Send binary file when created


#1 phg98

Hi, My system creates binary log file whenever some error happens. So, I would like to send the binary log file to server(also running the nxlog) when the file is created. The binary log file is created with specific extension name (for example *.binlog) and I want to send the file to server with same filename. Can I do this with nxlog?



#2 manuel.munozDeactivated Nxlog ✓
#1 phg98
Hi, My system creates binary log file whenever some error happens. So, I would like to send the binary log file to server(also running the nxlog) when the file is created. The binary log file is created with specific extension name (for example *.binlog) and I want to send the file to server with same filename. Can I do this with nxlog? Thanks. Harry


There's no module that is set to transfer files. You would have to do it with a script in a schedule block, and then moving the source file out of the directory so it is not processed again. Run it with your desired periodicity.

Please see manual section regarding exec()/exec_async and schedule...