services, as well as any future purchases made by you that reference these Terms. These Terms include our Policies (including our Privacy Policy), the Product-Specific Terms, and your Orders. The On-Premise Platform and its permitted use are further described in the Documentation. The term “On-Premise Platform” includes Documentation unless otherwise specified.

1.1.3. Product-Specific Terms

Some add-on products of our Cloud Platform may be subject to additional terms specific to that product as set forth in the Product-Specific Terms. By accessing or using a product covered by the Product-Specific Terms, you also agree to the Product-Specific Terms.

1.2. Accounts and Authorized Users

1.2.1. Account Registration for using NXLog Platform

You must register for an account at the NXLog Cloud Platform in order to get access, to use, to place Orders or to receive On-Premise Software. Your registration information must be accurate, current and complete. You must keep your registration current so that we may send notices, statements and other information to you by email or through your account. You are responsible for all actions taken through your account, including Orders made or functionality or add-on products enabled (which may incur fees). If you order Software through a Reseller (defined in Section 11), then you are solely responsible for (i) any access by Reseller to your account and (ii) any related rights or obligations in your applicable agreement with the Reseller.

1.2.2. Authorized Users and Responsibility for End Users

Only Authorized Users may access and use NXLog Platform. NXlog Platform offers the possibilities to create Authorized Users or to invite user entities to become Authorized Users. You are responsible for creating Authorized Users or for inviting potential users to become Authorized Users and for managing Authorized Users on NXLog Platform. You are responsible for understanding the settings and controls for each NXLog Platform Product you use and for controlling whom you allow to become an End User. You are responsible for compliance with this Agreement by all Authorized Users (no matter if these users are part of your entity of are of a Third Party), including what Authorized Users do with your data, and for all fees incurred by Authorized Users (or their actions taken within NXLog Platform). All use of NXLog Platform must be solely for the benefit of you or your entity and must be within the Scope of Use. Please note that you are responsible for the activities of all your End Users, including Orders they may place and how End Users use Your Data, even if those End Users are not from your organization or domain. We may display our User Notice to End Users at sign up, account creation, NXLog Platform registration, or within our products. If you use single sign-on (SSO - or social authentication / authorization) for identity management of your Cloud Platform such that End Users will bypass these screens and our User Notice, you are responsible for displaying our User Notice to End Users and for any damages resulting from your failure to do so.

1.2.3. Credentials

You must require that all End Users keep their user IDs and passwords for the NXLog Platform strictly confidential and do not share such information with any unauthorized person. User IDs are granted to individual, named persons and may not be shared. You are responsible for any and all actions taken using End User Accounts and passwords, and you agree to immediately notify us of any unauthorized use of which you become aware.

1.3. How NXLog Platform is administered

1.3.1. Administrators

Within both, the Cloud Platform and the On-Premise Platform, you are be able to specify certain End Users as Administrators or grant End Users priviledges with same or similar elevated user rights, who will have important rights and controls over your use of the Cloud Platform, and/or the On-Premise Platform, potentially including End User Accounts. This may include making Orders for Platform Products or purchasing add-on Products or purchasing Product Extensions (which may incur fees); creating, de-provisioning, monitoring or modifying End User Accounts, and setting End User usage permissions; and managing access to Your Data by End Users or others. Administrators or End Users with similar, elevated priviledges may also take over management of accounts previously registered using an email address belonging to your domain. Without limiting Section 2.2 (Responsibility for End Users), which fully applies to Administrators, you are responsible for whom you allow to become Administrators or End Users with similar, elevated priviledges and any actions they take, including as described above. You agree that our responsibilities do not extend to the internal management or administration of the NXLog Platform for you.

1.3.2. Resellers or other Third Parties as Administrator

If you order NXLog Platform through a Reseller, then you are responsible for determining whether the Reseller may serve as an Administrator or End Users with similar, elevated priviledges and for any related rights or obligations in your applicable agreement with the Reseller. Furthermore, you are responsible for determining whether any Third Party End User may serve as an Administrator or End Users with similar, elevated priviledges and for any related rights or obligations in your applicable agreement with the Third Party. As between you and NXLog, you are solely responsible for any access by Reseller or any other Third Party to your accounts or your other End User Accounts.

1.3.3. Domain Name Ownership

Where you are required to specify a domain for the operation of any NXLog Platform Product or certain features, we may verify that you own or control that domain. If you do not own or control the domain you specify, then we will have no obligation to provide you with the NXLog Platform or NXLog Platform features.

1.4. What is included and what are your Restrictions when using NXLog Platform Subscription

1.4.1. Access to NXLog Cloud Platform

Subject to these Terms and during the applicable Subscription Term, you may access and use the Cloud Platform for your own business purposes or personal use, as applicable, all in accordance with these Terms, the applicable Order and the Documentation. This includes the right, as part of your authorized use of the Cloud Platform Products, to download and use the client software associated with the Cloud Platform. The rights granted to you in this Section 4 are non-exclusive, non-sublicensable and non-transferable.

1.4.2. Your License Rights for using On-Premise Platform

Subject to these Terms, NXLog grants you a non-exclusive, non-sublicensable and non-transferable license to install and use the On-Premise Platform during the applicable Subscription Term for your own business purposes, in accordance with these Terms, your applicable Scope of Use, the Documentation and all Laws. This includes the right, as part of your authorized use of the On-Premise Platform Products, to download and use the client software, as well as the On-Premise Platform software associated with the On-Premise Platform.

1.4.3. Support

During the Subscription Term, we will provide Support for the NXLog Platform in accordance with the Support Policy, Enterprise Support and Services Policy (to the extent applicable), and the applicable Order.

1.4.4. Restrictions

Except as otherwise expressly permitted in these Terms, you will not: (a) reproduce, modify, adapt or create derivative works of any part of the Software; (b) rent, lease, distribute, sell, sublicense, transfer, or provide access to the Software to a third party; (c) use the Software for the benefit of any third party; (d) incorporate the Software into a product or service you provide to a third party; (e) interfere with any license key mechanism in the Software or otherwise circumvent mechanisms in the Software intended to limit your use; (f) reverse engineer, disassemble, decompile, translate, or otherwise seek to obtain or derive the source code, underlying ideas, algorithms, file formats or non-public APIs to the Software, except to the extent expressly permitted by applicable law (and then only upon advance notice to us); (g) remove or obscure any proprietary or other notices contained in the Software; (h) use the Software for competitive analysis or to build competitive products; or (i) encourage or assist any third party to do any of the foregoing.

1.4.5. Number of Instances of On-Premise Platforms

Unless otherwise specified in your Order, for each Subscription that you purchase, you may install one (1) instance of On-Premise Platform on systems owned or operated by you or one of your Authorized Users. We may also make available “test” licenses free of charge for certain of our Software offerings to allow you to deploy non-production instances or NXLog Platform, such as for staging or QA purposes. Please contact NXLog support if you have need for such instances.

1.4.6. Product-Specific Terms

Some Software may be subject to additional terms specific to that Software as set forth in the Product-Specific Terms. By accessing or using a product covered by the Product-Specific Terms, you agree to the Product-Specific Terms.

1.5. System Requirements for On-Premise Platform

You are solely responsible for ensuring that your systems meet the hardware, software and any other applicable system requirements for the On-Premise Platform as specified in the Documentation. NXLog will have no obligations or responsibility under these Terms for issues caused by your use of any third-party hardware or software not provided by NXLog.

