Strip some data from an XML file
I have an XML that I am trying to strip some data out so it can be pre-processed by software on another machine. XML file is being generated on a windows logging to an XML file. I am at bit of a lost I have tried too many things to list here. What I am trying to do is remove our domain name and our domain email address before it is sent to the machine to be pre-processed. I only want the username. Any records that have host\ don’t need to be sent and I figured out how to drop that data. (number 4). If it helps I am running nxlog-ce-3.0.2284.
Here is an example of event: (Removed bunch of xml fields for clarity of this post)
<Event><Timestamp data_type="4">05/25/2022 12:45:43.806</Timestamp><Userid data_type="1">DOMAIN\username</Userid><IP-Address data_type="3">x.x.x.x</IP-Address><Endtimestamp data_type="5">05/25/2022 12:46:43.806</Endtimestamp>
<Event><Timestamp data_type="4">05/25/2022 12:45:43.806</Timestamp><Userid data_type="1">username</Userid><IP-Address data_type="3">x.x.x.x</IP-Address><Endtimestamp data_type="5">05/25/2022 12:46:43.806</Endtimestamp>
<Event><Timestamp data_type="4">05/25/2022 12:45:43.806</Timestamp><Userid data_type="1"></Userid><IP-Address data_type="3">x.x.x.x</IP-Address><Endtimestamp data_type="5">05/25/2022 12:46:43.806</Endtimestamp>
<Event><Timestamp data_type="4">05/25/2022 12:45:43.806</Timestamp><Userid data_type="1">host\</Userid><IP-Address data_type="3">x.x.x.x</IP-Address><Endtimestamp data_type="5">05/25/2022 12:46:43.806</Endtimestamp>
Nxlog.conf: #NoFreeOnExit TRUE
define ROOT C:\Program Files\nxlog define CERTDIR %ROOT%\cert define CONFDIR %ROOT%\conf define LOGDIR %ROOT%\data
define LOGFILE %LOGDIR%\nxlog.log LogFile %LOGFILE%
Moduledir %ROOT%\modules CacheDir %ROOT%\data Pidfile %ROOT%\data\ SpoolDir %ROOT%\data
<Extension xmlparser> Module xm_xml </Extension>
<Extension json> Module xm_json </Extension>
<Input in>
Module im_file
File "C:\LogFiles\log*.log"
InputType LineBased
Exec $Message = $raw_event;
SavePos TRUE
ReadFromLast TRUE
Discard everything that doesn't seem to be an xml event
if $raw_event !~ /^<Event>/ drop(); if $raw_event =~ /^(.+)host(.+)/ drop();
Convert to JSON
</Exec> </Input>
<Output out> Module om_udp Host yy.xx.xx.xx Port 514 </Output>
<Route 1> Path in => out </Route>
Hi Allen,
Have you considered using the replace function thus?
Exec $raw_event = replace($raw_event, "DOMAIN", "");
Or simply removing the field thus
Exec delete($Userid);
I hope this helps.