Windows eventlog message fail to include a PID in the syslog header.

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I am using a config of Output syslog1> Module om_tcp Host Port 6514 Exec to_syslog_ietf(); OutputType Syslog_TLS </Output>

and a source of

<Input eventlog_application> Module im_msvistalog Query <QueryList>
<Query Id="0">
<Select Path="Application">*</Select>
</QueryList> <Exec> $Message = 'EventID[' + $EventID + '] Log[' + $Channel + '] Type[' + $EventType + '] Domain[' + $Domain + '] User[' + $AccountName + '] ' + $Message; $SyslogFacilityValue = 3; </Exec> </Input>

but when the message arrives as the syslog server the ident field does NOT include the PID. I expaect something like

SourceName[PID]: the text of the message

but what I get is

SourceName: the text of the message

How can I get the PID of the SourceName?