Windows 8.1 and corrupted event log ?


#1 nautilus

I am getting an error message to nxlog.log. 2015-02-17 08:16:23 INFO nxlog-ce-2.8.1248 started 2015-02-17 08:16:35 ERROR Couldn't read next event, corrupted eventlog?; The data is invalid. And after this error no more events or log messages are generated. However I can read event log with event viewer and I can see new events. These are messages in my graylog2: 2015-02-17 08:16:35.000 wintoosa Couldn't read next event, corrupted eventlog? The data is inval 2015-02-17 08:16:23.000 wintoosa nxlog-ce-2.8.1248 started

Seems that nxlog is running but it can't handle events after this error. How can I fix this ?

My very basic nxlog.conf:

define ROOT C:\Program Files (x86)\nxlog Moduledir %ROOT%\modules CacheDir %ROOT%\data Pidfile %ROOT%\data\ SpoolDir %ROOT%\data LogFile %ROOT%\data\nxlog.log #LogLevel DEBUG

<Extension syslog> Module xm_syslog </Extension>

<Extension gelf> Module xm_gelf </Extension>

<Input internal> Module im_internal </Input>

<Input eventlog> Module im_msvistalog

For windows 2003 and earlier use the following:

Module im_mseventlog


<Output out> Module om_udp Host Port 12900 outputType GELF </Output>

<Route 1> Path internal, eventlog => out </Route>

#2 adm Nxlog ✓ (Last updated )
#1 nautilus
I am getting an error message to nxlog.log. 2015-02-17 08:16:23 INFO nxlog-ce-2.8.1248 started 2015-02-17 08:16:35 ERROR Couldn't read next event, corrupted eventlog?; The data is invalid. And after this error no more events or log messages are generated. However I can read event log with event viewer and I can see new events. These are messages in my graylog2: 2015-02-17 08:16:35.000 wintoosa Couldn't read next event, corrupted eventlog? The data is inval 2015-02-17 08:16:23.000 wintoosa nxlog-ce-2.8.1248 started Seems that nxlog is running but it can't handle events after this error. How can I fix this ? My very basic nxlog.conf: define ROOT C:\Program Files (x86)\nxlog Moduledir %ROOT%\modules CacheDir %ROOT%\data Pidfile %ROOT%\data\ SpoolDir %ROOT%\data LogFile %ROOT%\data\nxlog.log #LogLevel DEBUG <Extension syslog> Module xm_syslog </Extension> <Extension gelf> Module xm_gelf </Extension> <Input internal> Module im_internal </Input> <Input eventlog> Module im_msvistalog For windows 2003 and earlier use the following: Module im_mseventlog </Input> <Output out> Module om_udp Host Port 12900 outputType GELF </Output> <Route 1> Path internal, eventlog => out </Route>

Seems to be the same issue as this. If you have no issues with Event Viewer, then this might be a bug. Please test the EE trial since it has several bug fixes which might be related.