Possible to Set Interval for Log Deduplication?
Hi team, from the guide below we know that the Nxlog is able to deduplicate the log by some specific fields ("CheckFields"). https://nxlog.co/documentation/nxlog-user-guide/pm_norepeat.html
May I know if it is possible to set the interval for it? Let's take below configuration as example. Is it possible to set the interval = 10s, so that the log with the same fields (Hostname, SourceName, Message) will be suppressed for only every 10 seconds. This is doable from Logstash (throttle -> period), but we wanna confirm if it is capable in Nxlog as well. Thank you.
<Input uds> Module im_uds UDS /dev/log </Input>
<Processor norepeat> Module pm_norepeat CheckFields Hostname, SourceName, Message </Processor>
<Output file> Module om_file File "/var/log/messages" </Output>
<Route uds_to_file> Path uds => norepeat => file </Route>