exclude in im_file

#1 HenkPuister (Last updated )

I'm trying to configure an Exclude in im_file. I want to exclude logs with a date and number at the end of the filename. These files are already processed.Config:<Input PPS>  Module im_file  InputType multi_PPS  File '%LOGDIR%\\*.log'  # PPSPortaalManager_24-05-24_2.log  Exclude '*_??-??-??_*.log'  #. I've tried several notations, eg. double quotes instead of single, escaping the questionmarks. But none of them work. Searching for examples leads to 1 of 2 examples, which are very common examples, and none of them with wildcards.Using nxlog-ce-3.2.2329 .Has anyone a good, and working, example how to user Exclude in im_file?