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nxlog windows packageing
caibaoying created
I want to use source_code to product a msi package for windows. I run ./ , It's error
./ line 1: c:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Installer XML v3.5\bin\candle.exe: command not found
How can I package msi correctly???
if you help me, I will be grateful for you.
caibaoying created
Send File by Syslog w/o header
_omar_ created
I'm using "NXLog CE" for send a file by syslog. So far I got this:
<Input filezilla>
Module im_file
File "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\FileZilla Server\\Logs\\fzs-*.log"
SavePos TRUE
Exec $Message = '%FileZilla: ' + $raw_event;
<Output outfiles>
Module om_tcp
Port 514
Exec to_syslog_bsd();
The file has lines like "(125419) 13/03/2018 12:32:59 - prtg (> QUIT"
I want to get (on my syslog sever) "%FileZilla: (125419) 13/03/2018 12:32:59 - prtg (> QUIT"
Instead, I got: "Mar 13 12:33:00 DSCRESJ %FileZilla: (125419) 13/03/2018 12:32:59 - prtg (> QUIT"
I think the "Mar 13 12:33:00 DSCRESJ" part is the header from to_syslog_bsd(). Anyway, I wonder If there a way to remove that header.
_omar_ created
om_kafka - ERROR Unable to produce message
bourazaniss created
I am trying to evaluate om_kafka module on RHEL system.
It starts ok and sends some messages from files to kafka but after a while these messages appear:
2018-03-13 14:52:52 ERROR Unable to produce message
2018-03-13 14:52:55 ERROR last message repeated 183044 times
Sometimes it can be fixed with NXLog service restart, while others not.
Any suggestion?
bourazaniss created
NXLOG extracted the fields from any message
mammari created
Hello there,
I'm using NXLOG Community Edition, and I want to inquire about how can I just forward the events log from Windows OS without modified the original log's contents. Because, the NXLOG extracted the fields from any message. So, is there a way to avoid the extraction?
Thanks and Regard.
mammari created
Newbie trying to rotate log files
mdemougin created
Hello all,
I'm trying out NXLog to do some basic log file rotation. I'm just looking for it to rotate a specifed log file when it gets past 100K. For a PoC I've set up my nxlog.conf as follows, but no logs are ever rotated nor do any of the log_info calls ever get into the nxlog.log. Can someone help me with what I'm trying to accomplish? Thanks.
define TESTLOG 'C:\Logs\testlog.log'
<Extension fileop>
Module xm_fileop
<Input logrotatein>
Module im_file
File "%TESTLOG%"
<Output logrotateout>
Module om_file
Every 30 seconds
log_info('I am doing something');
Exec if (file_size('%TESTLOG%') >= 100K)
log_info('I am rotating');
<Route 1>
Path logrotatein => logrotateout
mdemougin created
NXLog file Truncates
Pavan_Obj created
Attached log:
tail -f nxlog
INFO input file '/kafka/logs/s3/s3sinkfirewall.log' was truncated,
restarting from the beginning
INFO input file '/kafka/logs/s3/s3sinkfirewall.log' was truncated,
restarting from the beginning
INFO input file '/kafka/logs/s3/s3sinkfirewall.log' was truncated,
restarting from the beginning
Attached my config file:
## This is a sample configuration file. See the nxlog reference manual about
## configuration options. It should be installed locally under
## /usr/share/doc/nxlog-ce/ and is also available online at
# Global directives #
User nxlog
Group nxlog
LogFile /var/log/nxlog/nxlog.log
LogLevel INFO
# Machine Specific Variables
define CurrentHost kafkavm5
define HeadNxPort 8084
# Common Functions/Variables
<Route S3consumer>
Path s3consumerlogs => nxlog_dailys3consumerlogs
Also adding nxLogCommon.conf:
<Input s3consumerlogs>
Module im_file
File "%Consumers3Logs%/s3sinkfirewall.log"
SavePos TRUE
ReadFromLast TRUE
# Check processes every 5 min
Every 30 sec
Exec exec_async("%ScriptPath%/","%Email%","%ConsumerSplunkLogs%");
# Remove logs daily
When @daily
#$Message = $raw_event;
$Message = substr($raw_event, 0, 1000);
$SourceFile = file_name();
$SourceHost = "%CurrentHost%";
I can add if anything else is required.