1.6. Our Security and Data Privacy Policies

1.6.1. Security and Certifications

We implement and maintain physical, technical and administrative security measures designed to protect Your Data from unauthorized access, destruction, use, modification, or disclosure. We also maintain a compliance program that includes independent third-party audits and certifications. Our Customer Success Team, as updated from time to time, provides further details on our security measures and certifications, if required.

1.6.2. Privacy

We collect certain data and information about you and your End Users in connection with your and your End Users’ use of the NXLog Platform and otherwise in connection with these Terms. We collect and use all such data and information in accordance with our Privacy Policy, which you acknowledge.

1.6.3. Improving NXLog Products

We are always striving to improve the NXLog Product range. In order to do so, we use analytics techniques to better understand how our products are being used. For more information on these techniques and the type of data collected, please read our Privacy Policy.

1.6.4. Subpoenas

Nothing in these Terms prevents us from disclosing Your Data to the extent required by law, subpoenas or court orders, but we will use commercially reasonable efforts to notify you where permitted to do so. NXLog strives to balance your privacy rights with other legal requirements.

1.6.5. GDPR Data Processing Documents

If you or your entity are in the European Union, Switzerland, or are otherwise subject to the territorial scope of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (General Data Protection Regulation) or any successor legislation, you can request the NXLog Data Processing documents at this e-mail address: legal@nxlog.co.

1.7. Terms that Apply to Your Data

1.7.1. Using Your Data to provide NXLog Cloud Platform to You

You retain all right, title and interest in and to Your Data in the form submitted to the Cloud Platform. Subject to these Terms, and solely to the extent necessary to provide the Cloud Platform to you, you grant us a worldwide, limited term license to access, use, process, copy, distribute, perform, export, search, modify (to extend required to handle data efficiently while retaining the original content), and display Your Data. Solely to the extent that reformatting Your Data for display in a Cloud Platform Product constitutes a modification or derivative work, the foregoing license also includes the right to make modifications and derivative works. We may also access your accounts, End User Accounts, and your Cloud Platform with End User permission in order to respond to your support requests.

1.7.2. Your Data Compliance Obligations

You and your use of Cloud Platform (including use by your End Users, internal or Third Party) must comply at all times with these Terms, the Acceptable Use Policy and all Laws. You represent and warrant that: (i) you have obtained all necessary rights, releases and permissions to submit all Your Data to the Cloud Platform and to grant the rights granted to us in these Terms and (ii) Your Data and its submission and use as you authorize in these Terms will not violate (1) any Laws, (2) any third-party intellectual property, privacy, publicity or other rights, or (3) any of your or third-party policies or terms governing Your Data. Other than our express obligations under Section 6 (Our security and data privacy policies), we assume no responsibility or liability for Your Data, and you are solely responsible for Your Data and the consequences of submitting and using it with the Cloud Platform. NXlog Cloud Platform is hosted in one or many Third Party Cloud-data-centres. The geographic location of these Cloud-data-centre(s) can be requested via e-mail using this e-mail address: service@nxlog.co.

1.7.3. No Prohibited Sensitive Health Information

You will not (and will not permit anyone else to) provide to the Cloud Platform (or use the Cloud Platform to process) any patient, medical or other protected health information regulated by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act or any similar health data protected under Law, unless expressly authorized by NXLog in writing. This does not apply to On-Premise Platform installations.

1.7.4. No Prohibited Sensitive Payment Card Industry Information

You will not (and will not permit anyone else to) provide to the Cloud Platform (or use the Cloud Platform to process) any sensitive Payment Card Industry information or data (e.g. credit card information, account data), unless expressly authorized by NXLog in writing. This does not apply to On-Premise Platform installations.

1.7.5. Your Indemnity

You will defend, indemnify and hold harmless us (and our Affiliates, officers, directors, agents and employees) from and against any and all claims, costs, damages, losses, liabilities and expenses (including reasonable attorneys’ fees and costs) resulting from any claim arising from or related to (i) your breach of Section 2.2 (End User Consent) or any claims or disputes brought by your End Users arising out of their use of Cloud Platform, (ii) your breach (or alleged breach) of Sections 7.2 (Your Data Compliance Obligations) or 7.3 (No Prohibited Sensitive Health Information) or or 7.4 (No Prohibited Sensitive Payment Card Industry Information). This indemnification obligation is subject to you receiving (a) prompt written notice of such claim (but in any event notice in sufficient time for you to respond without prejudice); (b) the exclusive right to control and direct the investigation, defense or settlement of such claim and (c) all reasonable necessary cooperation by us at your expense.

1.7.6. Removals and Suspension

We have no obligation to monitor any content uploaded to the Cloud Platform. Nonetheless, if we deem such action necessary based on your violation of these Terms, including Our Policies, or in response to takedown requests that we receive following our guidelines for Reporting Copyright and Trademark Violations, we may (1) remove Your Data from the Cloud Platform or (2) suspend your access to the NXLog Platform. We will use reasonable efforts to provide you with advance notice of removals and suspensions when practicable, but if we determine that your actions endanger the operation of the Cloud Platform or other users, we may suspend your access or remove Your Data immediately without notice. We have no liability to you for removing or deleting Your Data from or suspending your access to Cloud Platform as described in this Section 7.6.

1.7.7. Data Deletion by Supplier

There are cases, in which we will delete your data stored in the Cloud Platform. Such cases might include subscription changes, subscription cancellations, invoices not paid by you within payment terms, usage beyond licensed scope and the like. We are not responsible and we cannot be held accountable for your data stored in any of our NXLog Platform installations, Cloud or On-Premise, and we have the right to delete your data for license coverage or operational security reasons. In some cases we might inform you about impending data deletion actions via e-mail or warnings displayed in our applications, in other cases we might not be able to do so to avert service failures.

1.7.8. Right to Handle Your Data

By submitting data to NXLog Platform, both, Cloud and On-Premise, you hereby grant Supplier a sublicensable, worldwide, royalty-free, and non-exclusive right to reproduce, modify, adapt and publish such data solely for the purpose of enabling NXLog to provide You with the applicable services. If You wish to delete data from your installation, Cloud or On-Premise, NXLog will use reasonable efforts to remove it, but You acknowledge that backups, caching or references to such data may not be made immediately unavailable.

1.7.9. Purging of Data in Case License Base is Exceeded

There are cases, in which we will purge or not transmit or not store data sent by you or collected from your IT or OT systems due to exceeding the license base purchased by you. We might grant a grace range of license overusage in case you overextend your purchased license scope by collected data from too many nodes or by asking the used components to handle more Events per Second (EPS) at a given time or by storing more data than licensed by you. We cannot be held accountable for such data lost or purged or deleted due to you exceeding the license base in any of our NXLog Platform installations, Cloud or On-Premise, and we have the right to delete or purge or not transmit or not handle or not store your data in such cases. In some cases we might inform you about such data deletion or purging or non-transmission actions via e-mail or warnings displayed in our applications, in other cases we might not be able to do so to avert service failures.

1.7.10. Data Retrieval and Data Deletion at Service Termination

It is Your sole responsibility to delete or retrieve data from an NXLog Platform installation, Cloud or On-Premise, prior to termination of service for any reason. If NXLog terminates Your account, NXLog will provide You a reasonable opportunity to retrieve Your data from the applicable NXLog Platform installations, if requested in writing. Such a request must be sent by email to NXLog within seven (7) days after You receive notice regarding the termination using this email address: service@nxlog.co. In any event, data will be deleted from NXLog Platform installations no earlier than fourteen (14) days after the termination date identified in the applicable notice has been sent to You. Notwithstanding the foregoing, NXLog may delete data for reasons or similar reasons descsribed in this chapter.

