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Pushing JSON log to Gelf
Hi I am trying to post events from my logs files to gelf_tcp (Graylog). My log records are in flat json format. I can push logs to gelf, however with few issues; I appreciate if you can help. Issue 1: My log record has a field called "level". When the record is sent to Graylog, level does not match the one that I have in log file. I do parse_json() first and also I tried to explicitly set the value of level based on NXLog documentation There is also something wrong with documentation. It says gelf understand field "SeverityLevel" but in the example in the same page it is using "SyslogSeverityLevel". I tried to explicitly set both fields with $level field but nothing changes in graylog. Issue 2: I have timestamp filed in my log record which is ISO 8601 format. I could not find an easy way to parse it. the parsedata() function does not help there. I end up extracting date and time part from my field and then send it to parsedate($1 + " " + $2). If you know a better way, please let me know. Thanks Kev

ksaffarian created
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send custom json file to GrayLog
Hi, I'm trying to send my custom jsotn to GrayLog. My json file is: { "Faxes": "68", "Last30DaysEmails": "9728", "TodayEmails": "66" } This is my nxlog config file: define ROOT C:\Program Files (x86)\nxlog Moduledir %ROOT%\modules CacheDir %ROOT%\data Pidfile %ROOT%\data\ SpoolDir %ROOT%\data LogFile %ROOT%\data\nxlog.log <Extension gelf> Module xm_gelf </Extension> <Extension multiline> Module xm_multiline HeaderLine /\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}\s\d*:\d\d:\d*,\d{3}\s[a-zA-Z]*\s\s\S\s\[Begin Lead\]/ EndLine /\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}\s\d*:\d\d:\d*,\d{3}\s[a-zA-Z]*\s\s\S\s\[End Lead\]/ </Extension> <Extension json> Module xm_json </Extension> <Input im_file> Module im_file File "C:\\logs\\myfile.json" InputType multiline SavePos FALSE ReadFromLast FALSE </Input> <Output om_udp> Module om_udp Host Port 3514 OutputType GELF </Output> <Route 1> Path im_file => om_udp </Route> Now my problems is: When I send the file to GrayLog server I see multi line with different messages (as json variable), and not all in a single message. How can do to configure correctly my system? Thanks for the support. Marco

m.ferrara created