Pavan_Obj created
NxLog and Snort
Deleted user created
I am working on shipping snort logs to an Elastic stack environment. I have found this but unfortunately it doesn't seem to help me. It all looks promising on the pdf, but the output does not look like what it shows at the end there. Instead, all of the logs are processed and shipped one line at a time, and as mentioned in that pdf, that is not helpful in this case.
I am using the linux version of the Community Edition and here are sample files:
[] [1:1000001:1] I saw mommy kissing Santa Clause []
[Classification: Generic ICMP event] [Priority: 3]
03/09-15:47:56.187476 src -> dest
ICMP TTL:124 TOS:0x0 ID:16888 IpLen:20 DgmLen:60
Type:8 Code:0 ID:1 Seq:60 ECHO
[] [1:1000001:1] I saw mommy kissing Santa Clause []
[Classification: Generic ICMP event] [Priority: 3]
03/09-15:47:56.187583 src -> dst
ICMP TTL:64 TOS:0x0 ID:62815 IpLen:20 DgmLen:60
Type:0 Code:0 ID:1 Seq:60 ECHO REPLY
<Extension snort>
Module xm_multiline
HeaderLine /^[**] [\S+] (.*) [**]/
Exec if $raw_event =~ /^\s+$/ drop();
<Extension _json>
Module xm_json
<Input in>
Module im_file
File "/var/log/snort/alert"
InputType snort
ReadFromLast FALSE
if $raw_event =~ /(?x)^[**]\ [\S+]\ (.*)\ [**]\s+
(?:[Classification:\ ([^]]+)]\ )?
[Priority:\ (\d+)]\s+
\ (\d+.\d+.\d+.\d+):?(\d+)?\ ->
\ (\d+.\d+.\d+.\d+):?(\d+)?\s+\ /
$EventName = $1;
$Classification = $2;
$Priority = $3;
$EventTime = parsedate(year(now()) + "-" + $4 + "-" + $5 + " " + $6);
$SourceIPAddress = $7;
$SourcePort = $8;
$DestinationIPAddress = $9;
$DestinationPort = $10;
<Output out>
Module om_file
File "/root/nxlog/snort"
Exec to_json();
This had to be commented out or all the log entries looked like this...{"EventReceivedTime":"2018-03-09 16:14:21","SourceModuleName":"in","SourceModuleType":"im_file"}
Path in => out
but the output in /root/nxlog/snort looks just like it did when it went in. there is no separation of any of the data and everything is on the sames lines as it went in. Nothing is in quotes like in the example.
Any help would be great. Thanks!
Deleted user created
nxlog service stopped
gogi100 created
i configured my nxlog that forwards sharepoint uls log to log server. my nxlog.conf is like below
## This is a sample configuration file. See the nxlog reference manual about the
## configuration options. It should be installed locally and is also available
## online at
## Please set the ROOT to the folder your nxlog was installed into,
## otherwise it will not start.
#define ROOT C:\Program Files\nxlog
define ROOT C:\Program Files (x86)\nxlog
Moduledir %ROOT%\modules
CacheDir %ROOT%\data
Pidfile %ROOT%\data\
SpoolDir %ROOT%\data
LogFile %ROOT%\data\nxlog.log
<Extension _syslog>
Module xm_syslog
<Extension uls_parser>
Module xm_csv
Fields Timestamp, Process, TID, Area, Category, EventID, Level, Message, \
Delimiter \t
<Input trace_file>
Module im_file
# Use a file mask to read from ULS trace log files only
File '%SHAREPOINT_LOGS%\*-????????-????.log'
# Drop header lines and empty lines
if $raw_event =~ /^(\xEF\xBB\xBF|Timestamp)/ drop();
# Remove extra spaces
$raw_event =~ s/ +(?=\t)//g;
# Parse with uls_parser instance defined above
# Set $EventTime field (second precision only)
$EventTime = strptime($Timestamp, "%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S");
# Add $Hostname field
$Hostname = hostname_fqdn();
#<Input in>
# Module im_msvistalog
# For windows 2003 and earlier use the following:
# Module im_mseventlog
<Output out>
Module om_udp
Port 514
Exec to_syslog_bsd();
<Output out1>
Module om_udp
Port 514
Exec to_syslog_bsd();
<Route 1>
Path trace_file => out
nxlog sends message to log server to the one moment when he stops with the work.why?
gogi100 created
ERROR apr_sockaddr_info failed for ENTER_MANAGEMENT_ADDRESS_HERE:4041; No such host is known.
gogi100 created
on my mssql server i installed nxlog enterprise version and i want that audit sharepoint content database i configured nxlog.conf with next code
<Input audit_db>
Module im_odbc
ConnectionString Driver={ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server};
Server=dri-spsqlph; Database=WSS_Content_lok;
SQL SELECT Occurred as id, * FROM dbo.AuditData WHERE Occurred > ?
