ERROR ### ASSERTION FAILED at line 879 in module.c/resume_senders(): "curr->type == NX_MODULE_TYPE_INPUT" ###

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Setup NXLog to send IIS logs to Syslog.

Using the following modules:

xm_syslog xm_csv im_file om_tcp

My config file is the following:

Panic Soft
#NoFreeOnExit TRUE

define ROOT     e:\Program Files (x86)\nxlog
define CERTDIR  %ROOT%\cert
define CONFDIR  %ROOT%\conf
define LOGDIR   %ROOT%\data
define LOGFILE  %LOGDIR%\nxlog.log

Moduledir %ROOT%\modules
CacheDir  %ROOT%\data
Pidfile   %ROOT%\data\
SpoolDir  %ROOT%\data

<Extension _syslog>
    Module      xm_syslog

<Extension _charconv>
    Module      xm_charconv
    AutodetectCharsets iso8859-2, utf-8, utf-16, utf-32

<Extension _exec>
    Module      xm_exec

<Extension _fileop>
    Module      xm_fileop

    # Check the size of our log file hourly, rotate if larger than 5MB
        Every   1 hour
        Exec    if (file_exists('%LOGFILE%') and \
                   (file_size('%LOGFILE%') >= 5M)) \
                    file_cycle('%LOGFILE%', 8);

    # Rotate our log file every week on Sunday at midnight
        When    @weekly
        Exec    if file_exists('%LOGFILE%') file_cycle('%LOGFILE%', 8);

<Extension w3c_parser>
    Module          xm_csv
    Fields          date, time, s-ip, cs-method, cs-uri-stem, cs-uri-query, \
                    s-port, cs-username, c-ip, cs(User-Agent), cs(Referer), \
                    sc-status, sc-substatus, sc-win32-status, time-taken
    FieldTypes      string, string, string, string, string, string, integer, \
                    string, string, string, string, integer, integer, integer, \
    Delimiter       ' '
    EscapeChar      '"'
    QuoteChar       '"'
    EscapeControl   FALSE
    UndefValue      -

<Input iis_w3c>
    Module          im_file
    File            'L:\Logs\W3SVC1\u_ex*.log'
        if $raw_event =~ /^#/ drop();
            $EventTime = parsedate($date + "T" + $time + ".000Z");

<Output out>
    Module          om_tcp
    Host            REDACTED
    Port            514
    Exec            to_syslog_ietf();

<Output test>
    Module          om_file
    File	    'E:\Program Files (x86)\nxlog\test.log'

<Route w3c>
    Path iis_w3c => w3c_parser => out

When I start NXLog I keep getting the following error:

ERROR ### ASSERTION FAILED at line 879 in module.c/resume_senders(): "curr->type == NX_MODULE_TYPE_INPUT" ###

Also, I can see the NXLog client is opening a TCP connection with the syslog destination but doesn't actually send any data in the transaction. (Packet trace shows SYN-SYN/ACK-ACK then immediately FIN from the client)

I tried testing with "om-file" to see if it would at least write to a local file, this failed as well (same error in the log) - so something tells me I have an error in the input module IM_FILE but I can'T figure out what the error is. I took the config example from the user-guide (

Any help appreciated!