Issue with encoding french sysmon events

Tags: sysmon

#1 mldi

Hello All,

I have an issue with sysmon logs. When they contain characters "è" like on word "système" nxlog convert it to "Syst�me".

Could you please tell me how I can resolve this issue ?

I've already tested the instructions bellow, but I always have an issue

<Extension charconv>
    Module              xm_charconv
    AutodetectCharsets  iso8859-1, utf-8, utf-16, utf-32

<Input input>
    Exec                convert_fields("auto", "utf-8");

Best regards,

#2 Aymeric.Nicholas
#1 mldi
Hello All, I have an issue with sysmon logs. When they contain characters "è" like on word "système" nxlog convert it to "Syst�me". Could you please tell me how I can resolve this issue ? I've already tested the instructions bellow, but I always have an issue <Extension charconv> Module xm_charconv AutodetectCharsets iso8859-1, utf-8, utf-16, utf-32 </Extension> <Input input> Exec convert_fields("auto", "utf-8"); </Input> Best regards,

Hello, i have the same issue here. I guess that conversion [convert_fields("auto", "utf-8");] should be done in the wrong fromat ? is there a chance to correct issue by changing the conversion rule ?