Can't read the log file (im_file)
I have a problem reading the Apache access log file.
After I tried to do tcpdump I noticed that the file not read and not sent to the destination.
I gave full permissions to the file but the situation has not changed.
nxlog.conf structure :
<Input in1>
Module im_file
File "/data/srv/httpd/logs/access_log_web1"
SavePos TRUE
<Output fileout1>
Module om_udp
Port 630
<Route 1>
Path in1 => fileout1
* **There is no nxlog log file exist in /var/log/nxlog/
You should enable logging to a file with the following and check if you see any errors there:
LogFile /var/log/nxlog/nxlog.log
Alternatively you can run it in the foreground with nxlog -f and it should print its messages to the console.