Windows Event Log Output to CSV

#1 2WheelAddict


We are using nxlog to write all our event logs to syslog, but have a need for them to be formatted as CSV instead of the tab delimited it appears to be currently. Is anyone doing this currently and mind sharing their config, or know if a way to process this correctly?


#2 b0ti Nxlog ✓
#1 2WheelAddict
Hello, We are using nxlog to write all our event logs to syslog, but have a need for them to be formatted as CSV instead of the tab delimited it appears to be currently. Is anyone doing this currently and mind sharing their config, or know if a way to process this correctly? Thanks!

CSV does not accomodate for all fields. If you only want specific ones that's fine.

Otherwise I'd recommend using JSON or KVP.