input file does not exist

#1 skawt


I'm working on monitoring a log file using nxlog. I have the File set to "C:\Program Files\test1.log" but it's saying that the "input file does not exist". I tried running a python script to check the file using the os module

import os

test = os.listdir('C:\Program Files\test1.log') print(test)

This will return an error "FileNotFoundError: The system cannot find the path specified"

I noticed that this error has been encountered before but none of the solutions I tried work.

any help is much appreciated.

Thanks, skawt

#2 b0ti Nxlog ✓
#1 skawt
hi, I'm working on monitoring a log file using nxlog. I have the File set to "C:\Program Files\test1.log" but it's saying that the "input file does not exist". I tried running a python script to check the file using the os module import os test = os.listdir('C:\Program Files\test1.log') print(test) This will return an error "FileNotFoundError: The system cannot find the path specified" I noticed that this error has been encountered before but none of the solutions I tried work. any help is much appreciated. Thanks, skawt

If both NXLog and python tells you that the file is not there then you should better believe it. :)

Note that "\t" is a TAB and '\t' is what it looks. Perhaps this causing the issues.