1.8. Additional Services

1.8.1. Additional Services

Subject to these Terms, you may purchase Add-on Products or Product Extensions or Support Services or Professional Services that we will provide to you pursuant to the applicable Order. Additional Services may be subject to additional policies and terms as specified by us, including the Enterprise Support and Services Policy.

1.8.2. Our Deliverables

We will retain all right, title and interest in and to Our Deliverables. You may use any of Our Deliverables provided to you only in connection with Cloud Platform and On-Premise Platform, subject to the same usage rights and restrictions as for the NXLog Platform. For clarity, Our Deliverables are not considered NXLog Platform, and NXLog Platform is not considered to be Our Deliverables.

1.8.3. Training Not Covered

Your purchase, and our provision, of Training is subject to our Training Terms and Policies, which is a separate agreement.

1.9. Billing, renewals, and payment

1.9.1. Subscription Plans

Except for Free-of-Charge Products, all NXLog Platform Products are offered on an annual subscription basis.

1.9.2. Renewals

Except as otherwise specified in your Order, unless either party cancels your subscription prior to expiration of the current Subscription Term, your subscription will automatically renew for another Subscription Term of a period equal to your initial Subscription Term. You will provide any notice of non-renewal through the means we designate, which may include account settings in the Cloud Platform or contacting our sales team. Cancelling your subscription means that you will not be charged for the next billing cycle, but you will not receive any refunds or credits for amounts that have already been charged. All renewals are subject to the applicable NXLog Platform Product continuing to be offered and will be charged at the then-current rates.

1.9.3. Adding License Nodes and Extend Products

You may and are encouraged to add additional license nodes, add Add-Ons or Product Extensions, or increase storage limits, or otherwise increase your use of NXLog Platform by placing a new Order. Unless otherwise specified in the applicable Order, we will charge you for any increased use at our then-current rates, prorated for the remainder of the then-current Subscription Term. Some Add-Ons or Extensions might not be available in all Subscription Levels.

1.9.4. Subscription Upgrades

You may upgrade your license at any time from a lower subscription level to a higher subscritption level (e.g. from free-of-charge offering to Basic or from Basic to Premium). In case you are performing an upgrade from any lower subscription level to a higher subscription level (e.g. from Basic to Premium subscription), you will only be charged the difference between the license cost already paid for the current, lower subscription plan to the new, higher subscription plan. When performing a subscription upgrade, the license term (e.g. the end date of your current, yearly license term) will change through the subscription update. A new yearly subsription term will start at the day of your subscription upgrade. The upgrade cost will be calculated considering the license cost of the new (yearly) subscription license term for your upgraded, new subscription plan. But, the remaining license days of your current (old) subscription will be used to calculate a credit amount, based on the amount invoiced for the current (old) subscription, which will be credited to your subscription upgrade invoice. It is not allowed to downgrade from a higher subscription level to a lower subscription level. Changing to a lower subscription level is only possible before a new subscription terms starts and will be valid for that new (future) subscription term only. In case a subscription upgrade reduces the storage space available to store log data, we are allowed to delete data from the log database to accommodate the stored customer data to the new, reduced storage space.

1.9.5. Payment

You will pay all fees in accordance with each Order, by the due dates and in the currency specified in the Order. Depending on your method or payment, different payment terms and fees may apply. Any kind of transaction fees will be coverd by you. In case of bank transfers, the amount credited to our bank accounts needs to be identical to the amount invoiced to you. Transaction fees incurred by your or our bank or any transaction provider inbetween need to be covered by you. If a Purchase Order Number (the "PO number") is required in order for an invoice to be paid, then you must provide such PO number during the order process (online within the order process). For Additional Services provided at any location other than the NXLog office locations, unless otherwise specified in your Order, you will reimburse us for our pre-approved travel, lodging and meal expenses, which we may charge as incurred. Other than as expressly set forth in Section 19.3 (Warranty Remedy), Section 21 (IP Indemnification) or Section 25 (Changes to these Terms), all amounts are non-refundable, non-cancelable and non-creditable. You agree that we may bill your credit card or other payment method for renewals, license enlargements, overages to set limits or scopes of use, expenses, and unpaid fees, as applicable.

1.9.6. Delivery

We will deliver the usage instructions for NXLog Platform to your account or through other reasonable means no later than when we have received payment of the applicable fees. You are responsible for accessing your account to determine that we have received payment and that your Order has been processed. All deliveries under these Terms will be electronic.

1.10. Taxes not included

1.10.1. Taxes

Your fees under these Terms exclude any taxes or duties payable in respect of the NXLog Platform in the jurisdiction where the payment is either made or received. To the extent that any such taxes or duties are payable by us, you must pay to us the amount of such taxes or duties in addition to any fees owed under these Terms. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if you have obtained an exemption from relevant taxes or duties as of the time such taxes or duties are levied or assessed, you may provide us with such exemption information (e.g. an European VAT number), and we either not charge such taxes at the point of purchase or we will use reasonable efforts to provide you with invoicing documents designed to enable you to obtain a refund or credit from the relevant revenue authority, if such a refund or credit is available.

1.10.2. Withholding Taxes

Depending on your purchasing entity and depending on the information you provide while purchasing, you will pay all fees gross (including) or net (excluding) of any applicable withholding taxes. You and we will work together to avoid any withholding tax if exemptions, or a reduced treaty withholding rate, are available. If we qualify for a tax exemption, or a reduced treaty withholding rate, we will provide you with reasonable documentary proof. You will provide us reasonable evidence that you have paid the relevant authority for the sum withheld or deducted.

1.11. If you purchased through a Reseller

If you make any purchases through an authorized partner or reseller of NXLog (“Reseller”):

(a) Instead of paying us, you will pay the applicable amounts to the Reseller, as agreed between you and the Reseller. We may suspend or terminate your rights to use NXLog Platform if we do not receive the corresponding payment from the Reseller.

(b) Your order details (e.g., the NXLog Platform Product(s) you are entitled to use, the number of licensed nodes, the amount of Events per Second (EPS) licesend, the Subscription Term, etc.) will be as stated in the Order placed with us by the Reseller on your behalf, and Reseller is responsible for the accuracy of any such Order as communicated to us.

(c) If you are entitled to a refund under these Terms, then unless we otherwise specify, we will refund any applicable fees to the Reseller and the Reseller will be solely responsible for refunding the appropriate amounts to you.

(d) Resellers are not authorized to modify these Terms or make any promises or commitments on our behalf, and we are not bound by any obligations to you other than as set forth in these Terms.

(e) The amount paid or payable by the Reseller to us for your use of the applicable NXLog Platform Product under these Terms will be deemed the amount actually paid or payable by you to us under these Terms for purposes of calculating the liability cap in Section 20.2.

1.12. No contingencies on other products of future functionality

You acknowledge that the NXLog Platform Products and Additional Services referenced in an Order are being purchased separately from any of our other products or services. Payment obligations for any products or services are not contingent on the purchase or use of any of our other products (and for clarity, any purchases of NXLog Platform Products and Additional Services are separate and not contingent on each other, even if listed on the same Order). You agree that your purchases are not contingent on the delivery of any future functionality or features (including future availability of any NXLog Platform Products beyond the current Subscription Term), or dependent on any oral or written public comments we make regarding future functionality or features.

