missing log when log file rotate

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<Input Result_Log> Module im_file File "C:\xxx\Result*.log" SavePos TRUE </Input>

above is my nxlog input config.
Result-3156.log is my log file name and 3156 is pid. The log file will rotate when it reaches the max size and generate Result-3156.log.1 file. I find some logs loss at the bottom of Result-123.log.1 And nxlog's log shows "2018-03-01 20:48:02 INFO inode changed for 'C:\xxx\Result-3156.log' (25746->25799): reopening possibly rotated file" at the same time point.

I suspect this is caused by the monitor interval 1 second.

Is it a bug ? or nxlog can not guarantee this scenario ? or something can do to avoid it ?