Windows Logging - Generic

#1 vivek


im new to NXlog, would like to understand few things in Nxlog. 1.what if a windows server which has nxlog running on it and lost connectivity to network? will the logs stored in buffer, if so what is the size of it and where is the location of it.

#2 Zhengshi Nxlog ✓
#1 vivek
Hi, im new to NXlog, would like to understand few things in Nxlog. 1.what if a windows server which has nxlog running on it and lost connectivity to network? will the logs stored in buffer, if so what is the size of it and where is the location of it.

By default, NXLog uses a method called FlowControl to handle this type of scenario. Each module has a memory-based 100 event buffer by default.
This built-in flow control mechanism ensures that the input modules will pause until the output modules can write. More specifically, the buffer will fill and then pause the input modules.
NXLog will continue to read logs where it left off when it is able to ship logs again.

For cases where a larger or disk based queue is needed, we have the pm_buffer module.

Please see the following links for more information as needed.