Error 26: unsupported certificate purpose

Tags: err: 26 | ssl/tls

#1 jstock

I am currently running into an issue receiving syslog over ssl/tls. I cannot figure it out for the life of me!

Version: CE-2.10.2150

Error: INFO SSL connection accepted from IP_ADDRESS:PORT ERROR SSL certificate verification failed: unsupported certificate purpose (err: 26) WARNING SSL connection closed from IP_ADDRESS:PORT

Config: <Input in> Module im_ssl Host Port 516 AllowUntrusted TRUE CAFile %CERTDIR%%CA-PEM% CertFile %CERTDIR%%CRT% CertKeyFile %CERTDIR%%KEY% KeyPass %PASSWORD% </Input>

#2 b0ti Nxlog ✓
#1 jstock
I am currently running into an issue receiving syslog over ssl/tls. I cannot figure it out for the life of me! Version: CE-2.10.2150 Error: INFO SSL connection accepted from IP_ADDRESS:PORT ERROR SSL certificate verification failed: unsupported certificate purpose (err: 26) WARNING SSL connection closed from IP_ADDRESS:PORT Config: <Input in> Module im_ssl Host Port 516 AllowUntrusted TRUE CAFile %CERTDIR%%CA-PEM% CertFile %CERTDIR%%CRT% CertKeyFile %CERTDIR%%KEY% KeyPass %PASSWORD% </Input>

ERROR SSL certificate verification failed: unsupported certificate purpose (err: 26)

You can dump the certificate with openssl x509 -text and check what it shows for the purpose. It probably wasn't issued properly.