Sending apache logs using multiline

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I am trying to send some logs into ELK and I am running into a bit of a snag. The logs are delimited by space and there doesn't seem to be an options to change that easily.

I am not really sure how to go about getting the logs sent to my monitoring solution in a formatted way, preferably JSON.

These are apache error logs:

[Fri May 31 14:21:38 2019] [error] [client] File does not exist: /home/test/test.xml, referer:

NxLog conf:

define REGEX /(?x)^[\S+\ ([^]]+)]\ [(\S+):(\S+)]\ ([client\ (\S+)]\ )?(.+)$/

<Extension multiline>

Module xm_multiline
HeaderLine %REGEX%


<Input in>

Module          im_file
File            &quot;C:\\path\\\*.log&quot;
InputType       multiline
SavePos         FALSE
ReadFromLast    FALSE
    if $raw_event =~ /(?x)^\[\S+\ ([^\]]+)\]\ \[(\S+):(\S+)\]\ (\[client\ (\S+)\]\ )?(.+)$/
        $EventTime = parsedate($1);
        $ApacheModule = $2;
        $ApacheLogLevel = $3;
        $Message = $4;

It's sending the logs to ELK, but the data isn't in a usable format there. Everything looks just like it does in plain text, no fields or values. If I add the "exec to_json();" option, then I have empty logs in ELK. Maybe something is wrong with my regex, but I copied what I could from the reference manual for this log, though this log is missing data from the example in the guide.

Thanks for your time