"Input file does not exist"

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I am using the following im_file configuration to try to collect Windows DHCP Server logs:

## Input module for Microsoft DHCP server audit logs
<Input dhcp>
    Module im_file
    File "C:\\Windows\\System32\\Dhcp\\DhcpSrvLog-*.log"
    SavePos TRUE
    PollInterval 180
    Exec to_syslog_bsd();

I also tried this without escaping the backslashes and even with "/" characters instead. I also tried using a specific filename but nothing seems to work, since I get the "input file does not exist" error.

When I try the same config but with the location being at C:\Dhcp\DhcpSrvLog-*.log, everything works. nxlog service is being run as LocalSystem. Any hints on what I would need to do next to get the logs working from their native location?