Cycling multiple files

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Hello, I'm logging event logs from a custom c++ app to a server and am trying to setup file cycling for both the application event logs and NXLog log file. When I add a second Output to my Route, I start to see the event logs showing up in the NXLog log file, which I wasn't expecting. I'm not sure how to approach this ... should I be setting up a second path for the NXLog cycling? Here's what my config file is looking like:

Keep 2 weeks of app log files

<Output app_log_cycle> Module om_file File 'C:/Users/Jeremy/Documents/myApp/myApp.log' <Schedule> When @daily <Exec> file_cycle(file_name(), 7); app_log_cycle->reopen(); </Exec> </Schedule> </Output>

Keep 2 weeks of nxlog log files

<Output nxlog_log_cycle> Module om_file File 'C:/Program Files (x86)/nxlog/data/nxlog.log' <Schedule> When @daily <Exec> file_cycle(file_name(), 14); nxlog_log_cycle->reopen(); </Exec> </Schedule> </Output> <Route 1> Path watchfile => syslogout, app_log_cycle, nxlog_log_cycle </Route> Thanks++ for any tips! Jeremy