im_file ; File with lock
Recently, i ran into a problem with file locking. One application here is generating some log file, one per client, when nxlog try to read file, i got error :
ERROR failed to open LOGFILEPATH; Le processus ne peut pas accéder au fichier car ce fichier est utilisé par un autre processus.
Initaly my configuration was :
<Input Orbis>
Module im_file
File 'LogDirectory\\*'
SavePos TRUE
ReadFromLast FALSE
CloseWhenIdle TRUE
InputType orbisLog
Exec if $raw_event !~ /^L:.*/ drop();
Exec $ClientNAme = replace(file_basename(file_name()),'.LOG','');
I have changed the PollIntervall to 60 and 3600, no effect... Except that at PollInterval 3600, nxlog grab 40% of CPU.
Is there a way to insctruct nxlog to retry to read the file ?
If pollinterval 3600 results in a high CPU utilization then there is obviously something wrong.
Other than that NXLog should retry the file later after encountering an error.