NxLog parsing issues with CSV
I have a CSV column that has returns in it. If I try to run NxLog, it errors out saying it expected 16 columns and got 0 (for the blank lines), got 1 (when there was one entry), etc.
The configuration I have works if I open up the CSV in excel or something and replace the returns with a ; instead.
I was wondering if there was a way to do that with NxLog. Maybe something like
Exec $Message = replace($column11, "\r\n", ";");
but i cannot seem to get NxLog to run correctly because it's spitting out the errors stated above.
Any help would be great.
It looks like this in a text file.
EventID MachineName Data Index Category CategoryNumber EntryType Message Source ReplacementStrings InstanceId TimeGenerated TimeWritten UserName
538 tst-srv System.Byte[] 66036704 Logon/Logoff 2 SuccessAudit **User Logoff:
User Name: tst-srv$
Domain: tst.com
Logon ID: (0x2,0x507D04B9)
Logon Type: 3**
Security System.String[] 538 8/7/2018 19:17 8/7/2018 19:17 NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM
But when you open it in Excel, all the paragraph data within the ** is under the Message Column. In text, it's in quotes. I just switched to ** to pick out a little easier.
I hope this helps