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im_linuxaudit rules not working as expected (SUSE Tumbleweed)
Hello I've been trying to the use linuxaudit system to work but I'm stuck. --- Nxlog-agent setup --- OS: SUSE Tumbleweed 20190512 Agent-Version: 4.4.4347 Module: im_linuxaudit --- Configuration --- <Extension _json> Module xm_json </Extension> <Extension audit_parser> Module xm_kvp KVPDelimiter ' ' KVDelimiter = EscapeChar '' </Extension> <Input audit> Module im_linuxaudit FlowControl FALSE <Rules> -D -b 320 -w /etc/passwd -p wa -k etcpasswd -w /bin/cat -p wxa -k cat_exection -e 1 </Rules> <Exec> audit_parser->parse_kvp(); $Hostname = hostname(); $FQDN = hostname_fqdn(); $Tag = "audit"; $SourceName = "auditd_nxlog"; </Exec> </Input> <Output tcp> Module om_tcp Host Port 1337 Exec to_json(); to_syslog_bsd(); </Output> <Route audit_to_tcp> Path audit => tcp </Route> I've been trying to run the above mentioned audit config however whenever I'm doing /bin/cat/ /etc/passwd I don't get any kind of alerts on my receiver box. HOWEVER I will get logs when I change user (e.g. su otheruser). Additionally I was wondering if the log format 'ENRICHED' from the normal audit daemon is supported. Best regards Florian Reiter

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