Send a message to syslog server
Hello, I am sending a message with hostname to my syslog server, my conf is as follows:
define ROOT C: \ Program Files (x86) \ nxlog
Moduledir% ROOT% \ modules CacheDir% ROOT% \ data Pidfile% ROOT% \ data \ SpoolDir% ROOT% \ data LogFile% ROOT% \ data \ nxlog.log
<Extension _syslog> Module xm_syslog </Extension>
<Input in> Module im_msvistalog
<Exec> parse_syslog (); $ Message = "hostnamexxx" + $ Message; to_syslog_ietf (); </Exec>
<Output out> Om_udp module Host Port 514 Exec to_syslog_ietf (); </Output>
<Route 1> Path in => out </Route>
My log is coming with the message correctly:
Feb 12 23:11:34 DESKTOP-XXXXX Microsoft-Windows-Eventlog [964] hostnamexxxxINFO 1102 The audit log was cleared. Subject: Security ID: # xxxxxxxx-1001 Account Name: Admin Domain Name: DESKTOP-XXXXX Logon ID: 0xD438A
However, the message "hostnamexxxx" is coming in the middle of the log, as you can see above. This is disturbing my parser, is there any way I can put this "hostnamexxxx" message last in my log? Example:
Feb 12 23:11:34 DESKTOP-XXXXX Microsoft-Windows-Eventlog [964] INFO 1102 The audit log was cleared. Subject: Security ID: # xxxxxxxx-1001 Account Name: Admin Domain Name: DESKTOP-XXXXX Logon ID: 0xD438A hostnamexxxx
Sure, just change the order in the expression,
$Message = $Message + " hostnamexxx" ;