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Splitting multiline log into separate fields
Hi team, I'm sure this should be easy, but I'm not having much luck finding the answer elsewhere, can any of you help me? So I have (McAfee Firewall) log entries that look like this: Time: 10/23/2020 08:09:36 AM Event: Traffic IP Address: Description: SNMP SERVICE Path: C:\Windows\System32\snmp.exe Message: Allowed Incoming UDP - Source : (52676) Destination : snmp (161) Matched Rule: Adaptive Rule - snmp.exe I've got this being parsed as a multiline log entry with the following: <Extension 5f917c0781064d07c2e8486a-multiline> Module xm_multiline HeaderLine /^Time:.*/ EndLine /^Matched Rule:.*/ <Input 5f917c0781064d07c2e8486a> Module im_file File 'C:\ProgramData\McAfee\Endpoint Security\Logs\FirewallEventMonitor.log' PollInterval 1 SavePos True ReadFromLast True Recursive True RenameCheck False Exec $FileName = file_name(); # Send file name with each message InputType 5f917c0781064d07c2e8486a-multiline So far so good - I get a multiline message come through, but I'd now like to parse it. So my first step is to split out the individual lines - ideally in the above eample I'd split the above message into 7 fields: 'Time' -> '10/23/2020 08:09:36 AM' 'Event' -> 'Traffic' 'IP Address' -> ...etc So I'm guessing there's an Exec section required and some regex work, but I've not managed to get anything to work yet - has anyone else done anything similar here? thanks in advance, Jim

JP_128812 created
How to write a Regular expressions for Traditional Chinese characters
Hi, I am trying to collect Windows DNS debug logs with Nxlog xm_multiline. I reference below link: Parsing Detailed DNS Logs With Regular Expressions ( But, Windows DNS Debug Logs includes Traditional Chinese characters, it won't let me combine multiline into one log, What is correct "HEADER_REGEX" that should I use? DNS Debug Logs sample is (I beleive problem is 上午, By the way, 上午=AM and 下午=PM): 2020/3/6 上午 11:58:01 0E80 PACKET 000001D80FE9BD40 UDP Snd a3f5 R Q [8081 DR NOERROR] A (5)e3998(1)d(10)akamaiedge(3)net(0) UDP response info at 000001D80FE9BD40 Socket = 724 Remote addr, port 56423 Time Query=283057, Queued=283057, Expire=283060 Buf length = 0x0200 (512) Msg length = 0x0038 (56) Message: XID 0xa3f5 Flags 0x8180 QR 1 (RESPONSE) OPCODE 0 (QUERY) AA 0 TC 0 RD 1 RA 1 Z 0 CD 0 AD 0 RCODE 0 (NOERROR) QCOUNT 1 ACOUNT 1 NSCOUNT 0 ARCOUNT 0 QUESTION SECTION: Offset = 0x000c, RR count = 0 Name "(5)e3998(1)d(10)akamaiedge(3)net(0)" QTYPE A (1) QCLASS 1 ANSWER SECTION: Offset = 0x0028, RR count = 0 Name "C00Ce3998(1)d(10)akamaiedge(3)net(0)" TYPE A (1) CLASS 1 TTL 20 DLEN 4 DATA AUTHORITY SECTION: empty ADDITIONAL SECTION: empty Nxlog configuration sample is: define ROOT C:\Program Files (x86)\nxlog Moduledir %ROOT%\modules CacheDir %ROOT%\data Pidfile %ROOT%\data\ SpoolDir %ROOT%\data LogFile %ROOT%\data\nxlog.log <Extension _charconv> Module xm_charconv AutodetectCharsets BIG-5, utf-8, utf-16, utf-32, iso8859-2 </Extension> <Extension gelf> Module xm_gelf </Extension> define EVENT_REGEX /(?x)(?<Date>\d+(?:/\d+){2})\s (?<Time>\d+(?::\d+){2})\s (?<ThreadId>\w+)\s+ (?<Context>\w+)\s+ (?<InternalPacketIdentifier>[[:xdigit:]]+)\s+ (?<Protocol>\w+)\s+ (?<SendReceiveIndicator>\w+)\s (?<RemoteIP>[[:xdigit:].:]+)\s+ (?<Xid>[[:xdigit:]]+)\s (?<QueryType>\s|R)\s (?<Opcode>[A-Z]|?)\s (?<QFlags>[(.?)])\s+ (?<QuestionType>\w+)\s+ (?<QuestionName>.)\s+ (?<LogInfo>.+)\s+.+=\s (?<Socket>\d+)\s+ Remote\s+ addr\s (?<RemoteAddr>.+),\sport\s (?<PortNum>\d+)\s+Time\sQuery= (?<TimeQuery>\d+),\sQueued= (?<Queued>\d+),\sExpire= (?<Expire>\d+)\s+.+( (?<BufLen>\d+))\s+.+( (?<MsgLen>\d+))\s+Message:\s+ (?<Message>(?s).*)/ define HEADER_REGEX /(?x)(?<Date>\d+(?:/\d+){2})\s (?<AMPM>\x{e4}\x{b8}\x{8a}\x{e5}\x{8d}\x{88})\s (?<Time>\d+(?::\d+){2})\s (?<ThreadId>\w+)\s+ (?<Context>\w+)\s+ (?<InternalPacketIdentifier>[[:xdigit:]]+)\s+ (?<Protocol>\w+)\s+ (?<SendReceiveIndicator>\w+)\s (?<RemoteIP>[[:xdigit:].:]+)\s+ (?<Xid>[[:xdigit:]]+)\s (?<QueryType>\s|R)\s (?<Opcode>[A-Z]|?)\s (?<QFlags>[(.?)])\s+ (?<QuestionType>\w+)\s+ (?<QuestionName>.)/ <Extension multiline> Module xm_multiline HeaderLine %HEADER_REGEX% </Extension> <Input windnsdetaillog> Module im_file File 'C:\dns.log' Exec convert_fields("BIG-5", "utf-8"); InputType multiline Exec if $raw_event =~ /(\d+)/(\d+/\d+)\s(上午\s)(\d+:\d+:\d+\s)((.|\n))/ $raw_event = $2 + '/' + $1 + ' ' + $4 + 'AM ' + $5; Exec if $raw_event =~ /(\d+)/(\d+/\d+)\s(下午\s)(\d+:\d+:\d+\s)((.|\n))/ $raw_event = $2 + '/' + $1 + ' ' + $4 + 'PM ' + $5; <Exec> if $raw_event =~ %EVENT_REGEX% { $EventTime = parsedate($Date + " " + $Time + " " + $AMPM); delete($Date); delete($Time); } </Exec> </Input> <Input wineventin> Module im_msvistalog </Input> <Output windnsdetaillogout> Module om_tcp Host Port 12198 OutputType GELF_TCP </Output> <Output wineventout> Module om_udp Host Port 12196 OutputType GELF </Output> <Route 1> Path wineventin => wineventout </Route> <Route 2> Path windnsdetaillog => windnsdetaillogout </Route>

kevinlin created
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