Cannot parse properly Exchange # lines
I do use NXLog to parse the Exchange logs and send them to my Graylog. Time to time, Graylog still receive the line #Software: Microsoft Exchange...
Note that the line is sent once per hours or two hours.
It seems that the check if $raw_event =~ /^#/ drop(); fail to drop the #line randomly.
Bellow part of my config for the input:
<Input in_MSGTRK>
Module im_file
File "\\\\xxxxxxx\\d$\\Exchsvr\\TransportRoles\\Logs\\\MessageTracking\\\\*.log"
SavePos TRUE
ReadFromLast TRUE
Recursive TRUE
CloseWhenIdle TRUE
InputType LineBased
PollInterval 10
Exec if $raw_event =~ /HealthMailbox/ drop();
Exec if $raw_event =~ /^#/ drop();
Exec ParseEXCHANGESMSGTRK->parse_csv();
Any clue, help or solution is welcome
Can you check that the files don't contain a UTF-8 BOM header?
If you can confirm that the EE trial is also affected (i.e. this is some bug still lurking in there) then please create a reproducible test case including a full config file and input samples and open a support ticket.