Query a Sybase Database with NXLog


#1 casey1234

I'm trying to query a local Sybase database using NXLog and then write the output to a file.
So far I'm unable to connect to the database.
NXLog is saying that there are no drivers present.

I'm running this on Centos7.

I'm not seeing any database drivers available.
Do I need to download these drivers separately?
What's the name of the correct driver for Sybase?
Where would I find the correct file?

2020-03-09 12:02:18 INFO nxlog-ce-2.10.2150 started
2020-03-09 12:02:18 ERROR failed to open tmp/output;No such file or directory
2020-03-09 12:02:18 ERROR dbi_initialize failed, no drivers present?

Config below:

<Input dbi>
    Module  im_dbi
    Driver  Sybase
    Option  host
    Option  username ********
    Option  password ********
    Option  dbname ********
    SQL     SELECT * from *******
<Output file>
    Module  om_file
    File    "tmp/output.out"
<Route dbi_to_file>
    Path    dbi => file

Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance!!

#2 MisazivDeactivated Nxlog ✓
#1 casey1234
I'm trying to query a local Sybase database using NXLog and then write the output to a file. So far I'm unable to connect to the database. NXLog is saying that there are no drivers present. I'm running this on Centos7. I'm not seeing any database drivers available. Do I need to download these drivers separately? What's the name of the correct driver for Sybase? Where would I find the correct file? 2020-03-09 12:02:18 INFO nxlog-ce-2.10.2150 started 2020-03-09 12:02:18 ERROR failed to open tmp/output;No such file or directory 2020-03-09 12:02:18 ERROR dbi_initialize failed, no drivers present? Config below: <Input dbi> Module im_dbi Driver Sybase Option host Option username ******** Option password ******** Option dbname ******** SQL SELECT * from ******* </Input> <Output file> Module om_file File "tmp/output.out" </Output> <Route dbi_to_file> Path dbi => file </Route> Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance!!

Please check this part from the nxlog user guide:

This mandatory directive specifies the name of the libdbi driver which will be used to connect to the
database. A DRIVER name must be provided here for which a loadable driver module exists under the name
libdbdDRIVER.so (usually under /usr/lib/dbd/). The MySQL driver is in the libdbdmysql.so file.

Maybe this article will be enough to get you going: https://www.devart.com/odbc/ase/docs/centos.htm