NXlog om_ssl infinite reconnection with a SaaS Log Centralizer

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We are trying to connect NXLog with Logmatic.io with a SSL connection. The certificate provided by Logmatic is valid and works with Rsyslog, Syslog-NG or Open-SSL.

However, no matter how hard we try to connect NXLog we have no success and not enough debugging information to troubleshoot it ourselves.

Here is our config:

<Output out>
Module om_ssl
Host api.logmatic.io
Port 10515
CAFile <path_to_your_.crt_file>

####Add the API key before the event
Exec $raw_event="<your_api_key> "+$raw_event;

We tried a lot more configuration with AllowUntrusted TRUE/FALSE, CertFile, etc... But the result is always the same:

2015-12-18 18:25:39 INFO connecting to api.logmatic.io:10515

2015-12-18 18:25:39 INFO successfully connected to api.logmatic.io:10515

2015-12-18 18:25:39 INFO reconnecting in 1 seconds

2015-12-18 18:25:40 INFO connecting to api.logmatic.io:10515

2015-12-18 18:25:40 INFO successfully connected to api.logmatic.io:10515

2015-12-18 18:25:41 INFO reconnecting in 1 seconds

2015-12-18 18:25:42 INFO connecting to api.logmatic.io:10515

2015-12-18 18:25:42 INFO successfully connected to api.logmatic.io:10515


Do you have any idea about what it could be?

You can find the certificate here: http://doc.logmatic.io/docs/logging-from-windows#section-enabling-security

Sorry to bother you with that but we spent a lot of time doing our homework before asking this question.
