apr_sockaddr_info failed
Hello there i try to forward logs radius to my elastic siem , i got this error when executing nxlog.exe -f :2024-10-07 11:16:37 INFO nxlog-ce-3.2.2329 started2024-10-07 11:16:37 INFO reconnecting in 1 seconds2024-10-07 11:16:37 ERROR apr_sockaddr_info failed for # IP du serveur distant:514; Unknow Host.
Here is the config (without ip for privacy)
: <Extension _syslog>
Module xm_syslog
<Extension xml> Module xm_xml
<Input radius_log>
Module im_file
File "D:\NPS\NPS Logs\IN2410.log"
SavePos TRUE
ReadFromLast TRUE
PollInterval 1
Exec parse_xml("/Event");
<Output remote_syslog>
Module om_udp Host # IP SRV FORWARD
Port 514</Output>
<Route radius_to_remote>
Path radius_log => remote_syslog
Is it possible to get everything in the source folder not just one ?
Because the name change everymonth , example : october :IN2410.logNovember: IN2411.log December: IN2412.log etc Please
Thnaks a lot
Hi @NOurdine,
The error returned suggests that the agent server is unable to establish a connection to that port.
As for the multiple file read question, yes you can set a wildcard to read any file in the folder.
... By using wildcards, the module can read multiple files simultaneously and will open new files as they appear. It will also enter newly created directories if recursion is enabled...