Installation of nxlog via gpo
I am trying to update the nxlog software via gpo startscript on our clients.
(Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Product | where {$_.Name -like "nxlog"} | where {$_.Version -ne "2.9.1427"}).Uninstall()
Start-Process \\server0001\NETLOGON\SoftwarePackets\nxlog-2.9.msi /quiet
WMIC /interactive:off product where 'name like "%%nxlog%%" and not version like "%%2.9.1427%%"' call uninstall
msiexec.exe /package \\server0001\NETLOGON\SoftwarePackets\NXLOG\nxlog-2.9.msi /quiet
The Scripts are working fine, if manually started on the client.
Only in the group policy the scripts run trought, but doesn´t install the software. (Other Software like Java, PDF24 etc. is working fine this way)
Kind regards