nxlog to read log4net files for loggly

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Hi, Would like to know whether there is an option to input the files generated by log4net and push it to loggly. The file format from log4net could be with same extension or on rolling numbers. For example, the file name could be like samplelog-10102018.txt, samplelog-10102018.txt.1, samplelog-10102018.txt.2 or samplelog-10102018.1.txt, samplelog-10102018.2.txt, samplelog-10102018.3.txt. Tried with filename in input block (with in nxlog.conf file) as samplelog*.txt and samplelog*.txt.*, but could not get the details in loggly. How to read multiple files in a location with filenames in rotation based on dateformat.

Thanks in advance!