nxlog-ce for SLES?

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Hello nxlog community, :-)

we're currently in the preparation process of analyzing nxlog as potential logging software for our company and while doing so we were looking for a nxlog community edition that supports our SLES operating systems.

The official download page does not list versions for any SUSE operating system. We know that SLES is supported by the enterprise edition, but for testing purposes we would like to use the community edition to get started.

We've successfully compiled the community edition's source code and installed it on SLES via ...

zypper in gcc apr-devel pcre-devel libopenssl-devel libexpat-devel
make install

... but doing so lacks a lot of other things (which must be taken care of manually) like creating nxlog user and group, assigning its GID, creating config files, systemd units, directories in /usr/local/etc ...

What are we missing? What is the best way to get nxlog-ce installed on SLES 15 SP3?

Thank you in advance.

Best regards