1.13. License Controls, Certifications and Audits

NXLog Platform has implemented automated license compliance controls and it performs automated license compliance checks while being used. At our request, you agree to provide a signed certification that you are using all NXLog Platform Software pursuant to the terms of this Agreement, including the Scope of Use. You agree to allow us or our authorized agent, to audit your use of NXLog Platform (including that of your Authorized Users). We will provide you with at least ten (10) days advance notice prior to the audit, and the audit will be conducted during normal business hours. We will bear all out-of-pocket costs that we incur for the audit, unless the audit reveals that you have exceeded the Scope of Use. You will provide reasonable assistance, cooperation, and access to relevant information in the course of any audit at your own cost. If you exceed your Scope of Use, we may invoice you for any past or ongoing excessive use, and you will pay the invoice promptly after receipt. This remedy is without prejudice to any other remedies available to NXLog at law or equity or under this Agreement. To the extent we are obligated to do so, we may share audit results with certain of our third-party licensors or assign the audit rights specified in this Section 13 to such licensors.

1.14. Evaluations, trials, and betas

We may offer certain NXLog Platform Products (e.g. Bundles, Add-ons, Extensions etc.) to you at no charge, including free accounts, trial use and Beta Versions as defined below (collectively, "Free-of-Charge Products”). Your use of Free-of-Charge Products is subject to any additional terms that we specify and is only permitted during the Subscription Term we designate (or, if not designated, until terminated in accordance with these Terms). Except as otherwise set forth in this Section 14, the terms and conditions of these Terms governing NXLog Platform Products, including Section 4.4 (Restrictions), fully apply to Free-of-Charge Products. We may modify or terminate your right to use Free-of-Charge Products at any time and for any reason in our sole discretion, without liability to you. You understand that any pre-release and beta NXLog Platform Products, and any pre-release and beta features within generally available NXLog Platform Products, that we make available (collectively, “Beta Versions”) are still under development, may be inoperable or incomplete and are likely to contain more errors and bugs than generally available NXLog Platform Products. We make no promises that any Beta Versions will ever be made generally available. In some circumstances, we may charge a fee in order to allow you to access Beta Versions, but the Beta Versions will still remain subject to this Section 14. All information regarding the characteristics, features or performance of any Free-of-Charge Products (including Beta Versions) constitutes our Confidential Information. To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, we disclaim all obligations or liabilities with respect to Free-of-Charge Products, including any Support, warranty and indemnity obligations. NOTWITHSTANDING ANYTHING ELSE IN THESE TERMS, OUR MAXIMUM AGGREGATE LIABILITY TO YOU IN RESPECT OF Free-of-Charge PRODUCTS WILL BE US$50.

1.15. IP Rights in the Cloud Platform and Feedback

Cloud Platform Products are made available on a limited access basis, and no ownership right is conveyed to you, irrespective of the use of terms such as “purchase” or “sale”. We and our licensors have and retain all right, title and interest, including all intellectual property rights, in and to Our Technology (including the Cloud Platform Products). From time to time, you may choose to submit Feedback to us. We may in connection with any of our products or services freely use, copy, disclose, license, distribute and exploit any Feedback in any manner without any obligation, royalty or restriction based on intellectual property rights or otherwise. No Feedback will be considered your Confidential Information, and nothing in these Terms limits our right to independently use, develop, evaluate, or market products or services, whether incorporating Feedback or otherwise.

1.16. Confidentiality

Except as otherwise set forth in these Terms, each party agrees that all code, inventions, know-how and business, technical and financial information disclosed to such party (“Receiving Party”) by the disclosing party ("Disclosing Party") constitute the confidential property of the Disclosing Party (“Confidential Information”), provided that it is identified as confidential at the time of disclosure or should be reasonably known by the Receiving Party to be confidential or proprietary due to the nature of the information disclosed and the circumstances surrounding the disclosure. Any of Our Technology and any performance information relating to the NXLog Platform Products will be deemed our Confidential Information without any marking or further designation. Except as expressly authorized herein, the Receiving Party will (1) hold in confidence and not disclose any Confidential Information to third parties and (2) not use Confidential Information for any purpose other than fulfilling its obligations and exercising its rights under these Terms. The Receiving Party may disclose Confidential Information to its employees, agents, contractors and other representatives having a legitimate need to know, provided that they are bound to confidentiality obligations no less protective of the Disclosing Party than this Section 16 and that the Receiving Party remains responsible for compliance by them with the terms of this Section 16. The Receiving Party’s confidentiality obligations will not apply to information which the Receiving Party can document: (i) was rightfully in its possession or known to it prior to receipt of the Confidential Information; (ii) is or has become public knowledge through no fault of the Receiving Party; (iii) is rightfully obtained by the Receiving Party from a third party without breach of any confidentiality obligation; or (iv) is independently developed by employees of the Receiving Party who had no access to such information. The Receiving Party may also disclose Confidential Information if so required pursuant to a regulation, law or court order (but only to the minimum extent required to comply with such regulation or order and with advance notice to the Disclosing Party). The Receiving Party acknowledges that disclosure of Confidential Information would cause substantial harm for which damages alone would not be a sufficient remedy, and therefore that upon any such disclosure by the Receiving Party the Disclosing Party will be entitled to appropriate equitable relief in addition to whatever other remedies it might have at law.

1.17. NXLog Cloud Platform Service Level

We do not garantee any service level for NXLog Cloud Products. NXLog Cloud Products are provided "as-is".

1.18. Term and Termination

1.18.1. Subscriptions Term

Subscription Terms are effective as of the Effective Date and expire on the date of expiration or termination of all Subscription Terms.

1.18.2. Termination for Cause

Either party may terminate these Terms (including all related Orders) if the other party (a) fails to cure any material breach of these Terms within thirty (30) days after notice; (b) ceases operation without a successor; or (c) seeks protection under any bankruptcy, receivership, trust deed, creditors’ arrangement, composition or comparable proceeding, or if any such proceeding is instituted against that party (and not dismissed within sixty (60) days thereafter).

1.18.3. Termination for Convenience

You may choose to stop using the NXLog Platform Products and terminate these Terms (including all Orders) at any time for any reason upon written notice to us, but, upon any such termination (i) you will not be entitled to a refund of any pre-paid fees and (ii) if you have not already paid all applicable fees for the then-current Subscription Term or related services period (as applicable), any such fees that are outstanding will become immediately due and payable.

1.18.4. Effects of Termination

Upon any expiration or termination of these Terms, you must cease using all NXLog Platform Products and delete (or at our request, return) all Confidential Information or other materials of ours in your possession, including on any third-party systems operated on your behalf. You will certify such deletion upon our request. You will not have access to Your Data (and we may delete all of Your Data unless legally prohibited) after expiration or termination of these Terms (or its applicable Subscription Term), so you should make sure to export Your Data using the functionality of the NXLog Platform during the applicable Subscription Term. If you terminate these Terms in accordance with Section 18.2 (Termination for Cause), we will refund you any prepaid fees covering the remainder of the then-current Subscription Term after the effective date of termination. If we terminate these Terms in accordance with Section 18.2 (Termination for Cause), you will pay any unpaid fees covering the remainder of the then-current Subscription Term after the effective date of termination. In no event will termination relieve you of your obligation to pay any fees payable to us for the period prior to the effective date of termination. Except where an exclusive remedy may be specified in these Terms, the exercise by either party of any remedy, including termination, will be without prejudice to any other remedies it may have under these Terms, by law or otherwise.

