Help for epoch time conversion

Tags: logs | bro | converter | epoch | time

#1 absolis

Hi, can anyone help me with the output of my nxlog.conf
I want to convert epoch time from my Bro logs;

Part of the logs:

1482865199.693051 FSYupp4bmRs8tT5Jyg 3 5A00020E4289E78C695848......
1482865200.300809 FmXyl22Uxsq1cudDd8 3 5A00020E4289E78C695848......
1482865200.203542 FAuSUU3X9pgdSJ2D2g 3 5A00020E4289E78C695848.......
1482865201.043722 F0KUdW3Nm5edyqPXLl 3 0CEAC9CAD430F24F334575.......

My current settings are

 Module om_tcp
 Port xxxx
 OutputType LineBased


#2 b0ti Nxlog ✓ (Last updated )
#1 absolis
Hi, can anyone help me with the output of my nxlog.conf I want to convert epoch time from my Bro logs; Part of the logs: 1482865199.693051 FSYupp4bmRs8tT5Jyg 3 5A00020E4289E78C695848...... 1482865200.300809 FmXyl22Uxsq1cudDd8 3 5A00020E4289E78C695848...... 1482865200.203542 FAuSUU3X9pgdSJ2D2g 3 5A00020E4289E78C695848....... 1482865201.043722 F0KUdW3Nm5edyqPXLl 3 0CEAC9CAD430F24F334575....... My current settings are <Output>  Module om_tcp  Host  Port xxxx  OutputType LineBased </Output> Thanks!

The following should do that:

Exec if $raw_event =~ /^(\S+)/ { $EventTime = parsedate($1); }