IdIsTimestamp TRUE
# Fix time zone and set $EventTime
$EventTime = parsedate(strftime($id, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%SZ'));
<Output out>
Module om_udp
Port 514
Exec to_syslog_bsd();
<Route 1>
Path audit_db => out
but when i restart nxlog service in nxlog i receive error
ERROR apr_sockaddr_info failed for ENTER_MANAGEMENT_ADDRESS_HERE:4041; No such host is known.
gogi100 created
missing log when log file rotate
SamRui created
<Input Result_Log>
Module im_file
File "C:\xxx\Result*.log"
SavePos TRUE
above is my nxlog input config.
Result-3156.log is my log file name and 3156 is pid.
The log file will rotate when it reaches the max size and generate Result-3156.log.1 file.
I find some logs loss at the bottom of Result-123.log.1
And nxlog's log shows "2018-03-01 20:48:02 INFO inode changed for 'C:\xxx\Result-3156.log' (25746->25799): reopening possibly rotated file" at the same time point.
I suspect this is caused by the monitor interval 1 second.
Is it a bug ? or nxlog can not guarantee this scenario ? or something can do to avoid it ?
SamRui created
exclude some field from $raw_event
gogi100 created
i have a log with format time, date, description. how i can exclude time and date from $raw_event. i just need field description?
gogi100 created
windows log rotation file from application
JenaHalo created
I am using nxlog first time and I need to send out application logs from windows OS.
But there is new log every day with date time .... . Will be enought use this:
Module im_file
File "D:\Logs\AppLogs\*.log"
SavePos TRUE
ReadFromLast TRUE
PollInterval 1
Exec $Message = $raw_event; $SyslogFacilityValue = 22;
thank you
JenaHalo created
common log format to syslog
gogi100 created
hi, i newbie on nxlog. i need help how convert common log format (apache) to syslog and send to log server (KiwiSyslog server) windows
gogi100 created
I can't send event logs from Windows Server 2016.
uptimeexpert created
I can send the event log from Server 2012 with the same configuration, but it is not running on Server 2016.
The event log does not go to Graylog. Does NXLog not work on Server 2016?
If so, what is the appropriate nxlog.conf?
uptimeexpert created
csv to syslog (Linux) - Cisco Umbrella files.
schrammbo created
I have about 3 days of experience with NXLog and what I am attempting to do is pull Cisco Umbrella Logs via an s3fs mount, unzip them and then read the logs using nxlog.
I am still working out the specifics of how to get all the logs unzipped and into one working file but my test file is failing to be read and sent to the syslog server.
I have taken a new nxlog.conf and set it up with the following:
# Global directives #
User nxlog
Group nxlog
LogFile /var/log/nxlog/nxlog.log
LogLevel INFO
# Modules #
<Extension csv>
Module xm_csv
<Input in>
Module im_file
File "/tmp/incoming.csv"
<Output out>
Module om_udp
Host 10.x.x.x
Port 10514
Exec to_syslog_bsd();
# Routes #
<Route 1>
Path in => out
My nxlog.log file shows no issues with the connection or service but I am not getting any data from my test file.
Has anyone been able to do this or can you provide guidance on why I am not getting any data to transfer using my current setup?
schrammbo created
Nxlog syntax for capturing Windows Event Viewer logs
Neeraj79 created
I am using NXLOG to capture windows event viewer logs . I have below requirements
(1) Forward Event ID 4624 events
(2) Forward Event ID 4689 events only for a specific process name (say notepad.exe) . By default 4689 is common to many processes.
Both of the above events are from "Security" category of Event Viewer. If i use below syntax, it does not work . I am guessing this is because i have repeated "Select Path = Security" twice with the same query ID. How can i configure both of the above filters together in my QUERY block ?
Query <QueryList>\
<Query Id="0">\
<Select Path="Security">*[System[(EventID=4624]]</Select>\
<Select Path="Security">*[System[(EventID=4689)] and EventData[Data[@Name='ProcessName'] and (Data='')]]</Select>\
Do i need to define 2 separate QUERY blocks one with ID=0 & other with ID =1 like this ?