1.18.5. Survival

The following provisions will survive any termination or expiration of these Terms: Sections 4.4 (Restrictions), 7.5 (Your Indemnity), 9.5 (Payment), 10 (Taxes not included), 14 (Evaluations, trials, and betas) (disclaimers and use restrictions only), 15 (IP Rights in the Cloud Platform and Feedback), 16 (Confidentiality), 18 (Term and Termination), 19.4 (Warranty Disclaimer), 20 (Limitations of Liability), 21 (IP Indemnification) (but solely with respect to claims arising from your use of NXLog Platform Products during the Subscription Term), 23 (Dispute Resolution) and 27 (General Provisions).

1.19. Warranties and Disclaimer

1.19.1. Mutual Warranties

Each party represents and warrants that it has the legal power and authority to enter into these Terms.

1.19.2. Our Warranties

We warrant, for your benefit only, that we use commercially reasonable efforts to prevent introduction of viruses, Trojan horses or similar harmful materials into the NXLog Platform Products (but we are not responsible for harmful materials or data submitted by you or End Users) (the “Performance Warranty”).

1.19.3. Warranty Remedy

We will use commercially reasonable efforts, at no charge to you, to correct reported non-conformities with the Performance Warranty. If we determine corrections to be impracticable, either party may terminate the applicable Subscription Term. In this case, you will receive a refund of any fees you have pre-paid for use of the NXLog Platform Product for the terminated portion of the applicable Subscription Term. The Performance Warranty will not apply: (i) unless you make a claim within thirty (30) days of the date on which you first noticed the non-conformity, (ii) if the non-conformity was caused by misuse, unauthorized modifications or third-party products, software, services or equipment or (iii) to Free-of-Charge Products. Our sole liability, and your sole and exclusive remedy, for any breach of the Performance Warranty are set forth in this Section 19.



1.20. Limitation of Liability

1.20.1. Consequential Damages Waiver


1.20.2. Liability Cap


1.20.3. Excluded Claims

“Excluded Claims” means (1) amounts owed by you under any Orders, (2) either party’s express indemnification obligations in these Terms, and (3) your breach of Section 4.4 (Restrictions).

1.20.4. Nature of Claims and Failure of Essential Purpose

The parties agree that the waivers and limitations specified in this Section 20 apply regardless of the form of action, whether in contract, tort (including negligence), strict liability or otherwise and will survive and apply even if any limited remedy specified in these Terms is found to have failed of its essential purpose.

1.21. IP Indemnification

We will defend you against any claim brought against you by a third party alleging that the NXLog Platform Products, when used as authorized under these Terms, infringe any third-party patent, copyright or trademark, or misappropriates any third-party trade secret enforceable in any jurisdiction that is a signatory to the Berne Convention (a “Claim”), and we will indemnify you and hold you harmless against any damages and costs finally awarded on the Claim by a court of competent jurisdiction or agreed to via settlement executed by us (including reasonable attorneys’ fees), provided that we have received from you: (a) prompt written notice of the Claim (but in any event notice in sufficient time for us to respond without prejudice); (b) reasonable assistance in the defense and investigation of the Claim, including providing us a copy of the Claim, all relevant evidence in your possession, custody, or control, and cooperation with evidentiary discovery, litigation, and trial, including making witnesses within your employ or control available for testimony; and (c) the exclusive right to control and direct the investigation, defense, and settlement (if applicable) of the Claim. If your use of the NXLog Platform is (or in your opinion is likely to be) enjoined, whether by court order or by settlement, or if we determine such actions are reasonably necessary to avoid material liability, we may, at our option and in our discretion: (i) procure the right for your continued use of the NXLog Platform Product in accordance with these Terms; (ii) substitute a substantially functionally similar NXLog Platform Product; or (iii) terminate your right to continue using the NXLog Platform Product and refund any prepaid amounts for the terminated portion of the Subscription Term. Our indemnification obligations above do not apply: (1) if the total aggregate fees we receive with respect to your subscription to a NXLog Platform Product in the twelve (12) month period immediately preceding the Claim is less than US$50,000; (2) if the NXLog Platform Product is modified by any party other than us, but solely to the extent the alleged infringement is caused by such modification; (3) if the NXLog Platform Product is used in combination with any non-NXLog product, software, service or equipment, but solely to the extent the alleged infringement is caused by such combination; (4) to unauthorized use of NXLog Platform Products; (5) to any Claim arising as a result of (y) Your Data or circumstances covered by your indemnification obligations in Section 7.5 (Your Indemnity) or (z) any third-party deliverables or components contained with the NXLog Platform Products or (6) if you settle or make any admissions with respect to a Claim without our prior written consent. THIS SECTION 21 (IP INDEMNIFICATION) STATES OUR SOLE LIABILITY AND YOUR EXCLUSIVE REMEDY FOR ANY INFRINGEMENT OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS IN CONNECTION WITH ANY NXLOG PLATFORM PRODUCT OR OTHER ITEMS WE PROVIDE UNDER THESE TERMS.

1.22. Publicity Rights

We may identify you as an NXLog customer in our promotional materials. We will promptly stop doing so upon your request sent to sales@nxlog.org.

1.23. Dispute Resolution

1.23.1. Informal Resolution

In the event of any controversy or claim arising out of or relating to these Terms, the parties will consult and negotiate with each other and, recognizing their mutual interests, attempt to reach a solution satisfactory to both parties. If the parties do not reach settlement within a period of sixty (60) days, either party may pursue relief as may be available under these Terms pursuant to Section 23.2 (Governing Law; Jurisdiction). All negotiations pursuant to this Section 23.1 will be confidential and treated as compromise and settlement negotiations for purposes of all rules and codes of evidence of applicable legislation and jurisdictions.

1.23.2. Governing Law; Jurisdiction

These Terms will be governed by and construed in accordance with the applicable laws of Hungary, without giving effect to the principles relating to conflicts of laws and (b) each party irrevocably agrees that any legal action, suit or proceeding arising out of or related to these Terms must be brought solely and exclusively in, and will be subject to the service of process and other applicable procedural rules of Hungary, and each party irrevocably submits to the sole and exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Hungary, generally and unconditionally, with respect to any action, suit or proceeding brought by it or against it by the other party. In any action or proceeding to enforce a party’s rights under these Terms, the prevailing party will be entitled to recover its reasonable costs and attorneys' fees.

1.23.3. Injunctive Relief; Enforcement

Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 23.1 (Informal Resolution) and 23.2 (Governing Law; Jurisdiction), nothing in these Terms will prevent us from seeking injunctive relief with respect to a violation of intellectual property rights, confidentiality obligations or enforcement or recognition of any award or order in any appropriate jurisdiction.

1.23.4. Exclusion of UN Convention and UCITA

The terms of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the Sale of Goods do not apply to these Terms. The Uniform Computer Information Transactions Act (UCITA) will not apply to these Terms regardless of when or where adopted.

