Is there a way to set ShortMessageLength other than in the extension definition?
So normally I'd define ShortMessageLength during the extension definition part of my configuration file like so:
<Extension gelf>
Module xm_gelf
ShortMessageLength -1
Unfortunately, there are other issues preventing me from doing that. Is there a way to define ShortMessageLength in the input or output areas instead? When I try to like so:
<Input win_dns_logs_in>
Module im_file
File 'C:\\dns.txt'
ShortMessageLength -1
InputType LineBased
I get the following error: "invalid keyword: ShortMessageLength"
ShortMessageLength is specific to the xm_gelf module and needs to be defined in its own Extension block for that reason. Note that the $ShortMessage field is honoured by xm_gelf and you can do this elsewhere in other blocks:
Exec $ShortMessage = substr($Message, 0, 100);