Problem with Windows event log details

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I am evaluating NXLog using the Community Edition. I created input as shown below to monitor certain Windows events and forward them via email. Everything is working as expected except that $Message or $raw_event variables always return word "true" instead of actual details about the event. Is this a limitation of the CE or am I doing something else wrong? Many thanks in advance for your assistance.

<Input eventlog> Module im_msvistalog <QueryXML> <QueryList> <Query Id="0" Path="Application"> <Select Path="Application">[System[Provider[@Name='Symantec AntiVirus' or @Name='Symantec Network Protection']]]</Select> </Query> </QueryList> </QueryXML> <Exec> exec("c:/utils/mailsend.exe", "-to", "info@***.com", "-body", $raw_event, "-subject", "Symantec EPP Alert"); </Exec> </Input>