NXLOg CE 3.0.22 Memory Leak / 2.11 Download

Tags: 2.11.90 | memory

#1 cyberkryptoin

Dear All,

Has anyone else found issues with the latest Nxlog V3.0.22 in terms of memory. I upgraded a test system on a client and it was usng spiking up to 40% of CPU whereease 2.10 did not do this.

Also, is it possible to download 2.11.90 as the download link appears to have been removed. I even found this issue on Gitlab https://gitlab.com/nxlog-public/nxlog-ce/-/issues/17, however the link does not work.

Does anyone know if there is a repository of releases?



#2 rafaelsantonio
#1 cyberkryptoin
Dear All, Has anyone else found issues with the latest Nxlog V3.0.22 in terms of memory. I upgraded a test system on a client and it was usng spiking up to 40% of CPU whereease 2.10 did not do this. Also, is it possible to download 2.11.90 as the download link appears to have been removed. I even found this issue on Gitlab https://gitlab.com/nxlog-public/nxlog-ce/-/issues/17, however the link does not work. Does anyone know if there is a repository of releases? Cheers Cyberkryption

I would like to download the previous version and the link was removed.

You got it the file?