1.24. Export Restrictions

The NXLog Platform Products are subject to export restrictions by the United States government or the European Union and may be subject to import restrictions by certain foreign governments, and you agree to comply with all applicable export and import laws and regulations in your access to, use of, and download of the NXLog Platform Products (or any part thereof). You shall not (and shall not allow any third-party to) remove or export from the United States or the European Union or allow the export or re-export of any part of the NXLog Platform Products or any direct product thereof: (a) into (or to a national or resident of) any embargoed or terrorist-supporting country; (b) to anyone on the U.S. Commerce Department’s Denied Persons, Entity, or Unverified Lists or the U.S. Treasury Department’s list of Specially Designated Nationals and Consolidated Sanctions list (collectively, “Prohibited Persons”); (c) to any country to which such export or re-export is restricted or prohibited, or as to which the United States government or any agency thereof or the European Union requires an export license or other governmental approval at the time of export or re-export without first obtaining such license or approval; or (d) otherwise in violation of any export or import restrictions, laws or regulations of any United States or foreign agency or authority or of the European Union. You represent and warrant that (i) you are not located in, under the control of, or a national or resident of any such prohibited country and (ii) none of Your Data is controlled under the U.S. International Traffic in Arms Regulations or similar Laws in other jurisdictions. You also certify that you are not a Prohibited Person nor owned, controlled by, or acting on behalf of a Prohibited Person. You agree not to use or provide the NXLog Platform Products for any prohibited end use, including to support any nuclear, chemical, or biological weapons proliferation, or missile technology, without the prior permission of the United States government or the respective authorities in the European Union or Hungary.

1.25. Changes to these Terms

We may modify the terms and conditions of these Terms (including Our Policies) from time to time, with notice to you in accordance with Section 27.1 (Notices) or by posting the modified Terms on our website. Together with notice, we will specify the effective date of the modifications.

1.25.1. Free-of-Charge Products

You must accept the modifications to continue using the Free-of-Charge Products. If you object to the modifications, your exclusive remedy is to cease using the Free-of-Charge Products.

Except as otherwise indicated below, modifications to these Terms will take effect at the next renewal of your Subscription Term and will automatically apply as of the renewal date unless you elect not to renew pursuant to Section 9.2 (Renewals). Notwithstanding the foregoing, in some cases (e.g., to address compliance with Laws, or as necessary for new features) we may specify that such modifications become effective during your then-current Subscription Term. If the effective date of such modifications is during your then-current Subscription Term and you object to the modifications, then (as your exclusive remedy) you may terminate your affected Orders upon notice to us, and we will refund you any fees you have pre-paid for use of the affected NXLog Platform Products for the terminated portion of the applicable Subscription Term. To exercise this right, you must provide us with notice of your objection and termination within thirty (30) days of us providing notice of the modifications. For the avoidance of doubt, any Order is subject to the version of these Terms in effect at the time of the Order.

1.25.3. Our Policies

We may modify Our Policies to take effect during your then-current Subscription Term in order to respond to changes in our products, our business, or Laws. In this case, unless required by Laws, we agree not to make modifications to Our Policies that, considered as a whole, would substantially diminish our obligations during your then-current Subscription Term. Modifications to Our Policies will take effect automatically as of the effective date specified for the updated policies.

1.26. Changes to the NXLog Platform Products

You acknowledge that the NXLog Platform Products are on-line or on-premise, subscription-based products, and that in order to provide improved customer experience we may make changes to the NXLog Platform Products, and we may update the applicable Documentation accordingly. Subject to our obligation to provide NXLog Platform Products and Additional Services under existing Orders, we can discontinue any NXLog Platform Products, any Additional Services, any Add-on, any Extension, or any portion or feature of any NXLog Platform Products for any reason at any time without liability to you.

1.27. General Provisions

1.27.1. Notices

Any notice under these Terms must be given in writing. We may provide notice to you through your Primary Account Email Address, your account or in-product notifications. You agree that any electronic communication will satisfy any applicable legal communication requirements, including that such communications be in writing. Any notice to you will be deemed given upon the first business day after we send it. You will provide notice to us by post to NXLog FZE., a company with corporate address at The Office 3, One Central, Dubai World Trade Center, United Arab Emirates, Attn: General Counsel. Your notices to us will be deemed given upon receipt.

1.27.2. Force Majeure

Neither party will be liable to the other for any delay or failure to perform any obligation under these Terms (except for a failure to pay fees) if the delay or failure is due to events which are beyond the reasonable control of such party, such as a strike, blockade, war, act of terrorism, riot, natural disaster, failure or diminishment of power or telecommunications or data networks or services, or refusal of a license by a government agency.

1.27.3. Assignment

You may not assign or transfer these Terms without our prior written consent. As an exception to the foregoing, you may assign these Terms in their entirety (including all Orders) to your successor resulting from a merger, acquisition, or sale of all or substantially all of your assets or voting securities, provided that you provide us with prompt written notice of the assignment and the assignee agrees in writing to assume all of your obligations under these Terms. Any attempt by you to transfer or assign these Terms except as expressly authorized above will be null and void. We may assign our rights and obligations under these Terms (in whole or in part) without your consent. We may also permit our Affiliates, agents and contractors to exercise our rights or perform our obligations under these Terms, in which case we will remain responsible for their compliance with these Terms. Subject to the foregoing, these Terms will inure to the parties’ permitted successors and assigns.

1.27.4. Government End Users

Any United States federal, state, or local or government customers of other countries may be subject to the additions and addendums to these Terms.

1.27.5. Entire Agreement

These Terms are the entire agreement between you and us relating to the NXLog Platform Products and any other subject matter covered by these Terms, and supersede all prior or contemporaneous oral or written communications, proposals and representations between you and us with respect to the NXLog Platform Products or any other subject matter covered by these Terms. No provision of any purchase order or other business form employed by you will supersede or supplement the terms and conditions of these Terms, and any such document relating to these Terms will be for administrative purposes only and will have no legal effect.

1.27.6. Conflicts

In event of any conflict between the main body of these Terms and either Our Policies or Product-Specific Terms, Our Policies or Product-Specific Terms (as applicable) will control with respect to their subject matter.

1.27.7. Waivers; Modifications

No failure or delay by the injured party to these Terms in exercising any right, power or privilege hereunder will operate as a waiver thereof, nor will any single or partial exercise thereof preclude any other or further exercise thereof or the exercise of any right, power or privilege hereunder at law or equity. Except as set forth in Section 25 (Changes to these Terms), any amendments or modifications to these Terms must be executed in writing by an authorized representative of each party.

1.27.8. Interpretation

As used herein, “including” (and its variants) means “including without limitation” (and its variants). Headings are for convenience only. If any provision of these Terms is held to be void, invalid, unenforceable or illegal, the other provisions will continue in full force and effect.

1.27.9. Independent Contractors

The parties are independent contractors. These Terms will not be construed as constituting either party as a partner of the other or to create any other form of legal association that would give either party the express or implied right, power or authority to create any duty or obligation of the other party.


2.1. Introduction

If so agreed by the parties in a contract, the customer will be entitled to receive Technical Support Services from Supplier under the terms and provisions as agreed in a Contract. Technical Support Services may be purchased separately from Products or jointly therewith. In a Contract covering Technical Support Services, Supplier will agree to provide Technical Support Services to Customer and Customer will pay the relevant fee for the services. Parties agree that the primary scope of the Technical Support Services is to provide reactive technical support to the Usage of the Products, execute troubleshooting, bugfixes, etc. that directly derive from the Products themselves and are not related to the implementation or the circumstances or environment of the Usage of the Products. The Parties agree that Technical Support Services are remote Incident resolution services. Any Incident resolution that requires action on the Site will not be covered in the Technical Support Services, but Supplier may undertake to perform such services subject to a separate Agreement.

