powershell no returns value

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I am using Nxlog 5.4.7313 and I have such a config block.

<Input perf_process> Module im_exec BufferSize 200 Command "C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe" Arg "-ExecutionPolicy" Arg "remotesigned" Arg "-File" Arg "C:\scripts\Get-ProcessUtilization.ps1" Restart TRUE </Input>

<Output out> Module om_file File 'c:\nxlog.txt' </Output>

<Route client> Path perf_process => out </Route>

When the service starts, it doesn't write anything to the output file. But if I execute "stop-process -name powershell" as administrator, then the next cycle will restart powershell scripts and the data will appear in the output. Also, the command "net stop nxlog" cannot independently stop the scripts that were launched for the first time.