Using NxLog with to_syslog_snare() for Windows Events

#1 jwilliams1010

Using NxLog with "EXEC to_syslog_snare();" to output Windows Events. What parser should be used by the Decoder? I thought maybe winevent_snare but maybe it is rhlinux.
Which parser should be used... or should I only care the windows event logs are parsed correctly?

#2 rafDeactivated Nxlog ✓
#1 jwilliams1010
Using NxLog with "EXEC to_syslog_snare();" to output Windows Events. What parser should be used by the Decoder? I thought maybe winevent_snare but maybe it is rhlinux. Which parser should be used... or should I only care the windows event logs are parsed correctly?


Im not sure if I understand your correctly - what decoders are you asking about?

Best regards,