2.2. Provided Services

Customers are able to purchase Technical Support Services by different Support Levels (Support Level 0 to Support Level 4 or SL0 to SL4). A Support Level is described by the availability, Response Times, number of authorized support contacts and number of support hours included. Available support packages are listed on Supplier’s website and are subject to be updated occasionally. Technical Support Services are provided exclusively to the Customer for the benefit of the Customer. Customer cannot transfer, assign or otherwise sell Technical Support Services to third parties unless a separate managed services agreement specifically entitles the Customer to do so.

2.3. Incident Severity Levels

Reported Incidents are categorized by the following severity levels: Critical, High, Low. Incidents reported without a severity level are treated as Low by default. The Incident must be assigned one of the below severity levels by the Customer when reporting the Incident. After assessing the Incident, NXLog will be entitled to reasonably but unilaterally change the severity of the Incident without prior notification, consultation with Customer or without the obligation to provide reasoning. During the incident resolution process, Supplier occasionally might alter the severity of the Incident to reflect the actual severity level.

Severity of the Incident does not imply a quality issue, the Parties agree that this only serves as guidance for NXLog to organize and prioritize the performance of the technical Support Services. Parties agree that an Incident having higher severity will not be guaranteed to be resolved faster, since resolution time depends on the nature of the Incident not its severity.

2.3.1. Critical

An error that completely prohibits the use of the Product, affecting mission-critical applications and/or blocking critical business processes. A temporary workaround is not possible. Critical severity cannot be used in case of SL1 and SL0.

  • Example: losing logs on production systems. NB: ‘NXLog Manager down’ does not qualify as Critical.

2.3.2. High

An error that prohibits the use of one or more of the main functionalities of the Product. Business operations might be affected, but available with a limited functionality. A temporary workaround may be possible and is acceptable.

  • Example: temporary performance drops in log forwarding.

2.3.3. Low

An error that has minimal or no impact on business operations. General user enquiries related to product setup or use.

  • Example: reports of documentation errors, asking for guidance on configuration options, new product feature requests.

2.4. Availability

Availability is the time-frame NXLog is available to perform the Technical Support Services. Availability categories are as follows:

  • 8x5 - Support is available Monday to Friday between 9:00 to 17:00 UTC.

  • 24x7 - Support is available continuously 24 hours a day, including non-standard working days (weekends, holidays).

2.5. Response Times

The Response Time that applies to Incidents with the given severity level is listed below by Support Level (weekdays when support is not available in the relevant package are to be disregarded in relation to the below Response Times):

SL4 (24x7) SL3 (24/7) SL2 (8x5) SL1 (8x5) SL0 (8x5)









next weekday

2 weekdays

2 weekdays

2 weekdays


next weekday

2 weekdays

3 weekdays

3 weekdays

3 weekdays

Supplier undertakes to use commercially reasonable efforts to respond to any new Incidents and Customer’s updates to open Incidents, within the time-frame described, considering the Customer’s Support Level and the Severity reported. Supplier reserves the right to set lower severity in case the Customer does not respond to requests for updates and further data within the same time-frame.

2.6. Authorized Support Contacts

The maximum number of support contracts that are entitled to open new support Cases and access/update existing ones on behalf of the Customer are listed below by Support Level.


max. number of authorized support contacts






On Customer’s request, Supplier may grant access to further personnel specified by the Customer, provided they successfully completed a technical support training held by Supplier as part of the Professional Services offerings.

2.7. Support Hours included in Support Levels

Besides the main scope of troubleshooting and problem resolution, Technical Support Services include a limited number of hours that Customer can use to ask Product related questions and guidance on Product usage from Supplier.


yearly support hours included






Supplier maintains a log of hours worked on such non-error related enquiries and reports it via the Support Ticketing System or on request from Customer. The minimum time spent on a non-error enquiry is 30 minutes. In case the total amount spent on such enquiries exceeds the number of support hours included in the Customer’s Support Level for the support period, Customer will need to extend the Support Level or buy another package of Technical Support Services or buy Professional Services in order to be able to raise further non-error related enquiries for the remainder of the support period. In general, support for new implementation projects is out of scope for Technical Support and covered by Professional Services.

2.8. Support Ticketing System

Supplier will provide remote support for the Product over its Support Ticketing System. Customer is required to open incidents by opening a Case in the Support Ticketing System. Customer agrees and acknowledges that Supplier will only be obliged to accept and manage reported Incidents if received via the Support Ticketing System.

When entering into a Contract for technical Support Services, a customer account is created in the Support Ticketing System. Customer undertakes to register the contact personnel who are entitled to use the system on behalf of Customer. The Support Ticketing System is available only for registered users. Users and access rights to the customer Support Tickets are set when the relevant Contract is concluded by the Parties.

2.9. Incident Resolution and Response

Supplier shall use commercially reasonable efforts to send a response within the Response Time and shall notify Customer that the logged Incident is in the initial stage of review. Failing to do so however will not be deemed a breach of the Agreement. In order for an Incident to be properly investigated by Supplier, Customer will make reasonable efforts to provide all necessary information (log files, data samples, debug logs, configuration files, core dumps, packet traces, etc.) in a timely manner that will allow a joint technical support effort to be able to diagnose and reproduce the Incident. Customer will make all reasonable efforts to support and cooperate with Supplier in resolving the problem remotely, for example, starting and executing self-tests or diagnostic programs, providing all necessary information, or performing basic remedial activities upon Supplier’s request. Customer is responsible for the security of its proprietary and confidential information and for maintaining a procedure external to the Product(s) for reconstruction of lost, or altered files, data, or programs. Supplier will send the support response with the problem resolution or answer regarding the reported Incident to Customer via the Support Ticketing System as soon as possible at its best effort.

2.10. Professional Services

Parties may agree in the provision of Professional Services by Supplier to the Customer in a Contract. Professional Services, among others, may cover support for system architecture design, consultancy and or training related to use of Supplier’s Products, and/or installation, implementation, configuration, upgrade etc. of Supplier’s Products in Customer’s environment.

Supplier provides the Professional Services in an agreed time-frame or on an hourly fee basis if it is more appropriate for the type of Professional Services ordered by Customer decided by the Parties in the Contract. Parties will define the timeline, hours to be spent on the provision of the Professional Services, means of provision of the Professional Services and other factors significant to the type of Professional Services.

Professional Services are provided exclusively to the Customer for the benefit of the Customer. Customer cannot transfer, assign or otherwise sell Professional Services to third parties or to its End Users only if Customer is a Special Entity and there is written agreement and authorization to resell Professional Services to its clients.


"Agent" is an installed Product instance installed on Customer’s hardware.

"Agent Based License"means a License Model where the license fee is calculated based on the number of Agents licensed from Supplier during a Coverage Period. This License Model permits Customer to use an agreed number of Products in the form of Agents.

"Agreement" means this GENERAL TERMS OF BUSINESS together with the Contract and other Annexes.

"Annex" means all and any annex, appendix, schedule, attachment or other document attached to the Contract or otherwise forming an inseparable part of the Contract and/or the Agreement.

"Authorized User" means a user which uses NXLog Platform (Cloud or On-Premise) on behalf of Customer and which was entitled by Customer to act as such.

"Case" means an Incident reported through Supplier’s Support Ticketing System and confirmed by Supplier’s support team.

"Contact Person" means the persons appointed by the Parties in the Contract for sending and receiving communication to and from the other Party.