Query <QueryList>\
<Query Id="0">\
<Select Path="Security">*[System[(EventID=4624]]</Select>\
<Query Id="1">\
<Select Path="Security">*[System[(EventID=4689)] and EventData[Data[@Name='ProcessName'] and (Data='C:\Windows\System32\notepad.exe')]]</Select>\
Neeraj79 created
database log severity.
pissanello created
Hello There,
I'm working on customer poc that to collect database log and convert it to syslog to send another monitoring tool.
the om_file working as expect, but there are only send on info severity. it there any way that I can process that db log format and make it have severity in syslog ?
thank you ,
pissanello created
How to forward Event ID's for specific process names
Neeraj79 created
We are using NXLOG to forward our windows event viewer logs to our syslog server. On our Windows clients, we have enabled process auditing, so this logs 1000s of events for every process that gets launched and terminated. There is a common event ID - 4688 when a process gets created (launched) . If we launch 5 different programs/processes on the Windows client, this in turn creates 5 events each with the same event ID 4688 but the actual message in each event contains the name of the corresponding process or program that was launched. For example
Event 4688 ... a process "cmd.exe" was launched
Event 4688 ... a process "word.exe" was launched
Event 4688 ... a process "notepad.exe" was launched
Event 4688 ... a process "abc.exe" was launched
Event 4688 ... a process "xyz.exe" was launched
My requirement is to only forward those events that are coming from a particular process say "notepad.exe" & ignore the other processes even though each one of them has same EVENT ID. Hope i am clear. Below is a snippet of the "Input" module from my nxlog.conf . How can i customize or filter my below code to filter on the process name "notepad.exe" that i want instead of sending every event 4688.
<Input in>
Module im_msvistalog
ReadFromLast True
Query <QueryList>\
<Query Id="0">\
<Select Path="Security">*[System[(EventID=4688]]</Select>\
Neeraj79 created
How to parse JSON logs to syslog format?
cbitterfield created
Ubuntu 16.04 LTS (OS)
I am trying to parse JSON to SYSLOG
There are two issues.
1. the NoCache TRUE does not seem to work. (I also tried SavePOS false) and it always caches the file.
2. When I do get it to work; it uses the localhost (which is not where the logs are from) and the time/date stamp from the JSON file (but no other data is there).
Is there an example of parsing JSON to _syslog_bsd()? for forwarding to a SEIM
<br/>####################################### <br/># Global directives # <br/>######################################## <br/>User nxlog <br/>Group nxlog <br/> <br/>LogFile /var/log/nxlog/nxlog.log <br/>LogLevel DEBUG <br/>NoCache TRUE <br/> <br/>######################################## <br/># Modules # <br/>######################################## <br/><Extension _json> <br/> Module xm_json <br/></Extension> <br/> <br/><Extension syslog> <br/> Module xm_syslog <br/></Extension> <br/> <br/><Input in> <br/> SavePos FALSE <br/> Module im_file <br/> File '/tmp/json/*.json' <br/> Exec $Message = to_json(); to_syslog_bsd(); <br/></Input> <br/> <br/><Output fileout1> <br/> Module om_file <br/> File "/var/log/nxlog/syslog.log" <br/> Exec to_syslog_bsd(); <br/></Output> <br/> <br/> <br/>######################################## <br/># Routes # <br/>######################################## <br/><Route 1> <br/> Path in => fileout1 <br/></Route> <br/>
resulting output is
<br/><13>Feb 16 02:43:14 [redacted hostname] {"EventReceivedTime":"2018-02-16 02:43:14","SourceModuleName":"in","SourceModuleType":"im_file"} <br/>
Date is localtime for the conversion
Source JSON is OKTA logs
cbitterfield created
Routing For a Subnet/Host
tlay created
Currently we can route based off of MessageSourceAddress. But we are interested in routing messages to a folder based off of particular octets.
For example...(this doesn't work...just used to show what we would like to try to do on a conceptual basis).
if ($MessageSourceAddress == "192.*.*.100" ) { reroute("1"); }
We've tried escaping the wildcards, using 0s...I don't think that regex would work what is the prescribed solution? Does anybody have something similar in place? Even just to get a host that ends in a specific octet would be helpful.
tlay created