Noobie question - Procedure 'parse_csv' failed, not enough fields in CSV input , Too many fields in CSV input.

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I'm very new to NXLog and have no clue how to fix this. I was setting up an nxlog.conf file to one of our servers and we keep getting this error. It starts with the 'not enough' fields error but then after a few lines it says 'Too many fields'. There are 21 fields on the W3c fields, but I'm not sure why it seems like it's adding Fields as an input? I added an additional string in the Fieldtypes and also combined date-time instead of 'date, time' but didn't work. Is there a way to fix this in the Conf file? Or should I be looking in the IIS?

Log expected 20, got 6 in input '#Software: Microsoft Internet Information Services 8.5' expected 20, got 2 in input '#Version: 1.0' expected 20, got 3 in input '#Date: 2020-06-30 08:35:19' Too many fields in CSV input, expected 20, got 21 in input '#Fields: date time c-ip c-port cs-username s-sitename s-computername cs-host s-ip s-port cs-method cs-uri-stem sc-status sc-win32-status sc-substatus sc-bytes cs-bytes time-taken x-session x-fullpath x-debug'

Conf <Extension w3c_ftp> Module xm_csv Fields date, time, c-ip, cs-username, s-sitename, s-computername, s-ip, cs-method, cs-uri-stem, sc-status, sc-win32-status, sc-bytes, cs-bytes, time-taken, s-port, cs-host, sc-substatus, x-session, x-fullpath, x-debug, c-port FieldTypes string, string, string, string, string, string, string, string, string, string, string, string, string, string, string, string, string, string, string, string, string Delimiter ' ' </Extension>