"Contract" means a contract entered into by the Parties.

  • either by Customer performing a purchase on NXLog Cloud Platform or by acceptance/confirmation of a Purchase Order by Supplier or Customer sending a Purchase Order as defined below in response to and in acceptance of a Quotation;

  • and specifying the identity of the Customer, the relevant Products and Services, and any other commercial terms the Parties may deem necessary to include therein. For the avoidance of doubt the Contract consists of the commercial terms defined in the Purchase Order and the terms of this Agreement.

"Cloud Platform" or "NXLog Cloud Platform" are Cloud-based software solutions provided by NXLog.

"Coverage Period" is a time-frame indicated in the Contract during which the Customer is entitled to Use the Product legally on the basis of the Agreement. If the Parties do not agree otherwise in writing, the Coverage Period is one calendar year from the Coverage Period Begin Date.

"Coverage Period Begin Date" means the date of commencement of the Coverage Period specified in the Contract.

"Coverage Period End Date" means the date of expiry of the Coverage Period, which shall be the date one calendar year from the Coverage Period Begin Date, unless otherwise specified in the Contract.

"Documentation" means user manuals of the Product effective on the date that the applicable Contract takes effect; and any other materials in any form that Supplier customarily provides to End Users of the Product. Documentation includes, without limitation, all of the published Specifications, the list of components, licenses, and copyrights for the Products on the date that the applicable Contract takes effect.

"End User" means the clients of Special Entities that will use or make use of the Products.

"EPS Based License" means the License Model where Customer is entitled to Use copies of the specified version of the Product within the measurable material limit during the Coverage Period, where the metrics and measures are based on "Events per Second" or "EPS" metrics. "Events per Second" or "EPS" in the sense of license measuring are calculated based on the peak (maximum number of) Events per Second (EPS) measured within at any given time. This License Model is supplied with a measurement method (command or component) where Customer can check the actual level of the defined measures. This is typically done via the NXLog Platform application.

"Incident" means the issue, problem, malfunction, error, bug or any other operational interruption of a Product that Customer reports to be resolved as part of the Technical Support Services.

"License" means the license granted to the Customer for the Use of one or more Products pursuant to the terms and provisions of the Agreement.

"License Model" means the framework and metrics, which defines the calculation method of the required number of Licenses to be legally covered by the Agreement.

"License Fee" means the fee payable for a License as agreed in a Contract.

"Maintenance Services" means the provision of updates of the Product to a Customer, including new Releases and new versions of the Product and any patches, security improvements, and bug fixes pertaining to the Product.

"MSSP Service Provider" means an entity providing outsourced monitoring and managed security service to its customers.

"Node" means a machine, virtual or physical and uniquely identifiable via an IP address, which is capable sending and/or collecting event log data with or without the Product installed thereon.

"Node Based License" means the License Model where the license fee is calculated based on the number of Nodes licensed from Supplier during a Coverage Period. The number of required Licenses can be calculated based on the number of (IT or OT) systems of the respective systems from where Supplier will collect data. If a single node is connected to several different applications or if several different (IT or OT) systems, independent of if these systems have a Supplier software installed or not, are sending data to such a single node (which then has a Supplier’s software installed), the number of required Licenses shall cover each data source (the IT or OT systems) one by one.

"OEM Customer" means an entity licensing the Products for the purposes of incorporating them into its own software products and related services other than MSSP Service Providers; in this case Supplier acts as an original equipment manufacturer.

"On-Premise Software Product" means that the software provided by NXLog is installed and run on customer-owned and/or customer-managed IT infrastructure. It is the customers responsibility to install, maintain, manage, and update the respective software components.

"Party" shall mean either Customer or Supplier, "Parties" shall mean both of them.

"Product" means any software component or group of software components alongside with their documentation and processes supplied by Supplier, which is capable of running alone or in connection with other products and serves a predefined purpose and is denoted as product in a Contract.

"Professional Services" mean the proactive technical, training, implementation and auxiliary services detailed in separate Contracts.

"Purchase Order" means an order performed by Customer in the NXLog Cloud Platform or an official purchase order issued by the Customer for the provision of Products or Services by Supplier. A Purchase Order includes, inter alia:

  • invoice address (i.e. Bill To address) with company name and address;

  • VAT ID for EU companies based in the European Union;purchase order number;

  • contact name and email address of the person who issued the Purchase Order or the person in charge of the Products and/or Services;

  • invoice submission email address (e.g. email address of AP team);

  • complete Customer name and address (Ship To) if you are not the Customer (in case of Value Added Resellers only);

  • in case of Special Entities, the list of End Users with the name, position and email address of their contact persons;

  • prices and fees;

  • any other relevant information for invoicing purposes.

The Purchase Order may take the form of an online purchase on NXLog Cloud Platform or as proposed by Supplier in a Quotation or otherwise in the form proposed by the Customer. Any written statement by a Customer specifically accepting a Quotation shall be deemed to be a Purchase Order. For the avoidance of doubt the Purchase Order is inseparable part of the Contract.

"Quotation" means the quotation issued by Supplier on the basis of Customer’s request for the provision of Services or Products. A Quotation contains the number and type of Products, the License Model, the type of Services (if applicable), the price/fee for the Products and/or Services (without including VAT or similar taxes, unless otherwise specified in the specific Quotation), relevant deadlines, and any other terms and specifications relevant regarding the Quotation.

"Response Time" means the time-frame available for Supplier to confirm a reported Incident and to confirm in writing (including electronic means) that it has started to provide Technical Support Services in respect of the reported incident. For the avoidance of doubt, Response Time will not mean the time passed between the reporting of an Incident and the resolution of a Case.

"Release" means a designated version of the Product. Details and definition of the changes from version to version can be found in the change log of the release note published on the Supplier’s website.

"Value Added Reseller" means a Customer who advertises and markets Products and Services, promotes and sells them to End Users. Value Added Resellers’ License is limited to Use the Products for evaluation, marketing and promotion purposes, Value Added Resellers may not Use the Products for their own benefit.

"Services" means, as applicable, Technical Support Services, Professional Services, and Maintenance Services.

"Site" means the entity or geographical location specified in the Contract, if applicable, at which the Product will be installed and Used by the Customer under the Agreement.

"Source Code" means the human readable version of a software program that requires compilation or other manipulation before it can be executed by a computer and all corresponding source documentation, including application programming interface specifications, release notes and build procedures.

"Specifications" means the specifications, technical descriptions, statements of work, schedules, drawings, and designs prepared by or at the direction of Supplier.

"Special Entity" means MSSP Service Providers, Value Added Resellers and OEM Customers in case they become Customers of Supplier.

"Support Ticketing System" means Supplier’s webpage or NXLog Cloud Platform where Customer may report Incident and where Supplier accepts Incident reports located at: support-tickets

"Technical Support Services" mean support and help provided to Customer in installing, configuring and Using the Products within and up to the framework described in the Technical Support Services chapter of the Agreement. Under Technical Support Services Supplier provides reactive technical support to Customers in order to Use the Product and overcome errors occurred during day-to-day operation. Technical Support Services do not cover Professional Services.

"Use" or “Usage” means, in the context of Product, to activate, install, configure, copy, test, develop (using the tools and within the constraints of the object code) and execute the object code as well as integrate the Product with such other software and systems at Customer’s discretion. If the Source Code is delivered along with object code for the Software, "Use" means to copy, maintain, enhance, test, develop and create derivative works as well.